Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1404 Adventure

After Shi Fei published the tactical analysis post, he contacted Ban Yue Mao: "Immediately focus your mission on the magic forest. Lieyan Kuangteng said that Daliang's spellcasting ability may come from the magic academy run by Zilong... I saw Daliang seems to have used dragon magic in the battle, and his guess may be right.

You are also a spellcasting hero, see if you have a chance to get in. "

Half Moon Cat took the order to go to the Magic Forest, while Shi Fei blocked all interference from the outside world and concentrated on participating in the Battle of Shangjiang.

The allied forces of elves and orcs were heavily surrounded, the space was disturbed, and the portal in Yunzhong City could not be opened. The huge army became a turtle in an urn. Shi Fei's elven army was also trapped here, waiting for the fate of being surrounded and annihilated.

Shi Fei is commanding this army and using the remaining time to earn the greatest merit.

But King Wadsworth summoned him at this time.

Worrying about the fate of this army made the strongest elf king feel a bit decadent. They were surrounded on the east bank of the narrow Taihu Lake. The First Empire of the main world had sufficient troops to attack day and night. But the portal couldn't be opened, and Dreamland and Stone Wilderness couldn't send enough troops to rescue them.

The elven orc alliance can only save itself.

King Wadsworth summoned Shi Fei at this time and said to him: "Shangjiang City used spatial interference in the war zone. This must be a very complex large magic array. As long as this magic array is destroyed, the spatial interference can be eliminated. , we can leave here.

Now I ask you to lead your 'Orion' to find this magic circle and destroy it. "

Shi Fei did not accept the task immediately. He knew... Since this magic circle is so important to this war, the first empire of the main world must have heavy protection. Even the Five Color Flag Alliance sent 15th-level dragon troops to protect the operation of the magic circle. . Orion went on this mission to die.

"Dear Your Majesty... If you want a space interference array of this size to operate, you must have a very powerful space mage to preside over it. With the strength of 'Orion', even if we can break through the defenders protecting the magic array, we will not be the last one. The mage's opponent.

The failure of our mission is a small matter. If the guards are alerted, it will be difficult for Your Majesty to sabotage it again. "

King Wadsworth knew that what Shi Fei said was right, so he changed the mission and said: "Then you will find this magic circle, and then... I will invite the Golden Dragon King, the Big Stone Chief, and the Furious Chief to attack together. .”

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Although it is dangerous to go deep behind enemy lines to find this magic circle, if you just find it, it can still be completed depending on the player's identity.

Shi Fei took over the mission to summon "Orion".

Da Liang has entered the first copy that is suspected of having the heroic spirit of Joyce.

The battle video that caused an uproar throughout the game was not paid attention to by Daliang. For Daliang, this was just an episode in the process of resurrecting Joyce. After a fierce battle, Daliang felt more bored after using the law-level skills, and naturally ignored the noise of the players.

It's always cold at high places. In today's game world, only Michael can make Da Liang interested in fighting.

Of course there are things behind the divine plane.

Daliang entered the Heroic Spirit Dungeon alone... This place had already been inspected by the Judgment Legion and was determined to be the Heroic Spirit Dungeon in Shangjiang City. It's just that the main plot of the dungeon has not yet been found, and the identity of the heroic spirit cannot be determined. Daliang's mission is to find the direction of the main line from the many side tasks in the dungeon based on all the events he experienced in the Shangjiang City mission, and then find the identity of the heroic spirit based on the guidance of the main line.

This is a very tedious process. For a copy that uses the entire Shangjiang area as a map, it is a great test of one's patience and observation ability.

But in order to resurrect Joyce, Daliang must find it bit by bit.

But now Joyce doesn't know what Daliang is doing to "resurrect" her. She has obtained a three-masted warship, recruited all sailors, and prepared supplies. With the help of Ergos, the plane was cut open and the ship entered the elemental plane.

Joyce's parents left her when she was very young. They took a boat to explore the ocean but never came back. Joyce knew that his parents were looking for a legendary artifact—the Book of Air Magic, which was an artifact that could greatly increase the effects of air magic. They want to give this artifact as a gift to Joyce, who has shown talent in air space skills since he was a child.

But like many adventurers, Joyce's parents left and never came back.

This incident deeply affected Joyce. Later, she devoted herself to the ocean and learned sailing skills. Since becoming a navy, she has collected all information about air magic books and studied her parents' adventure notes.

Joyce can confirm that the air magic book is on the elemental plane, and her parents' last whereabouts were also on the elemental plane. But...she never had the chance to leave Shangjiang to explore the last traces of her parents.

Now...she has a chance.

The elemental plane... is extremely full of magic elements. Any elemental magic released here will be greatly enhanced in power. But the elemental plane is very peaceful. Except for a few areas where elements are violent, most places on the elemental plane have a peaceful atmosphere, which is incompatible with the ongoing plane war.

The elemental tribe adheres to neutrality and does not like fighting. They control the strongest magical power in the world, but they never participate in any disputes. Most elementals have no adventurous spirit. They like to stay in a magical environment that suits them, enjoy their own world, and return to the origin of the elements when it's time to die.

On the ocean with the element of water, Joyce, wearing a sailing suit and a triangular sailing hat, stood on the bridge and guided the helmsman to steer the warship. Ergos transformed into a human and stood at the bow of the ship wearing a smock, watching a phoenix (a 14th-level elemental creature) flying from high in the sky, and listening to the whispers of the palm-sized little lemure on his shoulders.

The Crucible War breaks out.

It's different from what Ergus imagined. It was not that the First Empire of the main world united with Hell to attack Yunzhong City in order to avenge Joyce, but that Yunzhong City organized a good camp to launch a general attack on Furnace City, and it evolved into a camp-level decisive battle.

But no matter what the process is, the strength of the fallen angels is being seriously consumed. After this war is over, these hairy guys... will be half disabled even if they are not dead.

By then... the guards guarding Satan will naturally be weakened.

After hearing the information from Hell, Ergus stretched out his hand and threw the little lemure back to Hell, then turned to look at Joyce on the bridge.

Of course he knew that Joyce was using him...and why wasn't he using Joyce?

Angela, who sealed Satan, used... space magic.

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