Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1420 Palace Party

After the Battle of Shangjiang, Monica led her army of black elves to retreat from the surface to the Songjiang Underground City, and then returned to the Thorny River Black Elf Tribe in the Endless Labyrinth. After this victory in the war against the elves, the victorious black elf slaves successfully integrated into this dormant black elf group.

As the core battlefield against the Dreamland Elf Army, Shangjiang carried out large-scale material transportation to Songjiang. After the war ended, this batch of supplies naturally stayed in Songjiang, greatly expanding the strength of the Cihe Black Elves.

As the Iron Hoof King's army continues to encircle and suppress the black elves, Daliang's black elf slave business is booming again. Daliang did not send the new black elf slaves directly to Cihe City, but distributed these slaves to the various black elf tribes in Songjiang. He used these naturalized black elf tribes to digest the slaves into black elf warriors, ready to enter the endless maze at any time. Fight for Monica's king map.

Judgment City Feichen Prince Palace.

In this newly built majestic palace, Daliang sat on his throne and summoned his subjects for a small gathering here. While celebrating the victory of the Battle of Shangjiang, we also summarize all aspects of the work of the Black Fire Leader.

Julian, Juliet and angels stood on both sides of the throne.

The crystal dragon Qianli and the frost dragon Astro led the dragons to crawl on the edge of the hall.

The newly recruited dragon warriors guarded the door of the hall.

In front of the throne is a long table, and the heroes of Da Liang sit in their positions according to their respective status. In front of them were various delicacies, and the maid poured red wine for the heroes.

Daliang, who was wearing a gorgeous costume and a crown on his head, picked up a wine glass from the tray in Sophia's hand next to him and said to his heroes: "Thank you very much for your contribution to the Black Fire Leader. It is these contributions that have made the Black Fire Leader possible." Today in the Fire Territory, we have become a force that cannot be ignored in all aspects.

I believe... the Black Fire Community in the future will be even more powerful than it is today, and each of our names will become a legend recorded in history.

Let us raise a toast together!

In the name of Blackfyre... cheers! "

The angel holds his sword, the dragon bows his head, and all the heroes raise their wine glasses together: "Cheers to our king...!"

Level 16 heroes:

Flame Ruler of Destruction, Angel of Punishment, Abigail (time limit)

Level 15 heroes:

Holy Angel Julian, Hell Angel Juliet, Shadow Dragon Demon Night, Night Light, Night Breeze; Crystal Dragon Qianli, Dark Saint Monica.

Class 15 heroes:

Ogre: Kuka, Crusader: Sidney, Vampire Sword Guard: Sophia, Vampire: Minia, Elf: Mike, Terror Knight: Jonathan, Wolf Knight: Simon, Magic Mage: Vincent, Frost Dragon: Astro, Sky Battleship: Black Pearl, Heavy Trampler: Copper...

Level 14 hero

Frost Dragon: Thunderstorm, Hurricane, Howl...; Destruction Knight: Jones, Turner, Edge, Isa; Archangel: Stark, Thor, Banner, Natasha...; Fallen Angel: Solomon

Angel Legion; Dragon Legion...

Class 14 heroes

Dwarf: Hans; Centaur: Randall; Elf: Peter; Thief: Polly; White Bear Knight: Pluto; Black Elf: Red Helmet, Vine Shield, Wrist Blade, Seizing Armor...

The dazzling heroes and ultimate creatures filled the entire hall and toasted to the lord they were loyal to.

Finish the glass of blessed wine.

Monica couldn't wait to say: "Master, when will we start establishing the Black Elf Kingdom?"

The powerful Monica had swollen ambitions. After she brought the army back to the Thorny River Tribe, she kept thinking about when she would become the queen. But without Daliang's order, she didn't dare to act rashly no matter how itchy her heart was. This time when Da Liang held a gathering of Blackfire Leader heroes, Monica immediately brought up this matter that she had been thinking about.

Now that the kingdom of death is becoming unified, the main world will become more and more stable. With a big backer, Daliang doesn't need to put too much thought into what he manages in these two planes.

The Endless Maze has reached a critical period.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China...

Da Liang has captured the black elves of the Endless Labyrinth. With the dwarf as his loyal ally and the Iron Heel Kingdom as his collaborator, he will have a decisive influence in this underground world in the future.

At that time... the forces of the kingdom of death and the forces of hell will be integrated into one, and coupled with the swamps and swamps where milk is a mother, Daliang will become the invisible boss of the evil camp.

Therefore...the black elf of the Endless Labyrinth must be captured.

Daliang considered the progress in all aspects and said to Monica: "To what extent has the war between the Dungeon Kingdom and the Black Elves reached? When do you think the Black Elves invading the Seven Kingdoms will completely fail?

Also... my main enemy is the Golden Cave Black Elf tribe. Their mistress Feigmina has reached level 16 and accepts funding from Yunzhong City.

Is a strong opponent. "

When Monica saw Daliang asking about it, she felt that Jianguo's matter was interesting, so she said happily: "Now the Dungeon Kingdom is fighting against the black elves. In order to occupy the territory and snatch the black elves slaves, the Iron Shoe Kingdom fights even more fiercely. But Moore did not go there. The Shadow Kingdom probably wouldn’t dare to face Fegmina directly.

The defeated black elves are all running towards the Golden Cave City. Feigmina controls the largest gold mining area in the Endless Labyrinth and can purchase supplies from the trading dominion controlled by the angels. Her military is strong, and the Shadow Kingdom is the only dungeon kingdom on the defensive. I estimate that when the war is over, the strongest kingdom in the Endless Labyrinth will become the Iron Shoe Kingdom. "

The Dungeon Kingdom besieged the black elves, and besides the Thorny River black elves tribe, the beneficiaries were the Golden Cave black elves tribe. Hegmina has a very high appeal among the black elves. The defeated black elves all ran to the Golden Cave City, causing Fegmina's army to expand rapidly.

There is money in Jincao City.

In order to pay for the war and for the Black Elves to contain more of the Dungeon King's army, Cloud City provided supplies for Fegmina. Michael even provided a human military advisory group to the Golden Cave Black Elves to guide the Golden Cave Black Elves tribe on how to fight positional warfare.

Compared with the black elves in other places who fight blindly and act recklessly like bandits, the black elves in the Golden Cave are transforming into a regular elite army.

With soldiers, money, equipment, and tactics, Feigmina's army faced the Shadow King's army and actually won more than they lost, directly threatening the rule of the kingdom.

From the beginning of his strategic instructions for the Endless Labyrinth, Da Liang clearly pointed out to Monica: The enemy of the Black Elves of Thorny River is not the Dungeon Kingdom, but the entire Black Elf race in the Endless Labyrinth. After the black elf rebellion was suppressed, and when the black elf tribes were at their weakest, the Black Elves of Thorny River attacked to unify the black elf race and established the black elf kingdom in the wild area of ​​the endless maze.

And now, due to the intervention of Yunzhong City, an extremely powerful opponent appears in front of Monica... the Black Elf Group of the Golden Cave.

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