Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1402 Experience the horror of law level!

The background support staff replied: "Legion Commander, the battlefield picture is very clear... We have collected data on all the players who participated in the ambush on you, and we can basically get their approximate attributes.

In addition... the support team sent by the University Alliance is moving forward at full speed. Because someone deliberately interfered with the normal operation of the teleportation array in the surrounding cities, it slowed down the operational efficiency of the support personnel... It is expected that the first wave of support will arrive within two hours. "

Two hours later, it was still the first batch of support... and they probably couldn't even get in from the outside of the ambush circle. Daliang didn't know how many people participated in this ambush against him, but it was definitely a unique and generous move since the game started testing.

"I know..." Daliang didn't express much opinion on the reinforcements. The wind was blowing and the clouds were blowing, so he didn't have much time. Da Liang quickly ordered to the backstage staff: "Locate all spellcasters on the battlefield and guide me in the direction of attack. At the same time, according to the basic fire attribute damage value of the flame field****, the basic fire attribute damage value of Hell Flame*** *, the basic fire attribute damage value of burst flame****...

At any time, estimate the enemy's remaining health based on their resistance. Then, based on the output value of Broken Moon, he guides Broken Moon to kill the target with a last hit. "

The backstage staff received the basic damage values ​​​​of several large-scale fire spells reported by Da Liang. Each value is a frightening number even when compared to the damage of a single magic, but what Da Liang reported was a range. Fire magic.

Did you hear that wrong?

It's impossible...if one heard it wrong, it's impossible to hear them all wrong.

The backstage support staff of the Judgment Legion, full of doubts, had no choice but to compile a blood volume change table for each Ambusher player based on the basic damage reported by Daliang. Most of these players have participated in the "Strongest Hero" competition, and many attributes and skills have been thoroughly analyzed.

There are thick clouds below Da Liang, but after the combat assistance system is turned on, the position and distance of each enemy are marked.

"Then let's get started..."

Da Liang opens his own attribute panel, and then chooses to switch to the secondary hero state.

Raging flames burst out from the inside of the body, and the sinful angel transformed into the leader of flames.

Fire magic has been upgraded to the law level.

In the entire field, the black corrupted energy disappeared instantly, leaving only the red fire exuding high temperature.

The sudden change in the battlefield environment caused the Fool to stop deploying his tactics, and then he heard frightened sounds coming from all directions.

"What's going on? Why did my blood volume drop so fast!"

"The damage in the flame field has increased, and the fire resistance has no effect at all!"

"Treat! Treat! My blood volume can't be raised!"

All defensive spells collapsed instantly, and the players wrapped in the flame domain wailed. Except for the spellcasting players who specialized in water healing magic, the healing skills released by others could not restore the reduced blood volume at all. Everyone quickly released healing skills for themselves and evacuated as quickly as possible in the direction of escaping the flame field.

But at this time, a bolt of fire magic was released from the clouds in the sky.

In order to prevent Da Liang from rushing out from the clouds above to make a surprise attack, the ambushers formed a dense formation, all concentrated within a hundred meters of airspace.

The range magic that is not released for a certain person will explode immediately after hitting the location.

The violent fire energy enveloped most of the ambushers.

Then everyone saw their health bars drop like empty needles, and those low-blooded players who did not have the physique or skills to resist fire magic directly turned into streaks of white light. Other personnel, except for players with high resistance to melee combat, human shields, and fire damage, were still trying desperately to escape outside the area. The other personnel could only continue to release healing magic for themselves in the face of the bottomed out blood bar. .

The scene was already chaotic, and the ground searchers who had not been taken seriously had long since died in a white light.

Everyone was thinking about how to save their lives from such a terrifying fire magic attack, but no one noticed a white figure rushing upwards from the ground.

Shu Xiao immediately took off to attack after receiving Da Liang's order. In front of her... the enemy's formation no longer existed. Even when she launched her attack, they did not realize that the angel sword exuding holy flames had struck them. on the body.

Shu Xiao, who had reactivated the tactical assistance system, had improved his intuition for combat to another level. After removing those unsightly lines, she only sees the enemies marked with residual health.

Players who had just experienced a wave of law-level fire magic bombardment were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of Shu Xiao. She was like a swan flying in the sky full of flames, and like the God of Death harvesting the poor people struggling in the flames. Wherever she passed, there were rising white lights.

Da Liang's spell bombing, the flame field's continuous high damage, or Broken Moon's follow-up hit, completely destroyed the ambushers' mage team. Without the magic assistance and healing skills of the mage, those melee professional players who have not yet fully achieved professional blurring will simply not be able to stay in the flame field for a long time.

Shu Xiao continued to attack the ambushers' formation, preventing the remaining spellcasting players from leaving the flame field. The flame domain also followed up with Da Liang moving in the clouds, so that those who wanted to escape could not escape.

What made the ambushers even more desperate was that...the Judgment Leader battle group that originally guarded the entrance to the dungeon also rode into the air on their own flying creatures to fight.

In the realm of fire, Da Liang decides who is the enemy and who is the ally. Although the enemy can receive fire magic bonuses in the field, they must suffer continuous fire damage. Friendly troops will not be attacked by the flame field.

The Judgment Leader Combat Group is the most elite force of the Judgment Legion. It is a small combat team optimized according to the specialties of each member. A combat group is composed of twenty to thirty people, and the entire Judgment Legion only has twenty combat groups, all of which enjoy the highest benefits and best treatment of the Judgment Legion.

In addition to each member having two silver pegasus as mounts, the team will also be equipped with an ultimate creature, and the equipment can be described as luxurious. The entire wealth of some second- and third-rate legions is not worth the value of a combat regiment of the Judgment Legion.

A combat regiment of thirty men participated in the battle. After Shu Xiao's last-ditch killing, the disparity in numbers between the two sides was no longer as great as it was at first. Although facing these top players, the battle group is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, levels, equipment, and skills, but the battle group is a complete offensive and defensive group, and the ambushers have lost most of their mages and have to resist the law-level The damage done to them by the flame field.

Although the Fool was still commanding desperately, he had lost control of the scene. Under the leadership of Shu Xiao, Daliang's battle group began an orderly counterattack. They used skilled flight tactics to separate the players who had lost the cover of their companions, and then quickly killed and moved to the next target, rigorously like an efficient machine. machine.

The number of ambushers decreased rapidly.

When the damage from the flame field suddenly weakened, the black fallen energy was covered again.

In the sky... the dark clouds have dispersed. In the sinful angel state, Da Liang stretched out his black wings and looked down at the battlefield. Then he held the dark blazing sword and pointed it at the Fool who was confused about the sudden defeat.

The fighting group is making a final siege against the remaining enemies.

Shu Xiao stopped in front of the Sun Waiter. She said to Daliang with a joking smile: "Turn off the damage to his field... I want to challenge him one on one!"

I have adjusted my work and rest status. If there are no unexpected situations in the future, I will update during the day.

I also recommend a new book by a level 4 author called "Almighty Lord of the Other World", which is worth reading.

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