Start with an Archangel

Chapter 139 All the extras are here

As time goes by, those players who signed up to join the Judgment Quick Response Force are still arriving one after another. The new players were obviously startled when they saw the upright players standing motionless in the gathering area. They stepped forward to ask what happened, but no one answered.

Players who were confused about the situation had no choice but to stand still.

But the moment they stood up straight, these players, who were originally students, immediately felt as if they were back when they were in military training. Under the scorching sun, he stood the same way, letting the sweat roll down, but he did not dare to move rashly under the instructor's gaze.

At this time, I can feel that my mind and body are searching for their limits. Looking back on how I persisted at that time, it may be the spirit given by the neat and loose queue.

At this moment, Da Liang also suddenly discovered the benefits of student soldiers.

The student player group may not be as rich as salaried players, nor may they be as high-level or as well-equipped as full-time or semi-professional players. However, discipline is something those people do not have. The student player group has been accepting collective life since elementary school, and is more receptive to group activities. In terms of the ability to complete instructions, except for active military personnel, no one can be better than them.

Active-duty soldiers are definitely not allowed to play games, so once a large-scale war occurs in the game, the student army's advantages in teamwork and discipline execution will completely explode.

Thinking of this, Daliang looked at Xu Man and found that Xu Man was also looking at him. He said: "I think you now have an army that can be invincible in the game. I am afraid that there is no such thing in the world as the Shangjiang University Alliance. A huge group composed of students. When the student army begins to show its power, it will be divided. Organizations like the University Alliance with hundreds of thousands of students will not appear again in the future."

Xu Man also smiled and said: "But now this army does not completely belong to me. Are you interested in helping me take off the title of deacon and add the title of consul of the Shangjiang University Alliance?"

Daliang smiled and said: "The word deacon and consul are exactly the same, but I don't know how many fights it will cause. I will try my best. Huh? It seems that the players who came from Chongming City to prevent the fire have already arrived."

In the night, a long team of players ran over. Due to the different speeds of the horses, the players who came first had stopped beside the judgment assembly area, and the players behind were still riding their horses very far away. run.

"The Gravel Camp is not far ahead. Let's gather here first. When the NPC army attacks the Gravel Camp, we will go there to prevent the fire."

"Yes, yes, wait for the people behind. If we rush over like this, we will die."

"You guys wait here for a moment. I signed up to join the Judgment Rapid Counterattack Force. The assembly time is coming soon. I'm going to report first... Fortunately, the assembly point is here. Otherwise, it's really hard to choose between joining the Judgment and doing a mission with such a high reward. .”

After that, people in twos and threes walked from the fire prevention team to the judgment assembly area and stood with other players.

The team of players coming for fire prevention stopped next to the assembly point of the Judgment Quick Response Force. As the players behind them arrived, the number of this group of people was rapidly increasing.

At this time, the number of people participating in the selection of the Judgment Quick Reaction Force was close to 20,000. It was so dark that the players who came to set fire to compare with them were like putting a small mouse on the side of the notebook.

"I don't think we need to use Archangels, we can persuade these three thousand players to go back." Da Liang chatted with Xu Man in the sky while searching for Gu Tao. Only then did he realize that he was with Gu Tao has never met her in the game, so she naturally doesn't know what her game character looks like, and she can't see clearly from such a high place.

"You dare, be careful, I will chop you to death right now." Xu Man shook the knight sword in her hand. Like Shu Xiao, she was a human knight in the game.

"I'm just kidding. I created such a big battle. If I don't wipe out all 3,000 players, wouldn't it be a waste of the precious time of so many players. This battle can be regarded as the memorial flag for the establishment of the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force. I'm going now Get ready, does Sister Man want to come with you?"

Xu Man waved his hand: "No, the ruling rapid reaction force belongs to you, so I will not participate. I will wait here for the archangel you mentioned to appear."

"Okay, I'll prepare the theater right now. Just ask the camera crew to start filming."

Da Liang pressed the silver Pegasus's head, and his whole body immediately followed the Pegasus and fell downwards without weight.

It has to be said that the Silver Pegasus can indeed set off the slightly elegant temperament of spellcasting professionals better than the Royal Griffin. When Daliang landed on the Silver Pegasus, the human priest's attire really looked like a magician, and he immediately became The focus of the audience.

"I won't say more nonsense. Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with your performance. However, the number of the Judgment Quick Response Force established by the College Alliance is only 1,000 people, so we have to continue to select better ones among you. Of course, don’t be discouraged even if you are eliminated in future selections, because the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force cannot only stay at the scale of a thousand people. As the alliance’s funds become more abundant and there are more and more combat needs, the Judgment Force’s Enrollment expansion is an inevitable trend. Therefore, I hope that in the next selection, you can show your current mental outlook and get good results. Even if you are eliminated, you will become our first choice for the next expansion of enrollment. Now put your Your name will be displayed overhead and our record keeping staff will take a photo and then identify and register your name."

While the recorders were busy taking pictures, Shu Xiao came over and asked, "Didn't you say there was a combat mission? You've been wasting me for so long. I'm upgrading around the clock now, and I'm just waiting to see that elf hero next time. Orbit, defeat him and capture him.”

Da Liang looked at the team of arson players who were still gathering on the side, and said to Shu Xiao: "If there is a combat mission, there will be a combat mission. When did I lie to you? Wait, let's wait until the group of players next to us arrive. start fighting."

Shu Xiao also looked at the players on the side and realized something: "It's still a collaborative combat mission, who should I fight?"

"Yes, coordinated operations. You will know in a moment..."

Because there were too many players who successfully entered the second round of selection, the recording staff took photos slowly. No matter how Shu Xiao asked, Daliang just didn't say anything and waited patiently.

The 3,000 arson players gradually arrived, and the ten Pegasus knights who followed began to urge the team to move towards the gravel camp. At this time, the feint attack force lurking from the other direction should have entered the attack position?

Seeing signs of action from the arson team, those players who had missions and were judging the pre-selected troops shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, our side is about to end, you wait for us. "

"Yes, registration will be completed soon. Boss Daliang...when can we disband?"

Daliang said: "Call sir!"

"Sir Daliang, when will we disband?"

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