Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1409 A date with an angel

The supreme angel Uriel, who abandoned the obelisk in the kingdom of death, was ordered by Michael to find the whereabouts of the obelisk and make up for his mistakes.

After discussing with Michael and confirming the search direction, Uriel locked in the wizard guild he had cooperated with.

In order to split the Kingdom of Death, which was firmly controlled by the Holy See, Yunzhong City decided to start with faith. They promote the idea of ​​becoming gods in the kingdom of death, and use part of their research results to seduce those undead heroes who live long lives and have little pursuits.

The whole process was of course full of twists and turns, but the final result was very remarkable. Some undead believed that they could become equal to God, so they abandoned the Unsullied Holy See and began to fully cooperate with Yunzhong City. For the higher goal of becoming gods, they chose to confront the rulers of the Kingdom of Death who regarded them as heretics.

No matter why the Wizards Guild finally reached a settlement with the Unsullied Holy See and broke away from the control of Yunzhong City. But in order to transform the undead, Yunzhong City really provided the Wizards Guild with a lot of help in the research direction of becoming a god.

If there is another force that has the ability to open the crystal wall passage on the plane of God and realizes the role of the obelisk tower, then the Wizards Guild is the most suspicious.

Urie concealed his identity and conducted an investigation in the Kingdom of the Dead. Cloud City has cooperated with the Wizards Guild for so long and has already established its own intelligence channels in this world of the undead. Some wizards are also secretly serving Yunzhong City.

Based on the intelligence gathered from all parties and Urie's own secret investigation, he was convinced that the General Assembly and most branches of the Wizards Guild did not have the ability to open the crystal wall of the God's Plane. Only the former Sighing City branch seemed to have the highest level of research. One, but it also turned into a mystery with its destruction.

The former Sad Lord wiped out the City of Sighs branch led by Elder Quentin and obtained most of the branch's research information. Then... Soon the City of Sighs proposed the New Unsullied Doctrine, paving the way for the Unsullied Holy See to study and become a god.

Why did the Melancholy Monarch change so quickly?

Probably only by confirming that becoming a god is really feasible can a pious Lord of Death aspire to become a god-like existence.

Moreover, after the merger of the Wizards Guild and the New Unsullied Holy See, the Sad Pope did not rely on the Wizards Guild, but established his own research system on becoming a god in the City of Sighs, which further shows that his research progress is higher than that of the Wizards Guild.

To what extent has the former City of Sighs branch reached a level in the study of becoming a god?

If the City of Sighs branch already has the ability to open the crystal wall leading to the plane of God, then the method is obviously not in the hands of the Sad Pope. Who took away this highest achievement? Was it the person who took away the obelisk tower?

Uriel's investigation involves the two successors of the City of Sighs branch, the Sad Pope and the Eviscerated Monarch. If you want to get more things, you must find out from the mouths of these two.

Now that the War in Furnace City has broken out, both Yunzhong City and Furnace City are in a quagmire. A fight between two players competing for the top spot on the road to becoming a god will naturally give the unknown third party an advantage.

For the sake of the obelisk tower and to find his secret opponent, Uriel decided to take the risk to meet the Eviscerate Lord.

Meet in the former base of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.

This is the message Uriel left for Daliang in the Cathedral of Misty City...

After Jonathan recounted how the angel forced his way into the Misty City Cathedral, Da Liang guessed that the one who came was the Supreme Angel Uriel. This supreme angel, who is said to have the strongest defensive power, invited a death monarch. It seems that Yunzhong City is looking for the obelisk tower of the death kingdom and is already jealous.

See you, or not see you.

Da Liang thought about it and decided to meet the supreme angel who came to his door. Anyway, the original branch base of City of Sighs is not far from City of Sighs. If Uriel wants to attack him, the Sad Pope will never sit back and watch a supreme angel causing trouble in his own home.

In addition, Daliang also wanted to see what Urie knew.

“Jonathan, come with me to see this supreme angel.

Bring the Knights of the Holy See..."

If he went to see Urie secretly alone, it would inevitably make the other party suspect that he was guilty. In addition, since the Sad Pope knows that the Supreme Angel has appeared in Misty City, he will probably secretly investigate the purpose of the Supreme Angel's coming here.

Trying to hide something will be self-defeating.

Therefore, Daliang decided to meet Uriya openly and discuss it as the Eviscerating King.

Revisiting old places.

When Jonathan led the mighty undead army to this mountain range, looking at the familiar environment, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. He and his companions once resisted the attack of the Immaculate Holy See Knights here. Now...he has become the leader of the Holy See Knights and returned to this abandoned base.

Some traces of the last battle can still be seen here, and some undead corpses can be seen from time to time.

The undead monsters wandering in the mountains were quickly eliminated by the Holy See Knights. Jonathan commanded his subordinates to occupy strategic locations throughout the mountainous area, and then led a team of elite Holy See knights to follow Daliang into the cave of the base.

The last time Daliang came here, he took the Gate of the Dead and was still very unfamiliar with the terrain here. Fortunately, Jonathan was once responsible for guarding here and knew this extremely complex cave well.

Jonathan took Daliang to the core of the base. Daliang easily recognized the flat mountain wall on which the Gate of the Dead was placed. It was here that Daliang saw with his own eyes that Elder Quentin was killed by a traitor. It was also here that Daliang rescued Jonathan, Minia, and the remaining wizards who had fled the siege.

"This experience is really unimaginable..." This also resonated with Jonathan. The death of Elder Quentin brought him despair, and the appearance of Da Liang brought him new life.

Daliang walked to the front of the stone wall, bowed his head in silence at the place where Quentin fell, and then mourned: "Elder Quentin must be gratified to see the current Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See put aside their hatred and join hands.

The dead are mortal, but witchcraft is eternal. "

Jonathan then read: "The dead are mortal, but witchcraft is eternal."

At this time, a voice came from the cave on the side: "Yes... Even the undead that are said to have endless lifespan will perish in the long river of time. Only God... can fight against time."

Following the sound, a man wearing a black smock walked out of the cave. When he came to a position ten meters away from Da Liang, he stopped moving forward.

Jonathan picked up his saber in a vigilant manner, and a red light shot out from the gap in his helmet. He stood in front of Da Liang and said, "My lord, he is the one who broke into our church."

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