"Disbanded?" Daliang looked at the team that was ready to take action, and smiled: "Today's test has yet to complete the last assessment. How can it be disbanded?"

Is there one last assessment? Players who passed the first round have started to register, so why is there still one final assessment? What is this last assessment?

The player's arsonist troops were already on the move. They were passing by the Judgment Preliminary Team. Da Liang entered the range channel and said in it: "The last task I give you is... to eliminate this troop coming from your side."

In the message box that appeared with Da Liang's words, the players of the Judgment Preliminary Team turned to look at the player troops passing by them. The player arson team also stopped and turned to look at the Judgment Preliminary Team beside them. The two player teams were looking at each other face to face.

Eye contact travels through the air.

"What's happening here?"

"I don't know, I seem to want to kill you."

Just before the players could figure out the situation, the sky was bright, and the burst of white light almost illuminated the entire night sky, and also illuminated the ground below like a spotlight.

In the center of this strong light, an archangel wearing angel armor stood in the air, spreading the white wings behind her, sacred and beautiful.

Just when the players were surprised that this ultimate creature would appear here, and unconsciously took pictures to mark this memorable moment, the archangel leaned forward and swooped down from the air, dragging a long trail behind her. Light tail.

Like a shooting star flying down in the night sky, the light she emits is brighter and more dazzling. She raised the angel's sword, which represented punishment, and brought judgment from heaven.

This is Julian. At Daliang's request, she took off the hood that originally covered her face, revealing her face and golden hair, because "because beautiful female angels can stimulate the hormones of male players, especially when beautiful female angels When killing people, it can stimulate the male players to show their sexual desire."

Of course, this is all to meet the needs of shooting and publicity work.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack," the Pegasus knights who saw the archangel first warned loudly. They lined up in the air in panic and shouted to the players below: "Prepare magic attacks, the enemy only has one archangel. , we can defeat her.”

The players who accepted the task of setting fire cursed in their hearts: "What a fart victory... this is obviously an ambush."


I don't know who shouted something, and the players immediately ran away, clicking to return to the city while running, but the response they received was "Because you have entered the war zone, you cannot use the return option to leave the battlefield."



Archangel Julian fell from the sky and knocked away the array of Pegasus knights. His momentum continued unabated until a large crater was blown on the ground. At this time, only five of the ten Pegasus knights were left. indivual.

Julian flew up again from the big hole she was knocked out of, and her pure body prevented her from taking up any dust. Ignoring the Pegasus knight who flew away for his life, Julian, who received Da Liang's instructions, turned his target to the fleeing players.

Swords flew, and scores of players died.

At this time, the players of the Judgment Preliminary Team finally reacted to the shock of the arrival of the Archangel.

This is the ultimate military unit of the human race, the guardian of the human race. In the past, players could only occasionally see the angels flying across the sky from afar, and excitedly take photos to share with friends. Now an archangel is right in front of you, and that dominant image deeply shocks every player present.

The important thing is that this is still an Archangel MM, a beautiful and outrageous Archangel MM. Now this Archangel MM has gone on a killing spree, casually collecting one, two, three, four and five drops of blood. The hearts of the players have begun. Screaming, a violent roar came from their mouths, and most of the players rushed towards Julian's legs.

The players of the Judgment Preliminary Team launched a charge, and countless magic and weapons flew towards the players who had just made eye contact.

A large number of various soldiers were released, and a battle suddenly broke out.

The archangel flying at low altitude and high speed collided back and forth, and the wind pressure knocked down every approaching creature. Any gathering of players was immediately impacted by her. The dance of the big sword set off white lights that represented the player's death, but the few counterattacks could not catch up with the flashing figure.

The players from the Arson Team were quickly routed, while the players from the Judgment Preliminary Team surged up like a tide. Players and soldiers from both sides fought in a melee. The only sign that could distinguish friends from enemies was the Judgment Preliminary Team members. Name above head.

The smart arsonists quickly revealed their names, and those players who were stupid and reckless were quickly killed and returned to the city.

On the regional channel, the players who were killed quickly started to curse.




Daliang, who had been crowned with multiple titles, responded: "I just publicly supported Shangjiang City, and you guys came here to set fire to me. Aren't you here to die? The event is over. All members of the ruling preliminaries can leave. Remember today's harvest." , and be ready for the second selection at any time.”

The players did not leave immediately. Although all the enemies had been wiped out, they still stood there looking up at the sky above. It was the archangel who was fighting alongside them just now, so let’s call it a day...

During the melee between players, Julian was afraid of accidentally injuring her own friendly forces, so she no longer launched attacks. She stood in the air like a holy statue, with only her wings slowly flapping, and on the edge of the wings, light slipped down like water. .

Until the end of the battle, the rising sun in the east was revealed, and the sunlight still couldn't weaken the angel's light at all. It wasn't until the players below saw enough that the bright light allowed Julian to slowly rise to an invisible height, and then returned to the sky. Dust Island.

A long night.

One post and one battle restored almost all the players who had originally turned to Chongming City to their original appearance.

Although Feishauzushi responded after Daliang sent out the war post, as Daliang said, "No picture, no truth." He was too far away from Shangjiang City, and the information he gave and the inferences he made were far inferior to the photos Daliang released. Shocking.

Moreover, Daliang's declaration to defend the main city of the human race also made all human players return to Shangjiang City. If there really is no main city of the human race in China, how can the human players have the face to face players of other races?

Of course, there are also many players who are superstitious about Shi Fei, because the many strategies written by Shi Fei show his extraordinary understanding and sharp vision of the game. Each strategy is regarded as a holy book by many players, making Shi Fei worthy of " The titles "World's No. 1 Lord" and "World's No. 1 Player" are given.

Therefore, although Daliang listed important secrets to prove his point of view, many people still believed that what Feishanzushishi said must be right, because he never missed it.

In short, Shi Fei did not let all the players in the Shangjiang area go to Chongming City, and Daliang did not pull them all back to Shangjiang City. The first air confrontation between the two seemed to end in a draw.

But the information Shi Fei gave in his final response left Daliang with a lump in his throat. He really couldn't figure out why Shi Fei was so convinced that the elves would replace the humans here when the situation in Shangjiang was clearly developing in a favorable direction for Shangjiang City.

"Senior brother Daliang, what are you thinking about?" A soft female voice sounded behind Daliang.

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