Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1425 Businessman

"To show hospitality for nothing is to be either an adulterer or a thief."

If Daliang directly said: I, Baba, came from the main world just to do business with the black elves of the Golden Cave. It will inevitably arouse Fegmina's suspicion...

Instead of letting Fegmina guess, it would be better to give her a reasonable reason directly. Since the relationship between the First Empire of the main world and Yunzhong City has broken down, it makes sense to win over the black elves supported by Yunzhong City to its side...

What's more, Daliang originally wanted to kick Yunzhong City out of the endless maze.

What Daliang said was within Fegmina's expectation.

The black elves are an evil race after all, and Yunzhong City is secretive in supporting them and will abandon them at any time. The Battle of Shangjiang shows that the First Empire of the main world has a tacit cooperative relationship with Hell. If the First Empire can be won over to support the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, it will definitely be much better than following the angels into a dead end.

However, Fegmina was not in a hurry to express her willingness to give up the cooperation between Yunzhong City and the First Empire. Anxious joining in would only lower her own worth. The First Empire was so powerful and rich, there was no reason why it couldn't ask for more benefits.

Feigmina kept smiling and said to Daliang: "Yunzhong City helped us when the Black Elves of the Golden Cave were in the most difficult time. Without their secret support, we would have been driven back to the wilderness by the Darkwing Kingdom.

Now we can take the initiative to attack the Darkwing Kingdom, all thanks to the unstinting support of Yunzhong City.

The Black Elves of the Golden Cave will never abandon those who have helped us easily, and Yunzhong City has promised to help us establish the Black Elves Kingdom.

My relationship with Yunzhong City is on the rise.

Of course... I think no matter how close our relationship with Yunzhong City is, it will not affect the relationship between Golden Cave City and the first empire of the main world. Maybe we will become better friends than Cloud City. "

Fegmina's subtext is already very clear, "The Black Elves of the Golden Cave will never easily abandon those who have helped us." This means that as long as they are given enough benefits, they can abandon Cloud City. Feigmina even made a condition that she would support the black elves in establishing their own kingdom.

Maybe we should also add some free assistance or something.

Fegmina used Yunzhong City to raise her own status, expecting Da Liang to give a higher price than Yunzhong City.

Da Liang drank red wine slowly, seeming to be thinking about how to deal with the relationship in Golden Cave City based on Fegmina's answer.

The red wine was halfway down before Da Liang said: "Dear Mother Feigmina. You should know that the First Empire has established diplomatic relations with the Iron Heel Kingdom. Supporting the founding of the Black Elf kingdom will obviously make the Singing King unhappy.

And I don’t think Cloud City will offend the elves in Dreamland just to support you.

If the black elves want to build a country, they must use their strength to speak for themselves. If the Black Elves of the Golden Cave are really powerful enough to... replace one of the seven kingdoms of the dungeon, supporting you is just a matter of my words. "

Feigmina did not get the answer she wanted from Da Liang, but a plane with strong influence was willing to support the black elves after they established their kingdom, which satisfied Fegmina.

The current black elf race is too isolated, but she continued to fight: "We attacked the Dark Wing Kingdom in order to obtain a piece of land belonging to the black elves in the richest area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth. What we are facing is the endless The most powerful kingdom in the labyrinth, and firmly believes that the Black Elves of the Golden Cave can achieve final victory.

However, as more land is occupied, the battle line becomes wider, and all kinds of materials are consumed extremely quickly.

If the First Empire can provide some material support to the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, we can occupy the entire Darkwing Kingdom faster. As long as the black elves establish a kingdom, they will definitely regard the first empire of the main world as our strongest ally. "

The topic led to the material transaction that Daliang was concerned about, and he said to Feigmina: "Assistance? No, no, no... As I said at the beginning, the first empire of the main world will not provide free assistance to potential enemies.

But I want to win over the Golden Cave Black Elf community as much as possible.

I think we can establish business communication first, and then understand each other bit by bit. The First Empire can judge the threat level of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave through communication; you can also see if the First Empire can become a reliable ally for you.

Just now, Mistress, you said that the war against the Darkwing Kingdom has left you with a very short supply of supplies.

I have a larger trading dominion in the Kingdom of Death than Cloud City, which can fully bear all your war supplies. "

Having another material supply channel is definitely a good thing for the Golden Cave Black Elves. They don't need to worry about being choked by Yunzhong City during the war.

It can also allow two suppliers to compete to obtain more favorable purchase prices.

But Feigmina said in embarrassment: "The reason for the shortage of materials in Jincao City is not the shortage of goods supplied by Yunzhong City, but that we don't have that much money to buy more things.

It is hard for you to imagine that I am guarding a gold cave but there is not even half a gold coin in the treasury.

The materials that Yunzhong City gave me are regular and rationed supplies. We still need the help of Yunzhong City and cannot give their share to you easily. "

"That's such a pity..." Daliang didn't show any regret on his face, he said: "If Mistress feels that the finances of Jincao City are a little tight, I have a profitable business that is suitable for you?"

Feigmina's eyes lit up when she heard that she could make money: "Your Highness, what kind of business is this?"

"To be able to use up all the gold coins in Jincao City, I think your material consumption must be very large. I wonder if the mistress is willing to sell your damaged weapons and equipment to me. I can decide according to the degree of damage of the goods. , giving a very appropriate purchase price.”

"His Royal Highness wants to acquire our damaged weapons and equipment? What use are these to you?"

The dignified prince of the first empire of the main world actually went to the Golden Cave City to collect rags, which puzzled Fegmina.

Daliang chuckled and said: "Shangjiang has the best craftsmen in the world and the largest manufacturing factory. The dwarves of Obsidian City and the purple dragons of the Enchanted Forest are our allies. After our repairs, the quality of these damaged things can be as good as new ones." The difference is almost the same, but the price may be 80% of the new one, or even lower.

Nowadays, wars are going on everywhere in the whole plane, and not all places can dig out a large amount of gold every day like the Golden Cave City.

These refurbished products, which have only been repaired once and are priced far lower than new ones, are a hot commodity no matter where they are.

After completing this business, my trip to Golden Cave City was not in vain, and the mistress can also relieve your financial pressure. "

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