Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1380 Black and White

Meredith, sunny and beautiful. As the most beautiful angel, she is surrounded by countless praises. Compared to the dark underground world, she prefers to be in the clouds high above, watching the mortals who are fascinated by her.

The arrogant Meredith looked down on the backward and arrogant black elf. If it weren't for Michael's order, she would never say a word to Figmina.

Now that Figmina has agreed to send troops to attack the Dark Wing Kingdom, Meredith has completed the task assigned by the Archangel: "Yes... Cloud City can fund some of the war supplies in Golden Cave City.

I also hope that you will not be lazy in this war, because it is related to...

Will Cloud City help you occupy the entire Darkwing Kingdom in the next stage of the war? "

Fegmina really wanted to get some aid first, and then open up battlefields in a few unimportant places without any effort to deal with the tasks assigned by Yunzhong City.

Although the strength of Golden Cave City is not what it used to be, there is a big difference in strength between it and the Kingdom of Shadows. Fegmina is not willing to go head-to-head with the Kingdom of Shadows at this time. After all, those who died are her own soldiers. Cloud City I won't feel bad.

However, when Meredith said that Cloud City was willing to help the Dark Elves capture the entire Darkwing Kingdom, it meant something different.

Fegmina asked: "Are you telling the truth?"

As for Fergmina's greed, Meredith said disdainfully: "Angels are different from dark elves. Going back on one's word is not the character of an angel.

Fight this battle beautifully, and everything you want... will be available.

Okay...that’s it for the trip to Golden Cave City. I also want to go to the black elf groups in other dungeon kingdoms to let them fight. If you want to fight, fight with greater force. "

Meredith left Golden Cave City and went to the other five dungeon kingdoms to persuade all the dark elves who received funding from Cloud City to launch this war, so that World Factory could free up troops to go to Hell's Forge City to participate in the war.

At the same time... the Iron Shoe Kingdom received the funds provided by Shangjiang City and used all the money to purchase dwarf weapons and war equipment and other materials for war. Moore is commanding his army to march to the border. This elite dungeon king's army, which eliminated the local black elf rebellion, is about to head to the nearby dungeon kingdom to regain the "lost territory".

A war is brewing in the endless maze that will affect the entire plane, and the fuse can be detonated at any time.

In the main world, Angela also completed the layout of regional space interference.

The Yangtze River, East China Sea, and Taihu Lake formed a natural encirclement in the Shangjiang area. The elves and orcs who invaded the main world were trapped in this encirclement. Defending the city of NJ will block the intersection for them to escape to the west, and defending the city of Hang Z will block the intersection for them to escape to the south.

Under Howard's order, all the cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River that had joined the First Empire of the main world mobilized troops to these two areas to participate in the first battle of the founding of the First Empire.

The time has come to encircle and suppress the coalition of elves and orcs, and Howard held a royal meeting in the imperial palace.

Angela was invited to sit next to Daliang.

As the imperial prime minister, Daliang had the responsibility to preside over the meeting. He first saluted Howard and then said: "Before the meeting officially begins, we would like to thank King Angela. Without the support of King Angela, I am afraid we would not be able to complete the main task." A feat for the first time in the existence of the world.”

There was warm applause at the meeting.

Angela was in a very good mood. She would not get such treatment or enjoy such respect in Melting Pot City.

After the conference room gradually became quiet, Howard, who had been expressionless, took the lead and said: "Of course... we can't forget the disaster that King Angela once caused here..."

The nobles attending the meeting were very surprised. Why did Howard say such things at this time?

Angela indeed caused disaster in Shangjiang City. If it hadn't been for Daliang, Shangjiang City would have turned into a slaughterhouse.

At that time...she controlled William.

First, the King of East China Sea died mysteriously, and then there was the purge of the Shangjiang nobles... Even Howard's family was slaughtered by William in that turmoil.

It can be said that among the human nobles here, all of their relatives were killed at that time.

The nobles in Shangjiang all hated Angela, but this time they really needed Angela to help eliminate the elves and orcs, so everyone suppressed their hatred and forced a smile in front of Angela, wearing a mask of gratitude.

Howard's words revealed all the illusions...

Angela, who was feeling a little carried away, did not expect that Howard would say such inappropriate words on such an occasion. She knew that both Howard and Daliang were at level 16, and together with the other level 16 heroes from the Five Color Flags Alliance... this time there was a bit of misfortune!

Angela's whole body became tense, ready to run away from here at any moment. She asked sharply to Daliang beside her: "Daliang... what do you mean by this? Do you want to arrest me?"

You should know...without me presiding over the magic circle, none of you have the ability to interfere with the space of the entire war zone. "

Compared with everyone present, Daliang looked very relaxed. He said to Angela with a smile: "Don't be so nervous... If we want to arrest you, we won't say anything.

Your Majesty's meaning is very obvious. We can see your contribution to the first empire of the main world, and we will not forget the crimes you committed against Shangjiang.

So many people have died, including His Majesty's close relatives. We can't choose to forget because of your merits, right?

Now... while everyone is here, let's talk about the conflicts openly, say what you have to say, don't hide it and worry about it, and after everything is explained clearly, we will be a family from now on.

Angela, you don’t want anyone to stab you in the back because of this in the future. "

Killing is instinctive for the hell race. When she came to Shangjiang City again, Angela really didn't feel that she had failed the common people and nobles of this city before.

But Angela also knows that the values ​​​​of the human race are very different from the values ​​​​of Hell, especially the human race in the main world, who value family and family more...

Howard played the bad guy, Daliang played the white face... Angela finally knew what the two of them wanted to do in this meeting.

As a vested interest in the Shangjiang Purge, Daliang can accept Angela. Howard is a far-sighted ruler, and he can also suppress the hatred in his heart for the benefit of Shangjiang and the future. But... what will the nobles think of Angela?

Under external threats, the nobles turned to Angela to hide their hatred. But in the future... after the regime is stabilized, will anyone bring up the darkest moment again and demand that Angela be punished?

One is a level 16 hero and an important ally of Hell; the other is the cornerstone of the empire's rule.

Once a commotion breaks out...the consequences will be disastrous.

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