Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1421 Prince

In the entire known world, Yunzhong City is really a ghost. It seems that no matter where Daliang digs a corner, he can see Yunzhong City squatting on the other side and digging together.

In the Kingdom of Death, Cloud City supports the Wizards Guild and forms the Blue Alliance Army; in hell, Cloud City secretly releases Satan, and now directly attacks the Furnace City; the angels have seized the crystal dragon's lair, and are concerned about the purple dragon's magical forest.

And the main world...

Daliang caught up with everything.

Now Yunzhong City is secretly funding the black elves in Endless Labyrinth, which has directly become a roadblock for Da Liang to annex the black elves race. It is still a big stone.

The Black Elf of the Golden Cave possesses Fegmina, and her appeal is far higher than that of the Black Elf of the Thorn River, Monica, who "builds high walls, accumulates food widely, and slowly becomes king". Both high-profile and low-profile have their own benefits. Feigmina placed herself on the opposite side of the Dungeon Kingdom and attacked the strongest Darkwing Kingdom. The black elves like to follow the strong, and are naturally willing to join the Golden Cave City.

The current Moore commanding the Iron Hoof King's army is just picking on the weak and unwilling to enter the Dark Wing Kingdom and confront the black elves of the Golden Cave head-on. A large number of black elves entered the Darkwing Kingdom following the defeat, putting the most powerful kingdom in the underground world in danger.

The evil camp is trapped in the battlefield of Crucible City and has no way to support the allies in Endless Labyrinth. If Fegmina really annexes the Darkwing Kingdom and takes the opportunity to establish the Black Elf Kingdom, it will be difficult for Monica's ambition to be realized.

what to do?

Does the Blackfire Territory need armed intervention?

Da Liang quickly rejected this idea... The Darkwing Kingdom may not be willing to cooperate with the expedition, and the underground environment is complex and there is not enough logistical support. The Black Fire Leader does not have the ability to fight the black elves who are good at running in the endless maze.

And Daliang has never believed that war is the best way to solve problems. For the Black Fire Leader... war is always the last option.

Since you can't use troops against the Endless Maze, let's start with the weakness of the Black Elves in the Golden Cave.

After thinking about it, Daliang said: "The Black Elves of the Golden Cave seem to be very powerful, but in fact they have a very fatal weakness, that is, they do not have their own logistics support system.

The biggest difference between Golden Cave City and Thorny River City is that the Golden Cave Black Elves have no production industry. They only have gold mines and the lowest-level gathering industry... All war materials need to be purchased from the trading dominion controlled by Yunzhong City, the country of death.

If you don't know how to produce, you won't know how to maintain and repair. This determines that the cost of war for the Black Elves of the Golden Cave is very high. What we can do with one gold coin costs them two or three gold coins.

Cumulatively... I think all the funds in Golden Cave City were spent on the war effort, while constant raiding companies were needed to fill the gaps. "

Monica caught the key point of what Daliang said, and she asked: "Master, what you mean is... we find a way to cut off the material acquisition channels of Jincao City. The black elves of Jincao cannot defeat the Darkwing Kingdom without logistical supplies. ?”

Daliang laughed humorously: "No, no, no... I just think... the Black Elves of the Golden Cave are so rich and willing to spend money, so it would be a pity to let Yunzhong City make all the money."

"Ah..." Monica opened her mouth, feeling that she couldn't keep up with Daliang's thoughts. Didn't you talk about how to deal with the black elves in the Golden Cave? Why do you want to do business with the Black Elves of the Golden Cave again?

Daliang did not express his sudden thoughts, but said: "I still have a little time, so I will go to the Golden Cave City to meet Mistress Fegmina..."

The corrosive city of the Kingdom of Death is still under construction, and the meeting of the Death Lord will not begin until the construction of the new city is completed. And solving the problem of the black elves in the endless maze is urgent.

Da Liang must implement his new plan in the endless maze as soon as possible. The sooner he does it, the sooner he will benefit.

A team quickly formed as a result.

Third-level air and space battleship: Prince

Total load capacity:5500

Maximum weapons: 110+60+3 (four artillery decks, 90 broadside guns, 10 bow guns, 10 stern guns, 60 various types of ballistae, 3 heavy catapults)

Large biological chamber: 8

Advanced magic prohibition device: 1 (resist magic attacks below level 5)

Advanced magic amplifying device: 2 (magic effect increased by 100%)

Steering force: 45-110 (45 on water surface, 110 in air)

Propulsion: 35-130 (35 on water surface, 130 in air)

Standard sailor: 800

Necessary sailors: 100

Maximum sailors: 2000

Battleship skill: Unity (when there is a friendly ship within 5000 meters nearby, the artillery power increases by 10% and the armor increases by 10%)

Assault: Total load capacity: 3500

Maximum weapons: 80+50+2 (three-layer artillery deck, 60 side guns, 10 bow guns, 10 stern guns, 40 various types of ballistae, 2 medium-sized catapults)

Large biological chamber: 4

Medium anti-magic device: 1 (resist magic attacks below level 3)

Steering force: 50-130 (50 on water surface, 130 in air)

Propulsion: 40-140 (40 on water surface, 140 in air)

Standard sailor: 600

Required sailors: 75

Maximum sailors: 1000

Battleship skill: Balance (mobile bombardment accuracy increased by 10%)

When the cyan coalition attacked Yongye City, a third-level aerial warship from Yunzhong City was shot down by the Yongye City defenders. When the battleship crashed, the energy core was obtained by Daliang.

Daliang has the skills of a senior ship designer, and with an energy core, it is not difficult for him to design an aerospace battleship. Although it is not possible to design a very good hull structure at the level of Daliang, there is no problem in flying and scaring people.

So when the energy core was transported to the Blackfire Territory, a third-level aerospace battleship began to be manufactured.

Compared with surface combatants, the design difficulty of air and space battleships is not very high, and the resistance of flying in the air is much less than that of water. If the design of the surface warship is not reasonable, it may be unable to run or the hull may be cracked by water and sink. As for the buoyancy source and magic of the aerial battleship, as long as the power of the energy core can keep up, there is no problem in designing the battleship into a square shape.

The difficulty in building an aerospace battleship is that it is a collection of alchemical technology.

The energy core is originally an extremely complex alchemical item. With power, various alchemical devices are needed to make the warship fly; defense, propulsion, steering...

The level of complexity is far higher than that of surface ships that can be spit out from shipyards as long as they have blueprints and money.

When Da Liang started building this aerial battleship, he had the mentality of paying tuition and accumulating experience in building aerial battleships for the Black Fire Territory. Anyway, regardless of whether the ship is successful or not, as long as the energy core is there, it can be dismantled and rebuilt.

At that time, the alchemy technology of the Black Fire Territory was very weak, and the progress of building aerial battleships was very slow. Later, Nicole's alchemy laboratory was established, and after the purple dragon alchemy masters joined, the alchemical technology that the Black Fire Territory exploded allowed the first aerial battleship built by the Black Fire Territory to finally fly into the sky.

Although there are still many unsatisfactory aspects of this third-level aerospace battleship, after the sea trial showed no major flaws, Da Liang couldn't wait to name it "Prince".

And prepare to drive this brand new third-level aerial battleship to Jincao City to visit the black elf group that has been in the limelight recently.

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