Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1395 Iron Plate

World Channel:

I am Daliang from the Chinese Game Zone.

Joyce, the former king of East China Sea in Shangjiang City, was assassinated on the eve of the establishment of the world's first empire. I am now looking for Joyce's heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits and protecting it to prevent the copy from being conquered...Joyce's heroic spirit disappears.

Now my Judgment Legion has protected the fourteen suspected copies, and then I will go find the real copies.

During this period, the interests of some friends will be damaged, and I would like to apologize.

I also hope that everyone can understand the importance of this task and give me some face.

In fact, every ruling battle group responsible for protecting the entrance to the dungeon will patiently explain it to players who want to enter the dungeon. With Daliang's status in the game and the strength of the Judgment Legion itself, most players will not continue to struggle. After all, there are dungeons in other cities, and there are many things to do even if you don't conquer the dungeons.

Therefore, when the ruling team started to protect the entrances to these copies, they did not encounter much trouble.

Today, the "Equatorial Thugs" organized so many people to surround the battle group of the Judgment Leader... It is indeed a bit abnormal. After receiving the news, Daliang first chose to come to this dungeon entrance, but he did not show up to deal with the dispute first. Instead, he publicly explained on the World Channel... the purpose of the Judgment Leader's protection of these fourteen dungeon entrances.

Be polite first and then fight to see the reaction of the "equatorial thugs".

Ordinary player guilds would never provoke a world-class legion like the Judgment Legion, especially if there was no major conflict of interest. Now that Daliang is publicly speaking on the World Channel, even the most reckless person knows what to do at this time?

But these players still have no intention of leaving.

Daliang and Shu Xiao wore smocks to hide their appearance and mingled with the group of "Equator thugs" surrounding the Judgment Leader combat group. There were about two hundred players, but they didn't even notice that there were two more people here. This shows that this is a very ordinary entertainment player guild.

If there were a real fight, these people would not be the opponents of the 30-man fighting group established by the Judgment Leader.

At this time... several players with good equipment, who seemed to be the leaders of the "Equatorial Thugs" guild, were having motivational negotiations with the Judgment Leader battle group. Daliang's speech on the world channel only made them pause for a moment, and then they started to quarrel. They became even more fierce, ready to start a fight if they disagreed.

Daliang chatted privately to Shu Xiao beside him: "Who is this Equator thug?"

At this time, Shi Fei was also asking Banyue Mao.

Half Moon Cat looked at the live video given by the intelligence personnel at the front and replied at the same time: "The 'Equatorial Thugs' is a small player guild in Australia, and most of its members are motorcycle gangs. The organizational structure is very loose, but it has a strong racial tendency.

The Fool probably found them as bait because they had similar odors. "

Shi Fei also paid attention to the live video and asked: "Do you think the people in the temple can succeed?"

"Daliang's Sunshine Territory was taken back by Yunzhong City, and Chang'e also left Shinhwa. The Holy Church has been suppressed by Daliang for so long, and now is the best time for them to regain the world of heroes.

Daliang attaches so much importance to the heroic spirit who is looking for Joyce. If the 'Equatorial Thugs' are causing trouble here, he will probably come to deal with it himself.

As long as the Holy Church kills Daliang once here, it will be able to show its strength to all the human lords. In addition, the American Sun Messenger is also very interested in assassinating Da Liang...

According to the information I have, 40 to 50 experts from the top 100 in the Eye of Insight combat power rankings came. Top players in other aspects cannot be counted.

It can be said that half of the world was involved in this assassination of Daliang. Daliang is going to be famous again this time.

Boss... do you think the Holy Temple and Sun Waiter can succeed? "

Shi Fei did not immediately answer Half-Moon Cat's question. His thoughts were focused on the camp-level decisive battle that broke out.

The good camp and the evil camp are fighting each other in the Crucible City. The elves and orcs allied forces are trapped on the Shangjiang battlefield. They cannot escape and can only wait to be destroyed. Michael's plan completely deviated from the direction. She was fooled by the first empire of the main world. To be precise... she was fooled by Daliang, who was negotiating with her.

The current situation is very good for the first empire of the main world. The coalition of elves and orcs has a piece of fat in the bowl. After eating it, they can start to rectify the entire main world.

During this time, the good camp and the evil camp were trapped in the quagmire of war. No one had the energy to take care of the Overworld. Instead, they had to continuously draw troops from the garrison in the Overworld to fill the meat grinder of the Melting Pot City.

The strength of the Five Color Flag Alliance has become unstoppable.

And Daliang is no longer on the player level.

Shi Fei, who realized that he and Daliang had completely distanced themselves, smiled helplessly: "It doesn't matter whether he succeeds or not... I think the Holy Church and the Fool should hope that he will not succeed.

If they really killed Daliang, it would be even more troublesome. "

Ban Yue Mao was very puzzled that Shi Fei said such a sentence after thinking about it for a long time. She asked: "Why is it more troublesome to kill Daliang? Although Daliang is the prince of Shangjiang, he obviously cannot influence cities in America and Europe.

In this game, if you have ever killed Da Liang... there is no other person besides the boss. If the Holy Temple and Sun Waiter can kill Da Liang once, it will definitely bring a lot of benefits. Just the rise and fall of the stock can make them make a lot of money. "

Shi Fei smiled and said: "Now we are one on one, if we don't sneak attack, I may not be able to beat him. As for why it is more troublesome to kill Daliang...

You have many intelligence channels at the player level. You even know that the Holy Temple and the Sun Waiter are going to assassinate Daliang, and you can also broadcast it live to me. But you know far less about things in the game world than I do.

Did you see the war in the Crucible? "

"Knowing...the decisive battle between the good camp and the evil camp." Half Moon Cat certainly knew about this unprecedented battle in the game world.

Shi Fei said: "Actually, this war shouldn't be like this. It should be the good camp overwhelmingly breaking through the outer defense line of the Furnace City, and then sweeping through the entire hell to severely inflict heavy damage on the evil camp.

Even if the good camp lacks the coalition forces of elves and orcs, the attack power is insufficient and the pre-war plan cannot be completed. Furnace City should also be actively defending, waiting for the good camp to retreat proactively if it is unable to attack and resume the confrontation.

But now... the evil camp has obviously attacked, and they are ready to die together, making it impossible for the good camp to stop even if they want to.

How did he do it? "

"Who?" Ban Yue Mao asked first, and then immediately thought of who Shi Fei was talking about, she said in disbelief: "Daliang can really make the good camp and the evil camp fight each other?

If he can really do it...then the Holy Church and the Sun Waiter will really hit the iron plate this time. "

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