Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1428 Dual Swords

Daliang said: "Your Majesty Scripps, do you think that the transaction between Shangjiang City and Golden Cave City will cause the strength of the Golden Cave Black Elves to increase, and then the Darkwing Kingdom will be in an unfavorable environment in the next battle.

And if the strength of your king's army also increases, won't it return to its original state again?

You must also know that we have conducted comprehensive arms sales to the Iron Shoe Kingdom. The Iron Hoof King's army uses weapons made by the dwarves of Obsidian City, as well as war equipment provided by Shangjiang City.

The black elf army with only rudimentary equipment was vulnerable to them.

On behalf of Shangjiang City, I am willing to open markets to each other with Darkwing Kingdom. We can provide you with the most advanced weapons of war, even if you are willing to ask for it... This battleship is also for sale. "

King Scripps knew of Da Liang's purpose. He wanted to start a military competition between the Darkwing Kingdom and the Dark Elves of the Golden Cave. The Black Elves of the Golden Cave are about to receive a major expansion in strength, and their life and death are at stake... The Darkwing Kingdom must also increase its strength.

Prince Feichen took out the business agreement signed with Fegmina from the beginning, and he was determined that he had to buy their things.

The scar on Scripps' face trembled again: "If Fegmina knew what you said to me, I wonder what she would think?"

Daliang said nonchalantly: "I never promised Fegmina anything... I am a businessman, if I can make money, why shouldn't I make it?

If His Majesty is willing to purchase armaments from Shangjiang City, we can provide the same preferential treatment as the Iron Shoe Kingdom.

However, I need you to lease all the torch towers in the Darkwing Kingdom to the Obsidian City dwarves. If you want to have enough weapons, you must expand production. "

With the knife held to his neck, Scripps didn't dare say he wouldn't buy it.

He replied helplessly: "...I can open the Dark Wing Kingdom's market to Shangjiang City, and I am also willing to purchase weapons from you. But I lost Golden Cave City, and wars everywhere have made my funds very tight."

Daliang smiled and said: "War does cost a lot of money, but Your Majesty does not need to use gold coins to pay for the goods. We accept all materials of equal value in exchange... ores, slaves, these should be the most common things in Endless Labyrinth.

In addition, after Your Majesty captures the black elf captives, do not rush to kill them. Sell ​​it to me as a slave and I will pay a very high price. "

Hearing that Daliang wanted to acquire black elf slaves, King Scripps frowned and said: "What do you want black elf slaves to do? They are the most difficult to tame and will run away as soon as they have the chance."

Daliang nodded and said: "Yes, black elf slaves are difficult to tame. But when they fight against elves, they show strong fighting spirit, which exceeds that of other races.

The first empire of the main world is still at war with the Dreamland. We want to regain the cities in the main world controlled by the elves, and the black elves are definitely the best soldiers.

Your Majesty, you can rest assured that I will never sell black elf slaves to Feigmina. "

King Scripps had no choice. In order to save the kingdom, he had no choice but to let Daliang bleed himself.

"Okay... Everything will be done according to His Highness the Prince's wishes. When can the dwarf weapons be delivered to Dragon Cave City?"

Da Liang took out another business agreement from the drawer: "The content here is the same as the business agreement of the Iron Shoe Kingdom. Your Majesty will see if there is anything else that needs to be added.

If there are no problems...

After signing, I immediately arranged for Zilong to build the plane teleportation array in Dragon Cave City and Shangjiang City after I returned to Shangjiang. Materials can be transported after the teleportation array is operational.

After the dwarves build a weapons manufacturing factory under the rented torch tower, they can directly supply weapons, and the purchase cost can be further reduced. "

Da Liang pushed an ink bottle with a business agreement in front of King Scripps. There was a white quill inserted in the ink bottle.

King Scripps briefly read the agreement, then hesitated, picked up the pen and signed his name on it.

"His Royal Highness is really well prepared. After I sign this agreement, no one from the Dark Wing Kingdom or the Golden Cave Black Elves can stop purchasing weapons from Shangjiang City.

We will drain our last drop of blood in war. "

Daliang took the business agreement, signed his name, and put it in his drawer together with the copy signed with Fegmina.

Then he picked up the wine glass and said to King Scripps: "I think you should thank me... Feigmina revealed to me that Cloud City has a plan to support them to occupy the entire Darkwing Kingdom.

Now I provide cheap supplies to the Black Elves of the Golden Cave, which will free Fegmina from the control of Cloud City.

Then I will provide your majesty with weapons so that you have the power to stop the black elves of the Golden Cave.

Without me... your kingdom will belong to Fegmina sooner or later.

I propose a toast to our happy collaboration. "

King Scripps had already guessed... that the black elves of the Golden Cave had so much motivation to take the initiative, and they must have something to do with Cloud City. If Yunzhong City really supports the Black Elves with all its strength, the Darkwing Kingdom, which is besieged from both sides, may not be able to stop them.

Although I was in a bad mood and felt like I was being ripped off,... it was better to spend some money than to lose the kingdom.

King Scripps picked up the red wine in front of him and touched it with Daliang: "You exude evil from the inside out. With you, the first empire in the main world will either reach its peak or fall quickly.

Nice to meet you, although this business agreement makes me very uncomfortable.

Now I have to leave. There are still many things that I need to deal with in Dragon Cave City. Plane teleportation array, please repair it as soon as possible. "

King Scripps left, and Daliang's trip to Golden Cave City was concluded successfully.

There is Yunzhong City behind Feigmina. While she is cooperating with Shangjiang City, she always has a second choice. And if the attack of the Black Elves of the Golden Cave goes too smoothly and the Dark Wing Kingdom is destroyed and the Black Elves Kingdom is established, Daliang will be so smart that he is mistaken and shoots himself in the foot.

Therefore, when Daliang went to Jincao City, he chose to cross the front line between the Jincao Black Elves and the Darkwing Kingdom, and visited Jincao City with great fanfare. He did not believe that King Scripps would remain indifferent after hearing the news.

So the dark elves of the Golden Cave bought Shangjiang's weapons, and the Darkwing Kingdom followed suit if they didn't want to be beaten.

The war continues to stalemate...

Facing the Darkwing Kingdom armed with dwarven weapons, the Black Elves of the Golden Cave did not want to be expelled by the counterattack, so they could only keep buying and buying. Moreover, the Black Elves of the Golden Cave have no industry, and their material consumption is higher than that of the Dark Wing Kingdom, so they will become dependent on the cheap materials from Shangjiang City.

With a knife on his neck, the black elf didn't dare to spend a lot of money to buy things from Yunzhong City.

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