Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1382 Restart Negotiations

Regarding the Shangjiang Massacre, we have already made it very clear. Angela's crime against Shangjiang was not a necessary condition. She just accelerated the process and gathered together the people William wanted to kill after usurping the throne.

Now, Howard, who all his relatives died in the purge, accepted Angela's apology. Daliang, who personally put down the riot, also accepted Angela's apology, and the two kings expressed their attitudes.

As long as a level 16 hero is willing to join the camp, let the past hatred pass.

The nobles and ministers of Shangjiang City expressed their attitudes one after another, and everyone was willing to accept Angela's apology.

Daliang said: "Okay... After we have solved the troubles that have troubled everyone, we can truly face the unknown and dangerous future together.

Now, regardless of whether Yunzhong City will recognize our First Empire, I will destroy the coalition of elves and orcs that invaded the main world this time. Please ask His Majesty, the King of the Hill, to explain to us the tactical arrangements for this decisive battle..."

The imperial meeting got down to business, and the estrangement caused by Angela disappeared.

The King of the Hill asked the palace attendants to unfold the battlefield situation diagram on the table, then picked up the command stick and pushed the models representing the enemy's and ours' troops to their positions.

"At this time, the Arbitration Angel is in NJ City, Holy Bella is in Hang Z City, plus me and His Majesty Howard..." The King of the Hill looked at Angela and said: "Adding King Angela, we have five 16 There are only four heroes in the elves and orcs alliance. In the 16th-level confrontation, we have certain advantages, but we do not have an overwhelming advantage.

Therefore, the war still needs to be resolved through conventional military confrontation.

When the general siege begins, King Angela will preside over the space interference in the entire war zone to prevent Yunzhong City from assisting the enemy in retreating. Then NJ City and Hang Z City sent troops at the same time to exert pressure on the west and south sides of the elves and orcs coalition forces.

After Wadsworth discovers that the war zone space has been interfered with by us, he will definitely lead his troops to break out and find another location where Cloud City can open the portal. But with the Yangtze River to the north and the East China Sea to the east, they could only break out west or south.

Arbitration and Holy Bella have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of blocking the elves and orcs from breaking out from these two directions.

Howard and I will lead our troops to attack from Songjiang City and Jiading City respectively, and use the strongest impact to carry out a penetrating attack on the two enemy groups.

Duke Joshua was responsible for leading the armies of Jiading City, Baoshan City and Chongming City to attack the orc army outside Jiading City from the flank.

Monica is responsible for leading the armies of Songjiang City, Nanhui City, and Fengxian City to attack the elf army outside Songjiang City from the flanks.

In this battle, we must ignore the losses and complete the division of the elves orcs as quickly as possible. Determine the outcome of the entire war before the good camp responds and carries out rescue operations.

The only thing I'm worried about now is the Dreamland and Stone Wilderness. When they find out that the space teleportation ability of Cloud City has been interfered with by us, will they send reinforcements?

They cannot send a large-scale army, but a small-scale elite can still do it, especially under the command of a level 16 hero, which will cause great interference to our combat plan. "

Now both Dreamland and Stone Wilderness believe that Cloud City will help the Elf Orc Expeditionary Force at the critical moment, but Angela and her war zone space interference will dispel their illusions. When the elves and orcs find that Cloud City cannot open the door to them, they will definitely concentrate their efforts to break out and find a new transfer point.

At this time, there were no extra high-level heroes in Shangjiang to contain the elite forces of these two high-level planes.

Daliang said: "Leave it to me to contain the Dream Realm and the Stone Wilderness... The Kingdom of Death has several occupied areas in the Dream Realm. The Death Monarchs will launch attacks on the elves to prevent the Elf King from coming to the main world. .

As for...Stone Wilderness?

Let the swamps deal with it and give them a sum of money. Those swamp trainers will definitely be willing to go to the Stone Wilderness to cause some trouble.

Even if the Dreamland and Stone Wilderness really withstand the pressure and send reinforcements to the main world and bring one or two level 16 heroes... we should be able to handle it. "

The King of the Hill said: "It's no problem to have two level 16s."

The big war strategy was approved by Howard, and the King of the Hill began to arrange the details of the war. Howard, who was also an excellent commander, added what the King of the Hill could not consider.

The decisive battle plan was arranged layer by layer in the hands of each level of commander, and the army of the first empire of the main world waited for the moment of the general attack order.

Daliang first went to the Kingdom of Death and then to the swamps. After a satisfactory recovery, he finally returned to Michael's Cross Sky Fortress.

At this time, Michael also completed all arrangements for the raid on Furnace City.

In this raid on the Furnace City, Michael summoned four supreme angels, including himself and Gabriel. The World of Heroes and Cloud City will once again send an elite army to the vicinity of Furnace City at the beginning of the war.

At the same time, the armies of World Factory, Dreamland, and Stone Wilderness have also been prepared, and they can be quickly teleported to the surroundings of Furnace City as soon as the war breaks out.

There are two level 16 heroes in each of the three planes participating in the battle. Together with the four supreme angels from Yunzhong City, there will be as many as ten level 16 heroes participating in the attack on Melting City.

The good camp will launch the largest camp-level decisive battle since the outbreak of the plane war.

All supplies for the war have been prepared and are spread throughout the fortresses on the lava river, allowing the good camp to launch an attack on the Furnace City from any position.

At that time, the entire lava river was filled with troops attacking the Furnace City. Michael could already imagine Lucifer's expression when facing the surprise attack.

He wants to ask for help?

How much power can the Kingdom of Death and the Endless Labyrinth have to come to hell to participate in the war... and the swamps, they will never move without money.

As long as the evil camp cannot support the Crucible City on a large scale, the good camp can lay siege to the city for reinforcements and ruthlessly drain the blood of the evil camp around the Melting Pot City.

Everything is in place and ready to go.

In the name of restarting negotiations, Michael once again summoned Daliang, the envoy of the first empire of the main world.

This time, Michael did not wear human clothes anymore. She put on the angel armor again and stretched her blazing wings to her heart's content. At the negotiation table, Michael continued to speak to Daliang in the attitude of a higher being: "The war in Sunny Plains made me impressed by the combat effectiveness and fighting will of your army.

Maybe I should re-examine the position of the main world in my heart, and the empire you established can also become an equal plane to the world of heroic spirits.

I am willing to cancel those provisions that target the evil camp, and I also believe that your hearts yearn for goodness.

But I hope you can let go of the surrounded elves and orcs. During the negotiations with you, the dreamland and the stone wilderness put a lot of pressure on me. After all, we are all members of the good camp.

Another request is...Give me Sunshine City, this is about my face. "

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