Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1383 Peace Talks

Now that Michael is ready to attack the Furnace City, the Five Color Flag Alliance should be stable. In her meeting with Daliang, she expressed her readiness to accept the establishment of the first empire in the main world, and made major concessions on the terms that she had been arguing about.

The two new conditions she proposed at the same time can be regarded as an attitude of seeking peace.

The first empire of the main world surrounded the elves and orcs coalition, and the elves and orcs coalition could also become a nail for the good camp to drive to the edge of the Shangjiang River. The First Empire can encircle and annihilate this army, and the good camp can also use this army to attack Shangjiang City.

In the negotiations with Daliang, Michael never mentioned the alliance of elves and orcs. In fact, he threatened the First Empire with war... Now that Michael has proposed a truce, he is actively seeking peace.

The other is the war in Sunshine City.

Ten human cities in the World of Heroes besieged a city under Daliang. The war almost turned over the land outside Sunshine City. The city was also beaten and only broken walls were left, with no complete parts visible. The attack and defense of strategic magic appeared many times in the war, and both sides paid unimaginable losses.

The defenders of Sunshine City have changed a wave, from the main force of the human race to the main force of the elven army, but the city is still in the hands of Da Liang.

If Michael wants to change the direction of the war, he cannot leave the war situation here without an ending.

Taking the initiative to retreat means admitting defeat, which means that the world of heroic spirits cannot defeat the first empire of the main world. Of course, Michael cannot give the outside world the impression that the world of heroic spirits will not fight.

Through Michael's changes, Daliang also realized that the good camp was ready for war.

As for letting go of the elves and orcs coalition forces... the order for a general attack has been issued to all combat units of the imperial army, and the arrow has to be fired when the arrow is on the string. The First Empire wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. It used this first battle to establish its prestige and sacrifice its flag. How could it possibly let go of this invading army?

Moreover, Daliang also knew that Michael had no sincerity at all. Should he let this army go and wait for them to fight back later?

Daliang replied: "Dream Realm invaded the main world and joined forces with Stone Wilderness to attack Shangjiang City. This has nothing to do with the camp's position. The elves and orcs must pay the price for their rudeness. Since they started a war, they must Be prepared to be eliminated.

However, since the Archangel mediates this war, we cannot destroy the normal progress of establishing diplomatic relations with the good camp because of this incident.

The archangel can tell King Wadsworth that we can let him and the orc army go, but the Dreamland and Stone Wilderness need to agree to a few conditions. "

Michael's purpose in proposing a truce was to allow the first empire of the main world to relax its pressure on the elves and orcs, so that they could complete the plane transition as quickly as possible. She asked: "What conditions... tell me."

“First: The troops invaded by elves and orcs in Shangjiang must surrender to His Majesty Howard and hand over all their weapons.

Second: Dreamland and Stone Wilderness recognize the legitimacy of the first empire of the main world and unconditionally withdraw their troops from all main world cities.

Third: Dreamland and Stone Wilderness promise to never invade the main world.

Fourth: Return the Black Iron City to the dwarves.

Fifth: Pay compensation for the damage caused by the war and apologize to the first empire of the main world. "

After hearing the conditions proposed by Daliang, Michael laughed: "The conditions you proposed... are not winning a war, but winning the entire dreamland and stone wilderness.

I can tell you right now that neither the elves nor the orcs will agree to the conditions you have proposed.

Don't be too greedy...

The armies of elves and orcs were released to express the goodwill of the main world to the high-level planes of the two good camps. After the World of Heroes recognizes your empire, I can help you lobby for Dreamland and Stone Wilderness.

If you want to be fully recognized by the main world, you must correct your attitude first!

Let me give you a suggestion... suspend all hostilities against the combined forces of elves and orcs, and let your armies retreat into a state of truce. Then I came forward to invite representatives from Dreamland and Stone Wilderness, and we all sat together to talk about how to end this war. "

Now the army of the first empire in the main world frequently launches small-scale attacks, so the coalition forces of elves and orcs must use part of their military strength on defense. Therefore, when the war in the Crucible City begins, the transition time of the elves and orcs alliance will be lengthened, and some of the troops may even be unable to leave.

The war that Michael prepared for this time was to charge a blow. He concentrated his strength and exploded in an instant, knocking Lucifer unconscious with one punch, making him unable to recover from the beginning to the end. Therefore, the transition time of the elves and orc armies is long, and the power cannot be concentrated on one point.

But as long as the first empire of the main world is willing to make a temporary truce and break away from contact with the elves and orcs coalition forces, there is no need to talk about the rest, because Yunzhong City has already transferred this army to hell by then.

Da Liang had already seen through Michael's strategy and knew what a temporary truce was. He followed suit and said, "Okay... Just listen to the Archangel. I immediately informed His Majesty Howard to suspend the attack on the elves and orcs.

We also hope that Dreamland and Stone Wilderness can appreciate our goodwill and eagerness for peace. "

Daliang agreed, which meant that all the elves and orcs could be used by him. Michael showed a relieved smile and said: "After talking for so many days, today is the happiest day for me... I believe peace will come soon.

Now that the problem of the elves and orcs alliance has been should Sunshine City deal with it? "

For Michael, Sunshine City must be taken back. Daliang also knew that this battle of loyalty must end with Michael's victory. After all, the war takes place in the world of heroes, and no matter how thick your arms are, they can't twist your thighs.

Although it is a pity that a city that has been in business for so long has been lost like this. But there was no point in holding on, so Daliang sighed and replied: "Yes, this war should be over... please ask Archangel to order the troops attacking Sunshine City to retreat from the battle.

Once safety is confirmed, my army will withdraw from Sunshine City to the main world in an orderly manner. After about two days, you can order your army to take over the city.

This won. "

"I was supposed to win this war..." Michael gave the retreat order to the human army besieging Sunshine City, and then said to Daliang: "It's just that I didn't expect your army to last so long, Magic Mage It is indeed very powerful. Without these spell-casting troops and heroes, I would have defeated Sunshine City long ago.

Let your troops rest well, this war will be an honor for them... "

Introducing a good book "I'm Really Immortal"

This article tells the story of how an immortal person should live a correct and active life in modern human society under the guidance of the core socialist values.

I hope it can inspire other immortals, people with special abilities, cultivators, aliens, and non-human creatures to share their experiences in building a stable and harmonious life in the country.

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