Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1379 Everyone fights his own way

Daliang sent Moore away, and his grand chess game in the endless maze finally got back on track.

When the black elf rebellion began in the Endless Labyrinth, Da Liang had been paying attention to this race with great potential. Although their civilization is very backward, even inferior to that of orcs, black elves are born from elves, and there is innate nobility in the blood left to them by their ancestors.

The rise of the Black Elves is unstoppable. After capturing an Obsidian city, the system gave Ingram a level 16. After Ingram was sealed, Feigmina, who occupied Golden Cave City, also became the 16th-level mistress.

Whether the Black Elf race will have two level 16 heroes by default, or Fegmina is Ingram's compensation, it shows that the system's deduction is also to make the Black Elf officially become the mainstream race in the game world.

Now that Daliang has Monica and the Thorn River Black Elf Tribe, it would be a shame to not covet the entire Black Elf race.

At the beginning, everything went very smoothly...

The black elves are wreaking havoc in the dungeon kingdom. With their sneak attacks and high mobility, they have occupied a large area of ​​land in the core area of ​​the endless maze. It also successfully caused panic among the dungeon kings, who were determined to put down the black elf rebellion first, and then turn around to deal with the World Factory.

If the script develops as normal, the black elves do not have the ability to defend cities and attack and defend positions, and will inevitably be defeated and driven into the wilderness again. At that time, the Black Elves of Thorn River, who were ready to go, could take advantage of the chaos of the defeated Black Elf tribe to send troops to annex them all.

Finally, the Black Elf Kingdom was established in the wild area of ​​the endless maze.

But neither Daliang nor the dungeon kings expected that Yunzhong City would actually fund the black elves. Although the angels felt that they were doing it without anyone noticing, the sudden addition of heavy war weapons to the black elf army showed that they had found foreign support. A closer look at the source of their supplies revealed that they all came from the Yunzhong City-controlled area of ​​the Kingdom of Death.

With the funding from Yunzhong City, they may even have sent military advisors. The Black Elf's army suddenly transformed, and the Dungeon King's army, which was caught off guard, was hit hard. Not only did they not drive away the black elves, but more land was lost.

The Dungeon Kingdom is suffering from internal and external troubles. The Black Elves seem to be able to gain a foothold in the core area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth, and the Golden Cave City already has the foundation for establishing the Black Elf Kingdom.

This is obviously not in Daliang's interests!

Now in the entire Endless Labyrinth, only the Iron Shoe Kingdom has spare troops to suppress the black elves. Of course, Da Liang cannot let them attack the World Factory.

If you want dwarven weapons, you can increase the quota. If you want military expenses, you can give them... free of charge.

As long as the Iron Heel Kingdom fights with the black elves, it can give them anything.

Enough interest has allowed the Iron Hoof Kingdom to re-target the Black Elves in its new campaign.

Golden Cave City at this time.

Defeating the Darkwing Kingdom's attack, Feigmina defended the territory she occupied. Now... there are black elves coming to Golden Cave City to join the tribe every day. The Golden Cave tribe's military strength is getting stronger and stronger, and Feigmina's ambitions are also getting bigger and bigger.

The supreme angel Meredith brought Michael's order, but Feigmina asked instead: "The black elves who have surrendered to me... are already very, very many, and now my tribe is full of calls to establish a black elf kingdom.

I also feel that...if I command the entire Black Elf race as the Black Elf Queen, it will make the Black Elf gather the scattered sand into solid stone.

Just like the first empire of the main world.

The main world, which was originally plundered casually, now has the confidence to fight against the good camp. If the Black Elves establish a kingdom, I am confident that the Endless Labyrinth will become the Black Elves' plane.

Of course... this is inseparable from the support of Yunzhong City. At least you must help me contain those 16th-level dungeon kings. "

No matter how backward the civilization of the black elves was, Feigmina knew that establishing a kingdom of black elves was not an easy task. The kings of the underground city will definitely not admit that even if they ignore the World Factory, they will try their best to destroy the Black Elf Kingdom.

And the reaction from the evil camp...

The Endless Maze is one of the four main planes that make up the evil camp. If the black elves accept the funding from Cloud City, the evil camp will not let the endless maze fall into the hands of the black elves.

Therefore, if Fegmina wants to realize her ambition, she must obtain the public support of Yunzhong City.

After finishing her political demands, Feigmina added: "As long as Cloud City is willing to accept the black elves, my kingdom can join the good camp."

Meredith refused very simply: "Yunzhong City will not admit any relationship with the black elves... Shangjiang established the empire and was recognized by the kingdom of hell and death because they gave money and there were five colors behind it. Flag Alliance.

What could the Dark Elves pay us for irritating Dreamland?

Dark elves are evil from the very core...

Of course you build a country... We neither support nor oppose it. If you want to build a kingdom, I suggest you show your strength first.

Look what Shangjiang is doing...

Sunshine City in the World of Heroes is a city destined to be destroyed in everyone's eyes, and this city is not a strategic location and is dispensable to Shang Jiang.

However, faced with the siege of ten human cities, Lord Daliang of the Judgment Lord continued to increase his troops to Sunshine City.

Did I tell you... Daliang is negotiating with Archangel Michael, and this war is him showing his strength to Yunzhong City. In this world, fists are always respected.

The purpose of my coming here has just been stated...

The archangel orders you to launch an attack on the Dungeon Kingdom immediately. She wants to see the results of funding the black elves during this period. If you perform well, we have more difficult tasks for you.

Please don't question the Archangel's order. Since we can help you, we can kill you!

We can also pay you for completing your tasks. "

The hope of establishing a kingdom and seeking support from Yunzhong City was dashed.

Figmina was unhappy, but she could not get angry. Yunzhong City controls the source of the Black Elves' war supplies. Before the Black Elves can be self-sufficient, they still need to provide for these arrogant and annoying guys.

"Yunzhong City has helped the black elves, and it is also right for us to do something to help Yunzhong City.

However... the war that just ended consumed our few supplies. If we want to actively attack the Darkwing Kingdom, we need more weapons, war equipment, and alchemy equipment.

There are also food, fruits, wine...

Yunzhong City must provide us with free assistance! After everything we wanted was delivered, I immediately sent troops to attack the Darkwing Kingdom. "

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