Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1401 Unpredictable

The players who participated in the ambush formed a group of three or five, taking turns to cover and compress towards the inner circle where Da Liang was. No matter how Da Liang moved, there were always more than three groups chasing him immediately.

This time they were no longer eager to launch an attack, but instead consciously delayed time and actively consumed Da Liang's magic power.

The attacks became sparse, but Daliang felt that the pressure was gradually increasing. He used his mobility to fly back and forth in the air, but it was difficult to find the right time to launch an attack. Sometimes he had to use "Nicole's Jump" continuously to get out of trouble, which wasted magic power. Although Daliang's magic power is still very abundant at this time, it will eventually run out.

After a strong attack, Daliang withstood all the attacks arrogantly and quickly defeated a group. In the end, he only killed one person, but his defense skill system was almost broken.

To escape from the entanglement, Daliang knew not to fight like this... No matter the danger during the attack, even this efficiency could not determine the outcome of this battle before the transformation effect ended.

At least after the effects of the Angel of Sin transformation and Wings of Darkness have ended, the enemies must be reduced to less than 30, so that Da Liang can be sure to win the final victory through continued fighting.

"Do you need me to rush out and disrupt their formation?" Shu Xiao saw the dilemma Daliang was facing. If he rushed at this time, he would definitely gain more offensive opportunities for Daliang.

"Wait a minute, I'll think of a way."

The Fool and the Sun Waiter in the temple never participated in the attack. In addition to being responsible for overall command, they were also dealing with Shu Xiao, who had been hiding. With Shu Xiao's current strength, he could probably compete with the Sun Waiter in the Sinful Angel state. With the addition of the high-defense human shield, the Fool, the human knight, charging directly... I'm afraid it wouldn't have much effect on the battle.

The drizzle continued to fall, and a layer of mist gradually evaporated in the bright black fire field. Against the black background, the entire airspace became gray.

In the field of black fire, visibility has already dropped, and the visual distance is reduced again when the fog comes back.

The Fool has realized that the weakening of vision is making it more difficult to contain Da Liang. So he immediately ordered the spellcasters on the periphery to use air spells to blow away the rain clouds.

Suddenly there was a strong wind!

It would be even harder to fight when the fog blew away... Seeing the clouds drifting away and the fog fading, Da Liang immediately thought of a way to end the battle. He set up several fire demon walls around himself to block the charging enemies, and then used the impact fire ring downwards.

The force of the recoil pushed Da Liang upwards like a cannonball, and then he crashed into an orc warrior player who was blocking the way. The orc player immediately struck hard at the tomahawk wielded by Da Liang. If it could hit, it would be enough to put Da Liang into a brief daze. Then other personnel follow up and through continuous control and attacks, they can kill Da Liang in a short time.

Facing the tomahawk that the orc player smashed down with a heavy blow, Da Liang disappeared in front of him. The tomahawk struck the air, and the electric light flashed against the blade of the tomahawk... Then Da Liang appeared in the airspace above the orc warrior.

The black wings stretched out, and the magic circle painted with complex runes quickly spread around Da Liang, and a magic containing huge energy took shape in his hands.

"It's a Thunderbolt! Protect me!"

The orc warrior recognized the magic that Daliang had used twice today, and he knew that with his own defense, he would definitely be killed instantly. Death meant falling down a level. He loudly asked for help from nearby companions, hoping to get some help.

But everyone knows that the thunderous bombs blessed by the magic circle can kill even the defense and health of the Holy Sun in an instant, let alone the orc warriors who focus on attack but not on defense.

It's just that Da Liang is now so close to the orc warrior. Although this can ensure that the spell can hit the target accurately, the power of the explosion will definitely affect him as well.

What does he want to do?

Every moment of the battle is electric, testing the coping ability of every combatant. Magic shot out from Da Liang's hand, and hit the orc player after being blessed by layers of magic arrays.

A violent explosion ensued, and the shock wave pushed away everyone who came close.

The remnant power of the explosion broke through Da Liang's defensive shield, causing him to suffer a significant loss of health, and even caused him to rush upward as fast as possible.

The people surrounded by the upper airspace were unable to intercept them, and Da Liang rushed past him and got into the clouds that had not yet dispersed.

Is this the purpose of Da Liang? But what can he do if he enters the clouds?

Of course... these people can't stop Daliang if he wants to escape. Even if he doesn't sneak through the clouds, or just rushes out directly, these people may not be able to stop him. However, the situation on the battlefield determined that Da Liang could not escape, and he could not take away the entrance to the heroic spirit copy... There was the battle group of the Judgment Leader, and Broken Moon hidden in the ruins of the residence.

Hiding in the clouds, attracting players to rush in and ambush them?

This is even more of a stupid tactic. The ambushers can stay under the clouds and wait for the strong wind to blow away the clouds. At that time, Daliang was naturally unable to hide, and all he had consumed was his transformation time.

"No matter how Da Liang changes his tactics, as long as we stay on the defensive and stabilize our formation, we can wait for the final victory. Pay attention to the changes in the sky. If Da Liang releases meteors and fire showers, pay attention to avoidance and spell protection..."

The Fool asked the combatants to rearrange their positions and re-optimize their positions based on the problems that had just occurred in the battle. As for the meteor shower that Daliang is good at, these top players are not too worried.

Meteor Fire Rain takes a long time to prepare and covers a limited area. It is very effective for attacking slow-moving targets on the ground. But for aerial units... as long as they can detect the energy gathering of the fire cloud in time, they can calmly leave the Meteor Fire Rain coverage area.

The Fool also ordered the ground personnel: "Continue to search for Broken Moon's location and force her out..."

The searching players who had just been killed by Da Liang, after exerting enough resistance to heal themselves, returned to the ruins of residential buildings covered by the black fire field and began to search for Shu Xiao's hiding place. Shu Xiao contacted Daliang: "They found me right away... I can't just watch. I can't help you with anything?"

"I'll ask you to help right away... Follow my instructions and prepare to fight." Daliang floated in the deepest part of the dark clouds, and after asking Shu Xiao to prepare for the attack, he contacted the backstage support staff of the Judgment Legion: "Is the picture on the battlefield clear? "

The battlefield screen of the Judgment Legion background auxiliary system is provided by the battle group guarding the entrance to the copy. The ambushers were laying siege to Daliang with all their strength and had no extra strength to attack them. In the eyes of a fool, as long as Daliang is killed, this fighting group will be the fruit plate after the feast.

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