Start with an Archangel

Chapter 138 Disciplined Forces

On a flat land east of the gravel camp south of Shangjiang City, knights on horseback arrived one after another through the night.

These are all players who signed up to join the High School Alliance Judgment Quick Response Force. Since the return point is located in Shangjiang City or nearby, they rushed over as soon as they received Daliang's selection information. Some of them were grateful for their luck and could easily pass the first test for selection of the rapid reaction force; others were anxious to contact their friends who signed up with them and ask them where they had gone.

At the beginning, the gathering point could still maintain a certain order, but as the number of players gradually increased, the long and boring wait made some impatient players unable to sit still.

"Why hasn't Da Liang come here yet? There are probably more than 2,000 people here now, and the ruling only accepted 1,000 people. What are you waiting for for those who haven't come? Let's start directly..."

"Yes, I'm only halfway through my mission. I rushed here when I saw the message. Now I have to wait for such a long time. If I can't complete my mission, who will compensate me!"

Some players who were waiting to spawn monsters and had tasks in hand began to make noises, demanding that the selection start immediately. But those players who have friends who haven't felt it yet are reluctant.

There was a quarrel between the two sides, and then soldiers were about to be released to take action.

At this time, an eagle cry came from the sky, and then there was the sound of a large creature flying in the air. Everyone in the assembly point suddenly fell silent. The players looked up at the night sky, only to see a huge figure emerging from the black screen, and the strong wind blew down from the sky.

It was a royal griffin, its broad wings flapping so that its body was suspended in the air, and a knight sat on its back.

No matter when and where, seeing such majestic mounts can make people yearn for them infinitely, especially when current players can only look up to them.

The players automatically made way for the Royal Griffin to land, and they wondered which famous boss the player with the Royal Griffin was. Because it is known that Daliang, who has a large number of royal griffons, is a human priest, but this is a human knight wearing armor, and a female knight.

But the female knight who arrived riding the Royal Griffin did not land. She took off her helmet, leaned forward and lay on the back of the Royal Griffin, and looked at the players below with the eyes of an instructor looking at new recruits. He chuckled and said: "I didn't want to come originally, but my master asked me to train you. Now it seems that you are so unorganized and undisciplined that you really need to be trained properly. Now give it to me Line up the team neatly and stand according to the military posture you learned during the previous military training. If anyone dares to move, I will not be polite."

The players shouted: "Who are you..."

Da Liang rode the Silver Pegasus and Xu Man, who rode the Royal Griffin, flew higher in the sky. Below was the gathering place for the Judgment Quick Response Force. Players sent by Xu Man to assist in the selection had already lit torches in the four circles of the gathering place. Inside the aperture are players standing upright.

The arrogant Shu Xiao flew at the front of the team riding a royal griffon, holding a small crossbow in his hand. He would shoot at any player who made any small moves: "I can't even stand well in the game. This is not physical fitness." The problem is that you want to challenge my authority. The ruling rapid reaction force is an army, not for you to show your personal temper. The commander's orders must be implemented to the letter. If you dare to provoke me, I will let you out. .Now you can leave..."

The orc player who was hit by the arrow immediately yelled: "Who do you think you are? Daliang's apprentice is amazing. Then the royal griffon was also a gift from Daliang. Let us stand in military posture when we come. We will stand there for several hours." , this is a game, really think of it as an army. Players compete to see who has a high level and good equipment. Standing straight is useless. Are you standing still and waiting to be cut down? I am level 16, and I am wearing a blue soldier ordnance. The gold equipment of this ax has four hungry wolf fighters in the soldier card. I have been invited by many player organizations, but I have not joined. I signed up for Judgment just to be able to PK frequently. If you have the ability, come and fight with me. Don’t you dare Just don’t chirp there.”

Shu Xiao said with a smile: "I am too lazy to fight with people like you. Let me reiterate again, the ruling is a disciplinary force, and everything is required of every member in accordance with military standards. Now before Daliang arrives, I am The only person here who can give orders, and you just need to complete my instructions without hesitation. If you want to enter the ruling... don't treat this as a game. The most important indicator to measure whether you meet the entry criteria is your ability to execute orders. . Now I order..."

Shu Xiao looked at the players who were staring at him, pointed at the orc player and said, "Players around that orc will kill him immediately!"

"you dare……"

Before the orc player could say anything, the players around him immediately waved their weapons and released spells, killing him into a white light in the blink of an eye.

"Did you see that? This is called ordinary man's courage..."

Xu Man, who was looking down from a high altitude, was shocked by Shu Xiao's tactics. She asked Daliang: "Where did you get such a tough apprentice? How could she take care of more than ten thousand people so easily?" They were obedient. Look at the few players who took action. They didn’t hesitate when they started. After killing people, they went back and stood still... Awesome, awesome..."

Da Liang didn't expect Shu Xiao to be so good at disciplining players. His original idea was to watch Shu Xiao's jokes here first. When Shu Xiao couldn't suppress these players, he made a high-profile appearance and killed several thorny players with thunder to show his strength and absolute authority in this team.

Well...that's what the book says.

Now that Shu Xiao has casually trained these players to be so obedient, Daliang is not in a hurry to show up. He said to Xu Man: "Her name is Shu Xiao. I bought her for 5,000 yuan. Now she is my apprentice and part-time bodyguard, landlord, chef, driver, and thug. It seems that I do not need to personally manage the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force." ”

Xu Man said with a smile: "Bought it for 5,000 yuan? It's so cheap, why don't you buy one for me too?"

Daliang laughed and said, "I'll help Sister Man next time. Please pay attention. Is the camera crew here?"

Xu Man said: "They are all here already. I spent a lot of money to rent the highest standard shooting equipment from the official website of the game, and twenty shooting teams followed the scene in three dimensions without blind spots. If the archangel you mentioned did not come, If you let me go, all the money will be yours."

Daliang said: "Don't worry, your money will never be wasted. The archangel has arrived."

Xu Man quickly looked around, but couldn't see anything in the dark night.

Recommend a riding and slashing novel "The Riding and Cutting Horse Conquers the World"

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