Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1396 Joint Ambush

The intelligence capabilities of the College Alliance are obviously not as good as those of the Dominion Guild, but the information on the "Equatorial Thugs" is still relatively detailed. When Daliang got the information about the Australian Players Guild, his suspicions became even more serious.

"Things are a bit strange..." Feeling that this might be a trap for him, Daliang said to Shu Xiao: "After the Judgment Leader withdrew from the world of heroes, the vacancy left behind was too big. I guess someone set an ambush here, and The people who sent the 'Equatorial Thugs' deliberately made trouble to lure me out."

After hearing what Daliang said, Shu Xiao stood on tiptoes and looked around. The square is surrounded by low-rise residential buildings. If there is an ambush, there are good places to hide people everywhere. After discovering that players like the 'Equatorial Thugs' hadn't noticed him yet, Shu Xiao chuckled and said to Daliang: "I think these players are of average skill and have no organization... Let's just let our battle group fight with them. Let's Sneak among the crowd to finish off the attack secretly, and if the people in ambush can't help but take action, we will kill them by surprise."

Looking at Shu Xiao who was eager to try, Daliang said: "If there is an ambush, those people are definitely more professional than the 'Equatorial Thugs'. I guess they have already seen that there are two more people here, but they are not sure whether it is the two of us." indivual……"

"Hey..." When Daliang was chatting privately with Shu Xiao, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder. The language translator translated: "Who are you two? This is a collective activity of the 'Equator Thug'. Take off your blouse..."

However, before the other party could finish speaking, Daliang shouted to Shu Xiao: "Do it!"

After greeting Shu Xiao, Daliang turned around and unleashed his skills on the person who tapped him on the shoulder...


Under the expulsion skill blessed by master-level earth magic, the player who just patted Daliang on the shoulder was pushed by Daliang... He didn't know which plane he was sent to.

Then Da Liang took out the Dark Blazing Sword, summoned the fallen angel Solomon, and used the fallen runes to become the Angel of Sin.

The black mist-like degenerate energy surged and spread, filling the entire square in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Daliang opened up the flame domain again, and the black fire steamed vigorously, supporting Daliang who spread his black wings and rose rapidly.

After being discovered, Daliang immediately entered the strongest form of revealing his identity. He didn't know who had set up a trap to ambush him here, but someone who dared to do this despite knowing his own strength must be sure of killing him. At this time, you must not have the mentality of showing off your strength bit by bit. If you want to stay alive, you must show your strongest posture from the beginning.

The black fire formed by the mixture of fallen energy and flame domain filled the square and then rushed into the surrounding residences. The house was set alight and the fire became more intense.

After receiving Daliang's instructions, Shu Xiao acted extremely quickly. Splitting the air and sweeping down a circle of players with the holy flame, she took off her blouse, spread her angel wings and flew into the sky, arriving at Da Liang's side in an instant.

A pair of black wings and a pair of white wings, standing back to back in the air, ready to fight.

At this time, hundreds of players rushed out from the fire scene of residential buildings around the square. Some of them use flying skills, some ride dragons, and some use flying props. After these players took off, they occupied different airspaces, surrounding Daliang and Shu Xiao in the middle.

As for the players of the "Equatorial Thug", they had already been burned by the continuous damage from the flame field, leaving only the Judgment Legion battle group who didn't know what happened standing at the entrance of the dungeon.

Daliang's order came: "Keep the copy, and don't worry about other things..."

"Yes, legion commander!" After receiving Da Liang's order, the battle group immediately entered a state of alert. The human shield players protected the outer circle, and the spellcasting players propped up defensive barriers one after another in a defensive posture.

After seeing that the entrance to the dungeon was protected, Daliang looked at the players who ambushed him.

With Da Liang as the center, black fire has burned from the ground to the sky. All players who participated in the siege of Daliang were shrouded in the domain, suffering the negative effects of the corrupted energy and the continuous burning of the flames. However, these players did not rush to attack, but stuck to their positions.

Layers of haloes of light emerge from the player's body. These are the visual effects produced by removing negative status and using healing magic.

Compared with the "Equatorial Thugs" who turn into a white light while running, the strength of these ambushers far exceeds the standards of ordinary masters.

At this time, all the backend support staff of the Judgment Legion who received the order came online and retrieved the information of these players based on the pictures given by Daliang and Shu Xiao.

Although they have never met each other, they are familiar names.

As Daliang had estimated, these players were all well-known players in the Eye of Insight strength rankings, and five of them were in the top ten.

And when he saw the Templar Knights and Sun Waiters, Daliang knew who organized the ambush against him.

"The Fool, the Sun Waiter... and so many masters on the rankings can make so many top players of the game organize an ambush. Suiyue and I died here once. It is also a great honor." Daliang shook his head relaxedly. He wielded the Dark Blazing Sword and said contemptuously to the players who ambushed him: "Of course... I would be even more honored if I could kill all of you."

The Fool of the Temple wears shining heavy armor and rides a golden dragon. The Sun Waiter also transformed into the form of a sinful angel, but he couldn't achieve the domineering power of Da Liang.

Neither of them expected that Da Liang would react so quickly, that the "Equatorial Thugs" gang would not let him relax his vigilance, or that he might have realized that this was a trap. Daliang and Suiyue showed their strongest postures as soon as they came up, and the rapid expansion of the field caught the ambushers by surprise.

Without the suddenness of the sneak attack, facing the transformed Da Liang and Shu Xiao, who had killed two master-level heroes in Sunshine Plain, the ambushers who appeared did not dare to take action rashly.

"There is a time limit for the transformation of the Sinful Angel, try to delay the time..." Sun Waiter privately chatted with the Fool and said: "There is no Julian and Julian here, we have time to waste with them.

Force them to take action first, and then we'll separate the two of them. "

The Fool knows... Sun Waiter was a little guilty after being killed by Daliang several times, and was unwilling to talk to Daliang directly. So the Fool drove the golden dragon to fly forward a little, and the Templar Knights behind him alternately released status and healing magic for him.

"Daliang, I am the Fool of the Holy Church..."

Just when the Fool started to speak, Shu Xiao became dissatisfied. She sarcastically said: "What's the Holy Church? Hasn't the Holy Church been disbanded? Do you dare to challenge me to a duel? If you can beat me, I will give you the myth... "

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