Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1416 Strength

The five death monarchs finally gathered together, and the indifferent monarch tried to get the other death monarchs to gather around him and listen to his orders.

He once again convened a meeting of monarchs. At the round table, he proposed a joint advance and retreat in negotiations with Melancholy.

Only unity can counter the pressing pressure of the City of Sighs.

A monarch said: "This negotiation with Sorrow is related to our future. For countless years... the death monarchs have been equal, and even the mournful monarch has not dictated our respective territories.

Regarding the ultimate belief, everyone knows... We are no longer able to stop it. But the Holy See is still the previous Holy See, and there is no need to add a so-called pope to the monarch.

I agree with this negotiation of sorrow, with the indifferent monarch representing us.

The current passive situation is precisely because we are not united. If we continue to do our own thing, we will become sad subordinates in the future. "

"I agree with having a cold monarch representing us."



A smile appeared on the face of the indifferent monarch. He took the most solid step to become the first monarch. All that was left was to drive the sadness away.

The indifferent monarch who became the representative of the five dead monarchs was about to say some words of encouragement when a subordinate reported: "The army from the City of Sighs has arrived..."

The indifferent monarch stood up and said with a smile: "Sadness is coming, let us go to greet him together!"

The five death monarchs came to the top of the castle together.

This is the lowest level castle, with the highest tower only more than ten meters high, and the terrace can only accommodate five monarchs. The bishops could only fly in the air and look towards the City of Sighs.

Erosion City is just a cemetery with a radius of one kilometer. There are no walls around it. There is only a circle of tattered iron fences surrounding some graves and collapsed tombs.

Outside the erosion city are the armies of the five death monarchs, all gathered on one side of the Wailing Territory, boundless. The land on the side of Sigh is empty. The strong death atmosphere makes it barren of grass, and the field of vision is extremely wide.

The monarchs only waited for a moment before billowing smoke and dust rose up on the horizon in the direction of the City of Sighs. In the smoke and dust is a long line shining with metallic light, and as the distance gets closer, the metal line becomes wider and wider, as if a steel carpet is being rolled out here.

All the monarchs and archbishops waiting here looked at everything in front of them in surprise. They never thought that such a scene would appear in front of them.

What are those things?

Is it the Skeleton Warrior?

But isn’t the Skeleton Warrior’s equipment just an iron helmet, an iron sword, and a small wooden shield? Even among the elite skeleton warriors, they only have one more set of leather armor.

After all, skeletons are consumables for the undead army.

But why do the skeleton warriors in this army wear chainmail? Their helmets and weapons are obviously made of stainless steel, and the skeleton warriors on the line are actually equipped with tower shields!

In the army formation of the skeleton warriors, the monarchs also saw a large number of war equipment, including various ballistas, catapults, siege ladders, rams, and even artillery dragged by skeleton horses.

There are actually alchemy equipment, magic-forbidden devices, magic amplification devices, and magic energy conversion towers inside...

Are these soldiers skeleton warriors, or more advanced skeleton creatures? Such sophisticated weapons and various defense and attack assistance are needed!

But when the army continued to approach, the monarchs after careful inspection were 100% sure...

These are Skeleton Warriors, a little stronger than Skeleton Soldiers, but still cannon fodder.

In the entire kingdom of death, no death monarch or death lord would have too many armed cannon fodders. Skeletons are used to send people to death, and no one has ever thought of wearing a set of chain armor for skeletons.

The price of a set of chain armor is enough to arm five elite skeleton warriors, not to mention other armors and weapons that look like high-end products.

There are so many war machines and alchemy devices...

Who is willing to let such an army charge to the death and consume the enemy's physical strength and energy?

When this metal-armed skeleton army moves, it no longer makes the "click" sound of bones colliding, but the crisp clang of metal friction, forming a shining torrent of steel.

But the shock of the dead monarchs did not end...

Several aerial warships appeared again in the sky above the tens of thousands of skeleton warriors. The cloud-covered sails were embroidered with the logo of the City of Sighs, the flags were fluttering, and the dark muzzles poked out of the gun ports. On the poop, the magic eyes opened wide and released defensive magic for the entire aerial battleship.

Further back, behind the Skeleton Warrior Legion, is the War Equipment Legion responsible for supporting the entire battlefield. Skeletons pulled carriages loaded with parts of war equipment, and followed the long-range army Corpse Witch in action. One thousand of them were focused on artillery, which deeply irritated the eyes of monarchs and bishops.

The corpse witch wears scale armor with stronger defense...

Protecting the wings of the War Machine Legion are the Terror Knight Legion.

The Terror Knights were originally heavy armored cavalry, but some of the older Terror Knights' armors would be somewhat damaged. Some Terror Knights would replace the damaged equipment with some substitutes, so that their bodies would look like they had been patched. Sometimes the age of the Terror Knight can be judged by the number of patches. The more patches the Terror Knight has, the more powerful it is, and it may still be a heroic unit.

But the terrifying knights in this army, including the horse armor, all wore the same style of black heavy plate armor, and the new ones seemed to be able to smell the smell of baking paint still emitting from it with their eyes.

Are these new recruits to the Terror Knights?

Of course not. The undead observe the horror knights more by looking at the undead war horses they sit on. The more powerful the horror knight, the more even and powerful the footsteps of his war horse are when walking. When these horror knights gather together, all The undead war horse can accurately step on a point.

Not only are the terrifying knights in this army not new recruits, but they are all carefully selected elites.

A brand new set of heavy plate armor and horse armor bring more defense enhancements to the Terror Knight, and are absolutely visually impactful, like a moving steel city wall.

Then there is the aerial cluster.

The monarchs ignored the ghosts flying at low altitude, the vampires flying at medium and low altitudes, and the bone dragons and ghost dragons at the upper level. They all looked at the aerial battleship fleet group in the sky.

More than a dozen level four aerospace battleships advanced side by side, guarding the larger third-level aerospace battleship in the middle. Each aerospace battleship seemed like a hill floating in the sky.

This is the strongest air support force, a collection of alchemy technology, and a firepower platform that combines super attack and super defense. A battleship's condescending output of hundreds of alchemical cannons is enough to destroy the strongest defensive position.

This is the Holy See Knights sent by the City of Sighs, the most special and expensive army in the entire Kingdom of Death.

Under the protection of the Holy See Knights, the aerial battleship fleet group followed the speed of the ground army and marched towards the erosion city. Their marching speed was not fast, allowing the old religious monarchs to observe them well and continue to feel the pressure this army brought to them.

At this time, let’s look at the army of death in the Wailing Territory…

Like a beggar.

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