Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1426 Seize the market

Feigmina was very sensitive and sensed something more from Daliang's words.

"Can those repaired weapons and equipment really be so cheap? Will there be problems when using them?"

Fegmina knew that the durability of weapons and equipment would be somewhat reduced after repairs, and some precision equipment might become unstable.

Daliang said confidently: "The quality of the damaged things after repair... is directly related to the skill level of the craftsmen. In Shangjiang... there are simply too many master-level craftsmen, and Shangjiang is a mixture of the eight major races. Whenever something breaks, find someone to fix it.

Things we repair are almost indistinguishable from brand new ones.

Mistress, you can take a look at the air and space battleships I brought. If you want to build such war weapons, you must have very high manufacturing industry and alchemy technology.

As for the price...if the mistress is willing to sell all your damaged supplies to me, I can give you the best price. After factoring in the price difference, you'll probably only have to pay for repairs, shipping, and a little bit of workmanship. I estimate you only have to pay a third of the price of brand new items to get these unusable items back on the battlefield. "

For Fegmina, this was simply an irresistible temptation.

There are really too many damaged materials in the hands of the black elves of the Golden Cave. These were all bought from Yunzhong City at a huge cost, but they were thrown aside and could not be used. Fegmina also wanted to repair them, but the black elves' craftsmanship was not high enough and they could only repair the simplest things. The slightly more complex equipment was... worse after repairs than before.

Now that Shangjiang is willing to collect these rags and provide cheap renovation materials to the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, it means that Fegmina can obtain more weapons for less money.

Fegmina smiled even more happily. Although selling renovation materials from Shangjiang will lead to a reduction in the purchase of materials for Yunzhong City. But Yunzhong City is nothing... She originally used Yunzhong City as a guise to keep Jiangcheng's price down.

The price of buying one piece of equipment now can repair three... Wouldn't it be a big deal to buy Yunzhong City's supplies?

"This is definitely the most comfortable business I have ever done..." Feigmina happily invited Daliang to drink a glass of red wine together, and then said: "Your Highness, may the Dragon of Darkness bless you. Your words will make my military power stronger It can be improved exponentially, allowing us to occupy the Dark Wing Kingdom as soon as possible. From now on... you are the most distinguished guest of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave...

I look forward to one day forming a true ally with the First Empire of the Overworld. "

Daliang raised his glass again: "I wish the black elves will establish their own kingdom as soon as possible..."

The meeting between Feigmina and Daliang ended. Although the Black Elves of the Golden Cave did not receive official support from the First Empire of the Main World, the First Empire's willingness to recognize the Black Elves as soon as they established their kingdom was already a major diplomatic breakthrough for the City of the Golden Cave. Not to mention, the transaction of damage and renovation materials directly doubled the strength of the Golden Cave Black Elves, which was no less than receiving a large amount of free aid.

After Feigmina and Daliang discussed the details of this bilateral transaction several times, the commercial agreement was signed on the "Prince".

Shangjiang City obtained the priority purchase rights for all damaged materials in Jinku City. After the agreement comes into effect, the First Empire will invite Zilong to build a direct teleportation array between Shangjiang City and Jinku City. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will settle in Jinku City and be fully responsible for the identification and pricing of damaged materials as the agent of Shangjiang City.

As another item of the transaction, every time Shangjiang City collects a damaged piece of goods from Jinku City, it will give Jinku City a coupon for the corresponding goods. Jinku City can use coupons to buy corresponding goods from Shangjiang City at low prices, and the transaction is also handled by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

As the transaction unfolded, Daliang successfully targeted the industrial weakness of Jinku City and snatched a large amount of the market from Yunzhong City in one fell swoop.

Shuntong Chamber of Commerce successfully settled in Jinku City. Daliang believed that with the gradual restoration of order in the main world, the booming manufacturing capacity and business environment would soon allow him to hold the entire Golden Cave City market in his hands.

The dumping of better quality and cheaper goods made it impossible for Jinku City to establish its own industrial and market system in a short period of time. If they want to fight, maintain their territory, and improve their living standards, they can only buy and buy with gold coins...

When the time comes, Fegmina will find out...that there are still no gold coins in her treasury.

And their material supply system is all controlled by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

The power of life and death of the black elves in the Golden Cave lies in the hands of Da Liang.

Another negotiation was about to begin. Daliang, who successfully completed his visit to Golden Cave City, refused Fegmina's offer to stay. Under the greetings of the entire Golden Cave City black elves, the "Prince" and "Drag" slowly sailed away from this splendid cave. The escort sent by the black elves escorted the fleet to the border of the war.

After the "Mission" officially entered the control area of ​​the Darkwing Kingdom, an elite Dungeon King army landed on the deck of the "Prince".

"His Majesty King Scripps of the Darkwing Kingdom is here, hoping to meet His Highness Prince Feichen of the First Empire of the Main World."

During the war between the Black Elves of the Golden Cave and the Darkwing Kingdom, the prince of the First Empire of the main world led a fleet of aerial battleships across the front to visit the Golden Cave City. How could the Darkwing Kingdom not be nervous?

The first empire of the main world just showed off its muscles. The allied forces of elves and orcs were destroyed at once, without even giving the city of Clouds any face... If this prosperous plane supports the black elves at this time, then the Darkwing Kingdom will really only end up in ruins.

After the news reached Dragon Cave City, the capital of the Darkwing Kingdom, King Scripps of the Shadow Dragon immediately came to the war zone regardless of his identity, where he waited for the return of the fleet of messengers from the first empire of the main world.

Da Liang, who was in the captain's cabin, had long expected that someone from the Darkwing Kingdom would come, but he didn't expect that King Scripps would come in person. It seems that this visit to Golden Cave City has really touched the most sensitive nerve of the Darkwing Kingdom.

It's okay not to be nervous...

Da Liang immediately went out to greet King Scripps and welcomed him into his captain's cabin.

Scripps is a shadow dragon, the strongest hero of the Endless Labyrinth, who rules the largest kingdom. He was in small form, wearing casual clothes, and followed Daliang in expressionlessly.

During the battle with the World Factory, Scripps had seen aerial battleships and airships larger than the "Prince", and he did not show surprise like the Black Elf.

Daliang and King Scripps sat on either side of the captain's table, and Sofia poured red wine for them both.

King Scripps did not touch the wine glass. He said to Daliang: "I hope His Highness Prince Feichen can inform me of your purpose of going to Golden Cave City."

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