Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1417 A mission that cost ten million gold

The strength of the two heroes is not easy to see from the surface, but the financial strength is easy to distinguish. The rich one is always more powerful. I have to admit that wealth itself is also a bonus to strength.

Daliang stood on the bridge of the Faith, the flagship of the aerial battleship fleet, and led the most luxurious army of the Kingdom of Death towards Corrosion City. Looking from a distance, the other side of the border is a typical sea of ​​undead skeletons. Pale colors cover the earth. Facing such an army that is not afraid of death, few people can maintain a calm mind. Those who are not determined are already timid before fighting.

On this side of the border is the slowly advancing metal frenzy. Although the size of this army is not comparable to the army of the undead in the Wailing Territory, the (local) heroism exuding from top to bottom made the five old religious death monarchs They were dumbfounded and didn't know where to start.

It’s only been so long since we last met, and the army in Sigh City has become like this! After Melancholy supported the first empire of the main world, how much money did he get from Shangjiang City?

Da Liang had already seen the "opponents" on the castle tower of the erosion city through a monocular telescope. Looking at the troops they brought, he knew that this negotiation would not be as smooth as imagined.

"The whole army stops advancing!"

Under Da Liang's order, the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs stopped their advance together. The leading military line was only three thousand meters away from the border.

Will, who led the Knights Corps to escort the fleet, fell from the sky to the side of the Faith and said to Da Liang: "The monarch... why did you stop marching? If the army stops here, the monarchs of the old religion will think that we are afraid of them."

Daliang looked at the border and said to Will: "There are too many troops from the Old Religion. If we move closer to the border, our troops will be inferior to each other in terms of length and thickness. Being too close will give the impression that the Old Religion monarch can surround us at any time. .

Distance creates beauty, and now they will only be shocked by our sophisticated equipment. "

Will looked at the armies on both sides. Just as Daliang said... the wingspan of the Old Religion's army was very wide and thicker than the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs he led. A diamond or a rock, if you are far away, you will only see the shining brilliance of the diamond. If you put them together, you will see the insignificance of the diamond under the rock.

This distance is just right, and we really can't go any further. but……

Will said to Daliang: "But the location of the negotiation is in the city of Corrosion. If the army does not move forward, it will be detrimental to the majesty of His Majesty the Pope if only we pass."

Daliang said: "Then let them come... You go to Erode City and tell the lord of Erode City.

His city is really's not a city at all, just a mass graveyard. This is a meeting related to the situation in the Kingdom of Death, and will become a moment etched in the history of the undead. I will never allow such a simple castle to undertake such an important task.

The Holy See in the City of Sighs will allocate 10 million gold coins to the City of Sighs to build a new city. The address of the new city will be on the side of Sighs.

The Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs can provide him with building materials, labor, and everything he needs to build the city. What we don't have, the Trade Dominion can also provide here.

And what he has to do is... spend all these ten million gold coins within a month, so that I can see a real city with a castle of the undead that can bear this glory!

As the main venue for this meeting, the castle should be a glorious and gorgeous mausoleum. It can be used as a relic for all the dead to admire this great meeting.

Leave this matter to you and tell the old religious monarchs that the talks will take place in a month. "

After giving the order, Daliang returned to the captain's room, and then used the return to the city skill to return to Shangjiang.

Let’s start this negotiation with more patience!

In the eyes of the five death monarchs of the old religion, Sadness came in full force, but stopped at the last moment. The army of the City of Sighs stopped three thousand meters away from the City of Erosion, shining their eyes with the brilliance of metal.

What does Sadness want to do? Why don't you leave?

When the five monarchs were confused, a squadron of ghost dragons flew from the vicinity of the Sky Battleship Group in the City of Sighs. They did not come to meet the monarchs on the castle, but landed in the cemetery and asked to meet the lord of the city, Pearson, by name.

Pierson, the Lord of the City of Sighs, was a skeleton. He was hiding in a corner and shivering. After hearing a big figure from the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs calling him, he rolled and crawled to the feet of the Ghost Dragon Squadron.

The ghost dragon that Will was riding looked at the skeletal city lord prostrate on the ground with contempt, and said loudly: "I am Will, the leader of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs. Your city insults the majesty of His Majesty the Pope. This is completely unacceptable. Called a city, I sigh that the simplest streets in the city are more comfortable to look at than here...

This place is not qualified to bear this historic responsibility. "

Skeleton City Lord Pearson nodded frequently, admitting that his city really insulted the majesty of the monarchs and adults. But he felt aggrieved in his heart: I didn't invite you either! The entire city's weekly income is only one hundred gold coins. After repairs and repairs, there is only a few gold coins left. What is used to build the city?

Who would have thought that so many monarchs and bishops would suddenly come here? Even if they thought about it... they wouldn't have the money to welcome them!

Will was very satisfied with Lord Pearson's attitude of having the courage to admit his mistakes, he said: "You don't have to be afraid... the Holy See of Sigh City has no intention of punishing you.

In order for this meeting to proceed smoothly, in order for this meeting to become a memory engraved in the history of the Kingdom of Death, in order for the undead in the future to be able to visit this great place.

The Holy See of Sigh City decided to fund the erosion city with 10 million gold coins as the construction cost of the new city.

The Holy Knights of the City of Sighs can provide labor and materials for the construction of the new city, and the Trade Dominion can provide materials used to decorate the new city.

Our requirements are: the new city of erosion must be built in the territory of sighs; the new city must be completed within a month; there must be a castle in the new city that can bear the function of the monarch's meeting.

Do you remember it? "

Under Will's scarlet gaze, Lord Pearson hurriedly lifted his dislocated chin because it was too wide. He stammered and asked: "Sigh... sigh... sigh city... want... want... want... Give me"

Will repeated: "Ten million gold coins, remember! It's ten million gold coins! It's not silver coins, it's not a thousand gold coins... Thank you to the Holy See, His Majesty and the Eviscerating Lord of the City of Sighs for their generosity!

If you hadn't chosen this place for this meeting, if you weren't the city lord of Corrosion City, you wouldn't have seen so many gold coins even if you died! "

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