Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1418 Difficult Task

When Will said that he would give 10 million gold coins to Corrosion City, he was also filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, hundreds of thousands of gold coins were given away by various parishes in the City of Sighs... but now... 10 million gold coins are given away easily. Although Will was also distressed, he knew that the real purpose of these ten million gold coins was to show off the strength of the City of Sighs to the five dead monarchs on the castle.

Let you see what kind of city Sighing City can be built in just one month, and let you experience for yourself... how terrifying the war potential of Sighing City is!

At this time, the main thought in Corrosion City Lord Skeleton Pearson's mind was: How much would ten million gold coins cost in exchange for silver coins? How much does it cost to exchange for copper coins? Stack them all up...can you fit them all in your own cemetery?

The important thing is... I have to spend all these gold coins in a month, how to spend them!

The Skeleton Lord was really dumbfounded. He was given a thousand gold coins and he didn't even know how to use them. Now give him 10 would be too difficult for the undead. But he also knows that this is an opportunity to erode the city. As long as he can seize this opportunity to rise, he will have the most powerful city on the entire border.

No matter how the city is built or how the gold coins are spent, the first thing is to get the money.

"Yes, Captain Will. I...I...I will definitely build...a city that meets the status of...His Majesty the Pope and the monarchs."

Will reminded: "The most important thing is the castle."

"Yes, there is also a castle. Regarding the construction of a new erosion city, I hope to get guidance from the Holy See of the City of Sighs, because I have no experience in building a city above the third level territory."

Will happily agreed: "I just said... the Holy See and the Commercial Dominion of Sigh City will provide you with all the help in building the city. We also don't want to affect the smooth progress of this meeting because of your reasons.

Okay... wake up all the sleeping undead in your territory. It's time to get up and get to work. "

After finishing speaking, Will pulled the reins of the ghost dragon.

The ghost dragon took off, spread its wings and reached the side of the castle tower.

Outside the tower terrace, Will saluted the five monarchs: "Monarchs... I'm really sorry. We didn't consider that Corrosion City is so dilapidated. The environment here and the responsibilities it is about to bear are simply worlds apart. .

The Holy See in the City of Sighs did not allow such an important meeting to be held in a dilapidated cemetery.

But please rest assured, monarchs, we are doing our best to remedy the situation.

The Holy See of the City of Sighs will give 10 million gold coins to the Erosion City for the construction of the new city, which will be completely new in a month.

For the undead, a month is not a long time, so please wait patiently. I believe this city is worth waiting for..."

The undead do not have high demands for material life, so there seems to be nothing wrong with holding a monarch-level meeting in a low-level cemetery.

It is unimaginable for the undead to build a city for a meeting, and an informal meeting at that.

No undead had done this before, of course because they didn't have the financial resources to do so.

For this monarch-level meeting, the Holy See of Sighing City actually spent 10 million gold coins at a time to build the venue... What a big deal this is, how lavish it is.

It also shows how rich sorrow is in disguise...

If the Holy See of the City of Sighs can really build a decent city in a month, then how terrifying is the manufacturing capacity and material reserves of the Holy See of the City of Sighs during the war?

The five monarchs no longer considered that the talks were unilaterally postponed for a month by the City of Sighs, but focused all their attention on the construction of the new Corrosion City.

Let’s see if the 10 million gold coins invested by the Holy See in the City of Sighs are real and what kind of city they can build.

The armies of the new and old Holy See faced off at a distance of three thousand meters. The death army of the Old Church continued to press on the border of Sighs and Lamentations, while the Knights of the Holy See of the City of Sighs were within the territory of Sighs.

The site for the new Corroded City was completed, on the land between the two armies, on the Sighing side. This also means that this monarch-level meeting is held in the territory of Sigh. The distance of a few hundred meters changes, but the meaning is completely different. It was this deviation that made the Sad Pope become the master, and the five dead monarchs became the guests, so the initiative naturally deviated.

The Eviscerate Monarch's gold coin transfer application has been sent back to the City of Sighs. Using such a large amount of gold coins to build a city in a non-strategic place also makes the Sad Pope feel a little distressed.

But since he gave Daliang the task of discussing with the old religious monarchs, he needed support for any decision made by Daliang.

The first one million gold coins entered the treasury of Corrosion City.

Construction of the new erosion city begins immediately...

The wealthy Lord Pearson stood tall in front of many monarchs and bishops. He ordered the skeleton soldiers with a small territory to dig wildly in the cemetery. Countless years of accumulation have made it possible to dig up a grave here and pull out a string of skeleton soldiers.

Lord Pearson sprinkled gold coins to recruit all the skeleton soldiers dug up, and then asked them to dig more skeleton soldiers.

With the violent attack of Lord Pearson, the old cemetery area of ​​the erosion city was riddled with holes, making the originally poor cemetery even more ugly.

With sufficient skeleton soldiers and skeleton warriors supported by the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs, tens of thousands of workers went to the selected new city site to start the construction of the city.

The City of Sighs sent an urban designer, and the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs sold all the building materials they carried for camping to Pearson.

In order to complete the one-month task of building the city, Pearson waved gold coins to purchase building materials, supplies, and labor from the surrounding undead territories. The one million gold coins were quickly spent, and a new million gold coins were filled into the treasury.

It’s as if the gold coins can never be spent.

But Pearson still tried his best to use all his imagination to spend all the gold coins in the vault. He only had one month to complete the task of spending 10 million gold coins.

What a difficult task!

As the gold coins dispersed, the traffic transporting supplies converged towards Erode City from all directions.

The wealth that can be squandered at will is creating a miracle on the border of lamentations and sighs. In just three days, Corrosion City completed the upgrade of its fourth-level territory...

In five days, Corrosion City will become a fifth-level territory, and the number of workers working in the territory will reach 150,000, and it is still growing. The continued increase in labor and the arrival of supplies in Sigh City have accelerated urban construction again.

Soon, Erode City will be a level six territory. And it is still unknown what level of territory it will become after a month is over.

Originally, it was still a barren plain, but a city grew up before your eyes like a sapling in spring.

The indifferent monarch stood on the terrace of the castle in the old part of the erosion city and looked coldly at the new city not far away. It won't be long before the ever-expanding new city will engulf the old cemetery area.

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