Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1403 Absolutely invincible

There was no suspense in the final battle between The Fool and Daliang. Daliang used the fourth thunder bomb in this battle to send the mastermind who ambushed him back to the resurrection point.

Shu Xiao's battle with Sun Waiter is still somewhat interesting.

Under the influence of the fallen runes, the Sun Waiter in the sinful angel state has temporary master-level fallen energy, which has a certain suppressive effect on Shu Xiao, who only has high-level sacred energy. In addition, there is a combat support team behind Sun Waiter, and his own PK skills are also good, so he relies on his strength advantage to fight both offensively and defensively with Shu Xiao, who has finished warming up.

However, there is a time limit for the transformation of the Sinful Angel. When Da Liang was released from the transformation state, the fallen angel who overlapped with the Sun Waiter also separated.

Although the battle became one versus two, Shu Xiao's advantage in combat talent was very obvious. She used quick attacks to first kill the fallen angels that Sun Waiter had finally recruited, and then killed the desperate Sun Waiter into a streak of white light.

So far...

The Templar Fools organization and the Sun Waiter planned the baiting and ambush battle against Daliang, which ultimately ended in Daliang's victory.

In the end, less than twenty players were able to escape from the battlefield, and the others were all killed and reduced to one level.

After this battle, it immediately caused an uproar around the world. Even though no one who participated in the battle deliberately promoted anything at the time, there were so many people participating in the ambush. Even though the players who participated in the ambush signed a confidentiality agreement, the video of the battle was still circulated.

Then it was continuously reposted, so that in just two days, almost all players who played Hero World saw this video of "The Strongest Hero: Da Liang defeated hundreds of ranking experts... and completely won!"

At the beginning of the video, the producer first listed the IDs of all the players who participated in the ambush, and then marked the player's record in the "Strongest Hero" and the ranking of the Eye of Insight combat strength ranking.

One digit, two digit, three digit, there is no player ranked outside the 500th place.

42 of the top 100 people on the rankings were present; five of the top 10 on the rankings were present.

This is simply an all-star cast of Hero World players. If you don't look at the final result and just look at this list, no one thinks that any player in the game can escape their encirclement.

But Daliang did it... Not only did he not escape, but he defeated the all-star lineup. In the final battle, it was impossible to see that the players on these rankings looked like any masters, they were all running for their lives in a hurry...

Is Daliang already so strong?

When Daliang fought against a level 16 hero, everyone just knew that he was very strong, but this battle had a clear reference... He fought against players on the ranking list and killed a hundred people!

However, players still have many questions about what happened during the battle. What happened in the later stages of the battle? Why did the ambushers who had the advantage quickly collapse after Daliang entered the clouds, turning from a group of wolves besieging tigers into lambs waiting to be slaughtered?

Everyone hoped that the parties involved in the battle could speak out to explain the specific situation on the battlefield. However, as the victor, Daliang disappeared again, and the Judgment Legion did not make any response. As the loser, the Holy Church is facing dissolution, the Sun Waiter is feeling sorry for his fallen angel, and others are unwilling to throw it in front of the public. After all, they also feel that their defeat is too weird.

A bit resentful!

In the end, he has an excellent public image and likes to publish game guides to help other players. He made a summary of this battle.

Congratulations to Daliang for winning this battle.

I also watched the video of the battle. First of all, the title is a bit sensational, and it is a bit exaggerated to say that one versus a hundred. Just comparing the number of combatants from both sides, there were 32 people from the Judgment Leader participating in the battle, including Da Liang and Broken Moon, while the number of people from the ambushers participating in the battle was 112.

The ratio is less than 1:3. Considering Daliang's personal strength, the ambushers have an advantage, but it is not an absolute crushing advantage.

Then there is cooperation.

Players who have actually experienced large-scale battles know that an organized and well-trained team can fight against unorganized players several times the same level, equipment, and skills.

The ambushers are all players at the top of the rankings. They are really powerful in single-player battles, but just gathering them together will definitely cause various coordination problems in the battle. At the beginning of the battle and at the end of the battle, the ambush team was in serious confusion. The tactics were chaotic and could not be executed... This was the real fatal part.

Looking back at the Judgment Leader...their tactics are very clear.

Daliang is responsible for attracting the attention of the ambushers, and uses his strong personal strength to be active on the battlefield, looking for loopholes in the opponent's defense. During the final general attack, Broken Moon and the Judgment Leader battle group attacked very decisively, and their goals were very clear. Their tacit understanding was far beyond what the ambushers could compare to.

Therefore...the real reason for the Fool's failure this time was precisely because of his superstitious belief in high-end combat power. Among them, in terms of performance in battle, these temporarily gathered ranking experts are not as good as the battle group of the Judgment Leader. If the Fool had sent out a few elite combat groups, I think even if they were defeated, the defeat would not be as ugly as it was in the end.

Of course, Daliang's performance in the battle also played a vital role. In that moment of fighting alone against a hundred people, the fight was extremely exciting, but the Fool found a way to restrain him and was forced into the clouds.

The Fool made another mistake here... Advanced players like Daliang always have a trump card. If you want to kill him, you can't give him the opportunity to use the trump card. After Daliang hid in the clouds, the Fool didn't send anyone to chase him, allowing Daliang to calmly use a skill or prop that increased fire magic damage for a short period of time.

I calculated that there was about 20 seconds between when Da Liang entered the clouds and when the damage in the fire field increased dramatically. This was already the time to use large-scale skills and props. The Fool gave time to Da Liang at the most critical moment, which ultimately caused his own disastrous defeat.

Shi Fei explained to the players what happened in this battle through a long tactical analysis post. He first denied the title of the video, "One vs. Hundred", and then began to point out at length the many fatal mistakes made by the ambushers during the battle.

It seems to be satirizing the various low-level mistakes made by the Fool, but in fact it leaves the players with the impression that Daliang is not that strong, as if the Fool can defeat Daliang as long as he does not make these mistakes.

In fact, Shi Fei was also deeply shocked by Daliang's powerful spell-casting ability. He didn't know what Daliang was doing in the clouds, but at that moment he... was absolutely invincible.

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