Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1410 I have a lot of questions

Daliang, who was wearing a monarch's divine robe and a hood, turned around from the stone wall, looked at the person in front of him, chuckled and said: "I am the Eviscerating Lord of the Kingdom of Death. You invited me to I am. …

I show my true self to others, but you give me a projection.

I think with your strength, you should be able to tell... The Holy See Knights I brought are just to show my identity and have no effect on you.

Being so secretive will only make me look down on the Supreme Angel and think that this meeting is of no significance. "

Daliang showed the attitude that a death monarch should have. In terms of status, he is the same existence as the supreme angel. In an equal dialogue, a supreme angel only sent out a projection, which seemed too courageous.

Urie had been waiting here for a long time, and naturally knew that the Eviscerating Lord had not done anything here. With the support of Yunzhong City, Urie, who was confident that he could escape even if he couldn't defeat him, walked out from another direction.

The projection disappeared and the angel's divine light illuminated the entire cave. Urie, wearing heavy gold armor, flew in front of Daliang, his golden wings folded and fell to the ground from the suspended state.

"I am the Supreme Angel Uriel of Cloud City. I invite you, Lord Eviscerate, to come here this time. I want to ask you a few questions..."

Because he is the newly promoted supreme angel after Lucifer betrayed Yunzhong City, Uriel, who is ranked lowest, is an executor. He lacks the arrogance of the veteran supreme angel and has more solid skills. This may be related to Urie's expertise in defense. He gives people a very reliable impression.

A pure warrior.

This was the impression left by Daliang after meeting Uriya twice.

Daliang guessed what Uriya wanted to ask, and he smiled and replied: "Master Uriya... you are from the good camp, and I am from the evil camp. As a hostile party, there is no need for me to answer any of your questions."

"But you're here..." Being a supreme angel is definitely not a simple role. Uriel restrained his momentum and said, "I guess you are also very curious about the purpose of inviting you here.

I have been investigating the Wizards Guild these days, wanting to know why the Wizards Guild reached a settlement with the Unsullied Holy See so suddenly, destroying Cloud City's layout in the Kingdom of Death.

As a result, the more in-depth I investigated, the more surprised I was at the role you played here.

He is both the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild and the chairman of the Immortal Holy See in Sighing City. You came up with the ultimate faith and assisted Sorrow in spreading the New Unsullied Doctrine.

In the end, the most fundamental contradiction between the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See was eliminated, prompting the cyan coalition to change its banner.

The whole process took my breath away.

But thinking about the damage you caused to Yunzhong City...

I think when I report this investigation result to Michael, the archangel will definitely be displeased with you because your power has not yet reached the law level. "

"Are you threatening me?" Daliang pretended to hesitate, then asked: "If I answer your question, will you not tell Michael what you are investigating?"

Uriel said: "I won't promise you anything... but if the Archangel doesn't ask, I don't have to say anything. After all, the matter of the cyan coalition changing flags cannot be changed, and it is not directly related to what I am investigating now, at least for now. There is no direct relationship."

It seems that Uriel is not a direct descendant of Michael? At least on some matters, Uriel would selectively conceal from Michael, and he had not yet reached the point of blindly following Michael.

Daliang said: "In the kingdom of death, I am not afraid of Michael. But I am indeed curious as to why you are looking for me.

I can answer your questions...but not for free.

In return, after I answer a question for you, you must answer a question for me. "

In Urie's opinion, the Eviscerating Lord has given up, but is still being stubborn.

He replied: "Okay...I don't guarantee that I will answer, but I guarantee that as long as I answer, it will be the correct answer."

Daliang also said: "I don't promise to answer all your questions, but I promise I won't lie."

After receiving Daliang's assurance, Urie first asked: "What progress has the City of Sighs branch under the leadership of Elder Quentin achieved in the study of becoming a god?"

Daliang replied: "When I took over the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild, Elder Quentin was already dead. The branch was destroyed and only a few wizards survived. But... all the research materials of the branch were obtained by the Sad Lord...

I was once responsible for the establishment of the Death God System Research Institute in the City of Sighs. Elder Quentin seemed to have made a major breakthrough in research. He seemed to have found something. But the most crucial part was lost because of Quentin's death. was these things that prompted the Sad Lord at that time to have the idea of ​​becoming a god. This allowed me to successfully approach the Melancholy Lord, and finally I proposed the ultimate belief, the Melancholy Lord writing the New Unsullied Doctrine.

Then everything happened.

That's my answer, and if you're satisfied, it's my turn to ask the question. "

The fact that Uriel can find this place shows that he has mastered something. When he didn't know exactly what Uriel knew, denying it meant he confirmed his guess.

Therefore, Daliang's answer avoided and hinted at the existence of the crystal wall passage on the divine plane, and placed all clues on Elder Quentin. Anyway, Quentin is dead. If Uriel really wants to continue investigating... he will have to find a solution from the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs.

Regardless of whether the Sad Pope is worthy of cooperating with him or not, it is a dead end.

Daliang's answer allowed Urie to confirm his guess. Elder Quentin had indeed found the crystal wall of the God Plane, but the most critical thing was lost.

The person who snatched away the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death must have obtained the research results of Elder Quentin.

Or...the Sad Pope found the God Plane Crystal Wall based on the information obtained from the City of Sighs branch. But if the Sad Pope wants to snatch the obelisk, he will not let the obelisk leave the Cathedral of Eternal Night, nor will he be so hiding while snatching it.

Excluding the Sad Pope, whoever gets Elder Quentin's research results will have the obelisk in his hands.

As for deboning?

Urie did not suspect him for the time being. He took over the City of Sighs branch after the death of Elder Quentin, and it was unlikely that he would have access to such confidential things. As for whose hands it might fall into, we need to continue to ask.

"Okay... I'm satisfied with your answer. You can ask your question."

Knowing that his answer did not arouse the other party's suspicion, Daliang asked: "Angels represent goodness and justice, and undead represent evil and death. I want to know what the purpose of Yunzhong City was in helping the undead to establish a wizard guild in the kingdom of death?

Is it really to bring the undead into the good camp?

Or is it just a conspiracy, preparing to split the Kingdom of Death and finally eliminate the Cyan Alliance and the Unsullied Holy See?

Is this a strategy developed when Lucifer was still the supreme angel? This is very similar to the way a demon works, no wonder he fell.

I have raised a lot of questions this time. You can exchange your questions with me one by one, or you can refuse to answer. "

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