Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1408 Come to the door

After receiving the information from Half-Moon Cat, Shi Fei immediately led the team to find a lava cave and hide.

Then he messaged back: "As for entering the Holy Magic Dragon Academy, just do your best. At least we can be sure that the Magic Forest is Da Liang's lair, and of course we won't let players easily accuse him of having gained benefits. So. With his current status... it is easy to stop the development of the player's magic forest.

Just like I can influence the decisions of the ruling class in the magical realm.

The good camp and the evil camp are the main forces in this game. Even if a magic academy system is established in the main world, the Five Color Flag Alliance can only serve as a balancing third party. And when this plane war ends, the Five Color Flag Alliance will become a thorn in the side of the two camps. Before the next plane war comes, the two families will definitely destroy the Five Color Flag Alliance first.

That's a long way to go... In short, if we follow the general trend of the game, we can't go wrong.

It's just that we are being led away from our own rhythm by Da Liang. It would be a mistake for me to let you go to the Magic Forest. There are all Da Liang's leftovers, just leave them to the roaring flames.

The Sun Waiter was killed by Daliang again, and I heard that the American consortium was considering whether to continue supporting him. This is an opportunity for us, you contact Sun Waiter and tell him that I want to acquire his Kingdom..."

Half Moon Cat did not expect Shi Fei to want to march into Hell at this time. She said worriedly: "Although Sun Waiter's King's Landing is still the second territory, it is a mess. The Furnace City is under siege, and their mission in Hell is progressing very slowly. , Sun Waiter was killed continuously, and his popularity dropped sharply. If the American consortium gave up on him again, King's Landing would soon be overtaken by the territories behind him.

And will he sell us the equity in Junlinling? "

Shi Fei said: "How do you know if you don't try? Moreover, Daliang's status in the main world system city is beyond our ability, but the game will never let the system city interfere too much with the player's behavior.

If I hold both the player's first territory and the player's second territory in my hands... Da Liang and I are the two poles of this game world.

In the ambush battle against Daliang a few days ago, Daliang killed the masters on the ranking list to the point of fear. Xu Man has already contacted me and is preparing to take advantage of this enthusiasm to launch a decisive battle against the American Game Zone in the Pacific.

I've already promised her.

When the Battle of Shangjiang is over, I will return to dominate the Legion and command this war.

You are preparing to follow up on the acquisition of King's Landing. Our military, diplomacy, and economy will jointly put pressure on the Sun Waiter and suppress the stock price of King's Landing..."

Ban Yue Mao admired Shi Fei's strategic vision very much, and she agreed: "Yes, boss! I will fly to the United States now to meet the Sun Waiter.

How was the Battle of Shangjiang and when will it end? "

"The situation here was very negative, but it was over very quickly."

Shi Fei stood at the entrance of the lava cave and looked at the Qingpu City outside. The lava environment of hell was everywhere, and there were densely patrolling Hell Clan troops. Demons flew across the sky from time to time.

Looking at the number of demons, it is definitely not something that a level 12 main world hell city can have.

These demons must come from the plane of hell... As for who is the hero who presides over the space interference magic circle here? Shi Fei has already guessed it...

Angela, the jealous devil who has mastered the law-level space skills, can only make Yunzhong City helpless with the theater-level space interference caused by the law-level space skills.

One hell lord king can contain the entire coalition of elves and orcs. Hell has made a profit.

In other words, the First Empire of the main world deployed five level 16 heroes in the Shangjiang War Zone, and the elven orc alliance... Even if the Magical Realm and Stone Wilderness can each support a level 16 hero, it will still be a six-on-five situation. . Counting the home battle in Qingpu City, the advantage lies with the Imperial Army.

Shi Fei is not optimistic about the outcome of the alliance between elves and orcs, but he believes that the world is still a battle between good and evil for hegemony. As long as he successfully acquires King's Landing, he can enter the plot of hell. When the time comes, with two super camps under his feet, he will be able to overthrow the Five Color Flag Alliance sooner or later.

"Okay... rest is over, let's go to the next area to search..."

Shi Fei continued to lead the team to find the space interference array.

At this time, when Daliang was preparing to establish the Holy Magic Dragon Academy, he received urgent news from the Kingdom of Death.

The Eviscerated Monarch is a matter of great importance, and only a very few people in the entire game world know about it. However, the Eviscerated Monarch was a matter that was once the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild, but it is an open secret within the New Unsullied Holy See.

Jonathan, the terrifying knight who stayed behind in the cathedral in the foggy area, received news that the cathedral was broken into by a very powerful angel. The other party left a message asking for a dialogue with the elder of the former Wizards Guild City of Sighs branch...that is, Daliang. .

Angel was very strong when he came, at least Jonathan was knocked to the ground by the opponent's move.

The angel left the cathedral after leaving his message, and then the Sad Pope sent someone to deliver the message. He felt a supreme angel appear here, but the breath had disappeared.

If the Supreme Angel is not fighting Lucifer in the Crucible City, what is he doing in the Mist City?

Da Liang first thought of the obelisk tower...

Could it be that someone from Yunzhong City showed up and came to visit?

The obelisk is the top priority in the study of becoming a god, and the kingdom of death is the destiny of Da Liang. Daliang immediately suspended the establishment of the Holy Magic Dragon Academy and urgently returned to the Mist City in the Kingdom of Death.

The Cathedral of Misty City is the new Unsullied Holy See directly governed by the Eviscerate Monarch. The ubiquitous chanting of death priests makes this place eerie and terrifying.

Da Liang hadn't been here for a while. He put on the monarch's divine robe again and saw these skeletons and zombies... feeling very friendly.

After standing under the statue of the God of Death and pretending to pray, Da Liang summoned Jonathan, the leader of the Holy See Knights.

Jonathan was responsible for guarding the cathedral and the Misty City. He was very frustrated when an angel broke into the cathedral and was knocked down.

He knelt down on one knee under the altar and said to Daliang with self-blame: "I'm sorry... Your Majesty, it was me who brought shame to the cathedral..."

With a strong body and wearing heavy black armor, after overcoming the fear of the undead, you can feel the absolute loyalty of this terrifying knight. Daliang said: "You can't be blamed for this... A supreme angel broke in, and I should be the one to stop it. Tell me what happened... and what the other person looked like, and what message he left for me.

Stand up and say. "

Jonathan stood up in compliance with Da Liang's order, and the armor made a clanging sound of metal collision. After standing up straight, he said: "The other party was wearing a smock to cover his appearance when he came in. If he hadn't used sacred energy when he attacked, we wouldn't have Didn't know he was an angel.

They didn't see his appearance, but he must have been wearing heavy armor under his smock..."

Family dinner, even later.

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