Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1377 Increase military expenditures

Meredith replied: "They are the black elves of the Iron Heel Kingdom... They originally occupied Obsidian City, a level 13 border city, but they were overtaken by the dwarves.

Now that the Iron Heel Kingdom and the dwarves have reached a reconciliation, the kingdom's army has been fully equipped with Obsidian City dwarf weapons, and the Five Color Flag Alliance has provided the Iron Heel Kingdom with cheap war equipment.

Although the black elves in the Iron Heel Kingdom also received our help, it was already too late. The Iron Hoof King's army occupied several major nodes, sealed off the space for the black elves' guerrillas, and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against them.

At this time, there were no large-scale black elf activities within the Iron Hoof Kingdom. "

After hearing this, Michael said: "The Five-Colored Flag is wooing the evil camp everywhere. It seems that every evil plane has their chess pieces. Warn all the planes of the good camp to beware of the infiltration of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance."

Meredith replied, "Yes, Archangel...I will inform our allies. What should the Iron Heel Kingdom do?"

Michael thought for a while and said: "Now we don't have much energy to take care of the endless maze, and a dungeon kingdom can't affect the overall situation.

The Iron Hoof Kingdom will be temporarily surrendered to the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, and we will then deal with the Five-Colored Flag after we finish the War in Furnace City.

Let Fegmina attack...

Command the World Factory to be ready to fight in hell at any time! "

"It's the Archangel!"

When Yunzhong City controlled the black elves and prepared to launch a new uprising, the shadow dragon Muir, who had completed the pacification of the black elves' rebellion in the kingdom, also came to Obsidian City again.

Diligence and perseverance are the virtues of dwarves. From the moment they settled in Obsidian City, the dwarves began to transform the underground city.

The hot sales of dwarf weapons allowed Obsidian City to quickly establish a stable financial chain. The most indispensable thing in the dungeon was stones. The dream of building a new home made the dwarves work day and night, and a fortress was built by the dwarves in the central city of Obsidian City. In their plan, this fortress will continue to be built upwards and dug downwards, and eventually a pure dwarf city will be built inside the fortress.

Moore misses the time when he ruled the city, but he also knows it will never come back.

The Ironhoof Kingdom requires dwarves to become members of the underground race.

Only those who have used dwarf weapons can realize that dwarf weapons are definitely more sophisticated than the rumors. The weapons produced by the dwarves of Obsidian City are the best among the best.

Moore was able to put down the black elf rebellion in the kingdom so quickly, and the dwarf weapons were indispensable.

While other kingdoms were still being beaten by the black elves, the Iron Hoof Kingdom was already preparing to expel the invading warlocks. The World Factory's army is more powerful than the black elves. The Iron Hoof Kingdom, having tasted the benefits of using dwarf weapons, decided to purchase more dwarf weapons to equip its underground king's army.

But dwarf weapons are easy to use and expensive. Even though Obsidian City gave the Iron Heel Kingdom a very big discount on arms sales, war, a money-burning thing, made the Iron Heel Kingdom's funds very tight.

Especially after the establishment of the first empire in the main world, the evil camp's Hell and the Kingdom of Death successively recognized the legitimacy of the empire. This made the Iron Heel Kingdom control many cities in the main world, but because it was afraid of offending the Five Color Flag Alliance, it changed its plundering. Very restrained.

This time Moore came to Obsidian City and was responsible for the future of the Endless Labyrinth. He wanted to contact the first empire of the main world through the dwarves. The kingdoms of hell and death must have received enough benefits if they were willing to recognize the First Empire. Although the Iron Hoof Kingdom does not represent the entire Endless Labyrinth, it still has a certain influence on the entire plane.

If Shangjiang can provide suitable conditions, the Iron Shoe Kingdom is also willing to recognize the legitimacy of the first empire in the main world and withdraw its troops from the main world.

When Moore arrived in Obsidian City, he was told that the King of the Hill was presiding over the encirclement and suppression of the elves and orcs coalition forces in Shangjiang, and Prince Feichen was negotiating with Michael in Hell. If he is in a hurry... he can go to Shangjiang and talk directly with Emperor Howard.

But Moore felt that Howard didn't understand the situation of the Endless Maze. Before formal negotiations, it would be best to meet the King of the Hill or Da Liang to exchange opinions from all parties.

News of Moore's defense of Obsidian City reached Daliang.

The King of the Hill can't get away now. After the negotiations with Michael were suspended, Daliang, who had nothing to do, decided to go to Obsidian City to meet his old friend Moore.

As the side-by-side king of the dwarves, although Daliang does not have as high a power as the King of the Hill among the dwarves, he has the same status as the King of the Hill.

Daliang, who returned to Obsidian City, met the visiting Moore in the castle of the city lord's palace.

Moore no longer had the resentment he had towards Daliang and the dwarves. Although he lost Obsidian City, he also ended his idle life for hundreds of years and started to lead the army again... which made him feel that losing a city was not necessarily a bad thing.

The dwarf castle is full of dwarf warriors wearing heavy armor and holding long-handled battle axes, standing beside the walls. Their presence not only improves the castle's defense capabilities, but also demonstrates the majesty of the dwarf king.

Moore saluted Daliang who was sitting on the throne, and then told him his purpose.

"Dear King Bingjian and Prince Feichen. Thanks to the dwarves and Shangjiang City for providing us with weapons and war equipment. With your help, I have recaptured all the kingdom cities occupied by the black elves. The black elves in the kingdom are rebelling very quickly. It will end.

The King's Army will turn into a war against the World Factory.

This is a larger war, so my king wants to increase the quota of dwarf weapons supplied to the Iron Heel Kingdom... But in order to support the first empire of the main world, we have stopped asking for the main world, so... our military expenditure is Became very nervous.

But the war must be fought, and we must take back the occupied territories.

So I would like to hear what good solutions do you have, Your Majesty? "

Moore's intention has been very obvious, that is, he wants to support the first empire of the main world in exchange for benefits for the Iron Shoe Kingdom. Anyway, if the first empire of the main world stands firm, it will no longer be able to seize the main world in the future; if the first empire of the main world finally perishes, it will not be too late to seize the main world at that time...

The most important thing now is to drive the World Factory's army out of the endless maze as soon as possible.

Daliang said: " old friend! I am very happy that His Majesty Song attaches great importance to the first empire of the main world. He is far more far-sighted than Michael.

But the First Empire needed the recognition of the Endless Labyrinth, not a kingdom within this plane. As the prince who can represent the first empire of the main world, you do not have the same identity as me in this negotiation.

As friends... there is no status difference between us. I am willing to do whatever I can to help friends who treat me sincerely.

The dwarves' weapon quota can be increased, and the Iron Heel Kingdom's war expenditures... can also be easily handled. "

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