Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1393 A fight to the death

The war left the palace in the Crucible City empty, and the black and red tones exaggerated the terrifying atmosphere here.

A team of sinful angels guarded the throne of the palace, and the elegant Lucifer sat on it, receiving Macaulay who had returned urgently from Shangjiang.

"When can Shangjiang deliver the supplies I want? And what is the current situation of the elves and orcs coalition forces surrounded by the first empire of the main world."

The scale of the war is getting larger and more intense, and Furnace City's already small material reserves are pouring out like water. Before the war began, Lucifer used all the loans given by Shangjiang to purchase war supplies to strengthen the defense of Furnace City and wait for an opportunity to lift the siege of Yunzhong City.

But the amount of supplies was too large, and most of the transactions were not completed before the good camp came over.

At this time, Lucifer was most worried about Shangjiang City raising prices, or reaching some agreement with the good camp to withhold supplies. After all, Yunzhong City's initial target was the first empire in the main world. This sudden change of attack on Melting City made Lucifer worry about whether the two companies were working together to deceive him.

The other is the coalition of elves and orcs surrounded by the first empire of the main world.

This army has not appeared on the battlefield of Furnace City now. It is obvious that Angela's space interference has played a role in preventing Yunzhong City from opening the portal on the battlefield of Shangjiang.

This is definitely an important bargaining chip in the negotiations between the First Empire of the main world and Yunzhong City...

Now the main world holds the supplies of hell and an important army of the good camp. What it really means is that it has a good hand of cards, which is enough to determine the trend of the plane.

Lucifer is eager to know whose side the First Empire of the main world and the Five-Color Flag Alliance will side with.

Macaulay did not talk about Michael's matter first, but replied first: "Your Majesty, please rest assured... Prince Daliang is now supervising the country in Shangjiang. Yunzhong City has just sent the supreme angel Meredith to Shangjiang, On the condition that it recognizes the legitimacy of the First Empire of the Overworld and invites the Five Color Flag Alliance to join the good camp, in exchange for the First Empire of the Overworld letting go of the elves and orcs.

But he was rejected by Prince Daliang. He made it clear to Yunzhong City: The First Empire of the main world will cooperate with the evil camp in the war in the Crucible City and will never let go of the besieged good camp army.

At the same time, Prince Daliang promised me that Shangjiang City would send the materials we purchased to Furnace City as soon as possible...

As for the support materials...Due to an unexpected situation, I was in a hurry to return...I forgot to mention it to the prince. "

Hearing that the First Empire would not let the allied forces of elves and orcs come over, they promised to send war supplies as soon as possible. Lucifer finally heard news that didn't make him worried. To be honest... he hadn't received any good news from the beginning of the war to now. Lucifer's city couldn't help but laugh happily: "The First Empire's ability to surround the elves and orcs coalition forces is the greatest support for us. Macaulay... you have done a very good job in this matter. You have always handled the relationship between Shangjiang and Daliang very well.

I decided to promote you to the Angel of Sin. With your strength, you should have been promoted long ago.


You just said there was an emergency. What important news made you forget to even ask for material support... Hahaha. "

After Lucifer praised Macaulay, he also did not forget to make a joke to him.

Logically speaking, Macaulay should be very happy to be able to advance to level 15 as a sinful angel, but thinking about what was in his heart, he couldn't be happy: "Your Majesty, this matter... I need to talk to you alone... "

The plan to bring down Michael was of great importance. Even though he knew that all the fallen angels in this hall could be trusted, Macaulay was still very cautious and asked to exclude irrelevant personnel.

Seeing Macaulay looking so nervous that even being promoted to Sin Angel couldn't excite him, Lucifer knew that Macaulay really brought big news.

Lucifer asked all the fallen angels in the hall to leave, then checked the defensive spells again, and then said to Macaulay: "Say, it's just you and me here."

Macaulay saluted Lucifer and said: "Your Majesty, do you remember that you once said... Michael has abandoned goodness and is no longer a holy angel..."

Lucifer hated Michael, but it was very shameful to slander a ruler of a plane like this without any evidence. Lucifer didn't know why Macaulay suddenly mentioned this matter. He neither denied nor admitted it and said: "Does this matter... have anything to do with what you want to say?"

Macaulay said: "Prince Daliang agrees with His Majesty's point of view. He also believes that Michael has deviated from least he is no longer a pure holy angel.

He suggested that we... take this opportunity to split Cloud City, push Metatron to the throne, and drive Michael down from the position of archangel. "

Lucifer didn't expect that Daliang would agree with his point of view, but he knew that things were not that simple. He asked: "Did Prince Daliang say specifically what to do?"

"First we have to severely damage the good camp in the Crucible City War and weaken Michael's prestige in Cloud City. Then we will sow the seeds of doubt... let the angels find evidence by themselves and let Michael find a way to prove himself. ..." Macaulay told Lucifer what Daliang said, and then handed over the decision to Lucifer.

When they heard that there was powerful evil energy in the body of the Arbitration Angel, Lucifer was as shocked as Macaulay when they first heard it. Given the precedent, it really needs to be examined whether Michael is still a holy angel based on his actions.

This is the perfect opportunity to bring down Michael. Even if Michael can finally prove that he can continue to be her archangel, Cloud City will definitely be in chaos for a while.

No... As Daliang said, even if Michael can prove that she is a holy angel, I say she is not. Her behavior was enough for some angels to keep doubting her...

This strategy is really awesome.

But Lucifer soon discovered what role he and the Crucible City played in this plan.

To severely damage the good camp... is easier said than done! Especially for the current evil camp, they have to spend all their money to fight this war.

Daliang has plotted both the good camp and the evil camp. When the war is over... no one can do anything about the Five Color Flag Alliance.

But Lucifer knew that he had no choice.

Furnace City was besieged by Cloud City for a long time, which damaged its prestige in hell. If the good camp is allowed to attack the core city of hell, fight or retreat when they want, how can I tame the unruly demons?

This was an opportunity, and overthrowing Michael was something that even Satan had not been able to do. It is also an opportunity for Lucifer to prove himself to Yunzhong City...

"Order... the Crucible City to rise and leave the Crucible Abyss... to summon all allies from the evil camp to support Hell. We will fight to the death with those hypocritical races here!"

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