Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1419 Summary

At this time, the indifferent monarch's mood was no longer as relaxed as when he first arrived. At that time, he firmly believed that as long as the five death monarchs could unite, they would definitely have the upper hand in the negotiation of sadness.

Now the confidence of the cold monarch was shaken.

In the distance, the Knights of the Holy See in the City of Sighs continuously exudes a metallic luster, and a magic spring rises from time to time between the military formations, keeping the entire army in a beneficial state.

The group of aerial battleships high in the sky stared at this side of the border like beasts that ruled the sky.

All war machinery and alchemical equipment were assembled. The name was called, something I had never seen before...the layers of defense and offense systems made the indifferent monarch unsure whether the troops they brought could win the encounter if a war started.

If you add the erosion city, you will definitely not be able to win.

The nearby erosion of the new city seemed to be getting bigger. Since the distance between the two armies was only three thousand meters, the new city of erosion tried its best to stretch to both wings despite its limited width. The current city has not yet built a city wall. Except for the necessary buildings to upgrade the territory, some ancillary buildings are not in the construction project.

Among the facilities under construction, the pyramid-shaped mausoleum castle, which accounts for one-ninth of the entire city, is particularly eye-catching. After the construction of the main city is completed and the city wall is built, the castle and the city wall defense system are connected. The eroded new city will become a barrier to block lamentations and sighs.

The aid of 10 million gold coins made Lord Pearson firmly surrender to the City of Sighs. This free territory that was selected to hold the monarch's meeting became a part of Sighs.

After the construction of the city was completed, the skeleton laborers became the military force of the City of Sighs. Cooperating with the city, they became an insurmountable barrier for the five monarchs' coalition.

The indifferent monarch was worried about this negotiation, and he could feel the same worries of the other four monarchs.

This interview brought them together, and then Sadness showed his strength unscrupulously in front of them. Sigh has the most elite army in the entire Kingdom of Death, and has the ability to easily build a fortified city within a month.

Melancholy broke the undead's inherent war thoughts. To be precise, he strengthened the undead skull sea tactics.

The inexhaustible skeletons in the Kingdom of Death are no longer just consumables. When the skeleton soldiers are armed and covered by heavy war equipment and alchemy devices, they become an army used to consume the enemy.

What kind of army can stop a sea of ​​steel skeletons that is not affected by morale or supplies, and can attack the last soldier with just one order?

Then build a city for each area you occupy.

Such enemies are the most terrifying.

The indifferent monarch suddenly felt that although he and Sadness were both in the kingdom of death, they seemed to live in two worlds.

What has become of the City of Sighs?

The city lord of Corrosion City worked hard to spend 10 million gold coins in a month, but Da Liang did not pay much attention to the Kingdom of Death. The dead monarchs of the old religion were willing to surrender and wanted to sell them at a price, so Da Liang was not in a hurry to meet them. As the saying goes, "One big effort will lead to another failure, and three times it will be exhausted." Since the death monarchs brought so many troops, spread out their battle array, and held back their energy to demand a price that was all over the sky.

Then let them vent their anger first and carefully understand: Who represents the trend and future of the Kingdom of Death.

When Daliang returned to Shangjiang City, this magnificent war was over.

The Battle of Shangjiang brought changes to the overall pattern, and the establishment of the first empire in the main world represented a new chapter in the history of the main world. The imperial army surrounded and annihilated the allied forces of elves and orcs, sharing the pressure on Hell's Furnace City, and ruined Michael's plan to quickly attack the evil camp. The good camp and the evil camp are trapped in the quagmire of war, but as an emerging Five-Color Flag Alliance, it has ushered in the best opportunity for development.

After the Battle of Shangjiang, the main force of the Imperial Army, which recruited elves and orcs to surrender, was greatly expanded. King Howard immediately announced that the First Empire would launch a series of retaliatory actions against the Magic Forest and Stone Wilderness. The Imperial Army will expel the invading armies that still occupy the cities in the main world in these two planes. "If the Dreamland and Stone Wilderness continue to be enemies of the First Empire of the main world, the Imperial Army will not rule out expanding the war and turning the flames of war on Burning into the homelands of elves and orcs.”

The King of the Hill continued to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army. After the expanded army was reorganized, he immediately went into the war to regain the lost territory.

The respective territories of Dreamland and Stone Wilderness have suffered varying degrees of invasion from hostile planes, and they also have to support the Crucible Battlefield war. The failure of the Battle of Shangjiang dealt a huge blow to these two planes. When the First Empire announced that it would carry out the next military action against them, the overwhelmed Dreamland and Stone Wilderness first moved closer to Shangjiang. The garrison in the city withdrew, and the garrison in other cities began their final crazy looting, taking away as much wealth and supplies as possible from the main world.

Other planes have also begun their final robbery of the main world.

As if it were the darkest moment before dawn, wars in various parts of the main world have escalated again. The cities in the main world are even more eager to anticipate the arrival of the imperial army.

The good camp and the evil camp that he has no time to care about can no longer stop the unification of the main world. As the prince of the empire, the organizer and participant of the Shangjiang Campaign, Daliang also received a large amount of plot experience and various rewards after taking back the troops he invested.

However, Daliang no longer participated in the battle for the unification of the main world, but focused on conquering the heroic spirit dungeon and the endless maze.

The Iron Hoof King's war against the Black Elves is advancing vigorously, bringing the situation in the Endless Labyrinth back to Da Liang's script.

The World Factory participated in the Crucible City War, allowing the warlocks to constantly mobilize troops in the endless maze. The Singing King, who followed Daliang's advice, did not rush to regain the land occupied by the World Factory, but instead withdrew more of the King's troops from the war zone who were dealing with the Warlock Puppet Legion. After these armies were armed with dwarven weapons and Shangjiang war equipment, they were all handed over to Moore.

Moore, who had sufficient troops, attacked everywhere, taking advantage of the emptiness behind the Black Elf army to continuously attack cities and territories, opening up territory for the Iron Hoof Kingdom.

When the other dungeon kingdoms saw that the Iron Hoof Kingdom was running into their own territory to seize territory, they did not dare to fight the warlocks anymore, and they all pointed their fingers at the black elves.

Following the orders of Yunzhong City, the extremely self-inflated black elves were attacked from two sides, and the originally good situation was completely lost. If Yunzhong City had not intervened, the black elf rebellion would have been doomed to be suppressed. However, Yunzhong City was now too busy taking care of itself that it had lost control of the situation in the entire plane.

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