Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1394 Heroic Spirit Copy

When Michael led the Angel Legion of Cloud City to surround the Furnace City, Lucifer ordered the Furnace City to descend into the Furnace Abyss, and was ready to continue descending at any time, using the endless abyss to resist the attack of the good camp.

But doing this... undoubtedly deeply stimulated those stubborn and violent demons.

However, Lucifer defeated Satan and became the Lord of Hell. The demon lords could only obey Lucifer's orders and follow his way to fight against the invading army in the world of heroes.

According to Lucifer's style of play, the strength of Hell is indeed preserved, allowing the demons to rest from the war caused by Satan. But allowing the angels to roam freely in hell really made the demons feel very aggrieved.

This time, Lucifer finally ordered a decisive battle with the good camp.

The majestic Forge City rises to reveal its form from the abyss.

A city with only one city wall reaching ten kilometers. Below the city is a towering base mountain, which forms an upright spindle shape. The Furnace City was built on the upper tip of the base mountain, and was built layer by layer based on the shape of the mountain.

The top level is Lucifer's palace, which houses the demon throne, which represents the highest power of hell.

The lower end of the base mountain is carved into a statue of the God of Fire that supports the city. The statue of the God of Fire has the function of increasing the fire-resistant physique.

The Furnace City flew away from the abyss, and the Vulcan statue was fully revealed.

All hell boiled. Once upon a time, Satan parked the Crucible City on a high place overlooking hell, commanding the demon army and the evil camp, bringing war and death to the world. Now, when Hell needs encouragement the most, Furnace City once again shows its ferocious appearance. For a time, almost all hell territories sent troops to the Furnace City. The gates of hell operated overload regardless of the loss of energy, sending elite demons to the battlefield of the lava river.

More armies follow the roads or lava rivers on the ground, heading towards the battlefield where they will fight the good camp to the death.

The Kingdom of Death, the Endless Labyrinth, and the Swamp Wetland also received war mobilization orders from Lucifer. Although the planes of each major evil camp had their own difficulties, they all tried their best to send additional reinforcements.

The largest decisive battle since the beginning of the plane war broke out in the Crucible City between the good camp and the evil camp. As all parties continued to send troops to the battlefield, the scope of the battle continued to expand. All parties blocked by the good camp supported the evil army in the Crucible City, and the evil camp also seized every opportunity to eliminate the lone good army.

It's not just the Crucible, there's war on all planes.

This is a catastrophe for the gaming world, but it is a celebration for players.

Plane wars broke out, and high-level planes looted the main world, causing heavy losses to players. But in the Crucible City... the decisive battle between the good camp and the evil camp caused both sides to constantly draw troops from the garrison in the main world.

Freed from the control of the higher planes, more and more cities in the main world joined the First Empire and began to recover the mineral points and industries occupied and abandoned by the higher planes. Players with a keener sense of smell will occupy these unowned resources earlier than system cities.

The various tasks brought about by the war also allow players to be active on every battlefield.

It can be predicted that after this war is over, the players' strength level will definitely rise to a higher level.

On the contrary, Da Liang had no intention of doing any tasks.

During this period, he first focused on the Battle of Shangjiang, and then presided over the establishment of the first empire in the main world. Then he negotiated with Michael and planned the Furnace City War and the Plane War...

But when the war really started, he stopped.

Level... At his level, there are no rewards from super missions, and the experience gained from just fighting and killing monsters is really a drop in the bucket. After this plane-level decisive battle, you will naturally get some experience.

Skills... A master-level skill is an existence that is beyond the reach of ordinary players. Now Da Liang is a double master-level skill, and all others are advanced. If there is no mission to change the plane, it is basically impossible to advance. We can only place our hopes on the plot mission of overthrowing Michael and the opening of the divine plane.

Equipment...dual artifacts.



The only thing Da Liang cared about now was Joyce.

Therefore, after preparing all the supplies required by Hell, Da Liang began to prepare for resurrecting Joyce.

If you want to resurrect Joyce, you must first find Joyce's heroic spirit.

Shu Xiao has been leading people to find copies of Joyce's Heroic Spirit in the World of Heroic Spirits, and has narrowed down the possible number to fourteen copies of the Heroic Spirit.

The world of heroic spirits.

When a powerful hero dies, he will become a heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits, and a corresponding copy of the heroic spirit will be generated. There are a large number of copies of heroic spirits in the world of heroic spirits, attracting countless players to come and take risks.

At the same time, under the orders of Yunzhong City, the human cities in the world of heroic spirits will also actively attack these copies of heroic spirits to increase the production of angels.

Each system city in the World of Heroic Spirits has one or two heroic spirit dungeon entrances. When the aperture at the entrance to the dungeon lights up, it means that there is a fixed dungeon connected behind the aperture, and you can enter freely.

At this time, Shu Xiao and Daliang were standing not far from a copy of the heroic spirit.

This is an eighth-level town with only one entrance to the Heroic Spirit Dungeon, which is located in the central square of the city. On the side of a dolphin fountain, a ten-meter-diameter aperture stands between two independent door pillars.

With the outbreak of the Furnace City War, Yunzhong City withdrew some of its troops and supplies from this small city, making the already not prosperous city even more depressed.

The most densely populated place in the entire city is probably the entrance to this copy of the Heroic Spirit.

In order to protect Joyce, the Judgment Legion circled all entrances to the dungeons that might be copies of Joyce's heroic spirit. In addition to the fourteen dungeons, there is an elite combat group guarding them 24 hours a day, and no one is allowed to enter.

This behavior of occupying the copy naturally caused dissatisfaction among local players.

In particular, this small city is not within the scope of the players in the Chinese game area. A player guild from Australia controls this city. Although the Judgment Legion is well-known, the players' guild named "Equatorial Thugs" does not buy into the Judgment Legion's account. They organized a group of people to surround the elite combat group of the Judgment Legion. One side wanted to enter the strategy copy to gain experience and materials, but the other side was not allowed to enter.

The two sides were pushing and shouting at the entrance of the dungeon, and a fight was about to break out.

If a fight really breaks out, the Judgment Corps will definitely suffer due to its small number of people. However... all of this was seen by Da Liang and Shu Xiao who had just arrived.

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