Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1429 Return to Corrosion City

During this trip to the endless maze, Daliang put a noose around the necks of the black elves in the Golden Cave. As soon as the time comes and the bench is kicked, this powerful group of black elves will have no ability to resist.

In addition, by signing a commercial agreement with King Scripps, the Obsidian City dwarves can rent all the torch towers in the Darkwing Kingdom. In the Iron Heel Kingdom strategy, there is no clue as to how to get the Flame Commander to leave the Torch Tower. The Flame Commander that Poseidon obtained did not seem to be from the Iron Shoe Kingdom.

The endless maze is still very vast. There are a certain number of torch towers in the seven kingdoms. As long as you keep looking, you should be able to find the answer.

In short, the situation in the endless maze that was disturbed by Yunzhong City was once again under the control of Daliang.

Next... is to face the dead monarchs of the old Unsullied Holy See who are still waiting for a meeting in Corrosion City.

In one month, five old religious death monarchs witnessed a miracle in Corrosion City.

It turned out that the dilapidated Corrosion City had been covered by a grand city, and Lord Pearson finally spent all 10 million gold coins in a month.

The result is that he now owns an eighth-level undead city.

The new erosion city is ten kilometers long and three kilometers wide. The city wall is twelve meters high. A huge pyramid castle is located in the center of the city.

Will ordered the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs to temporarily recruit the skeleton laborers who were invading the city and take over the city's defense. Ballistas and artillery covered the city wall facing the undead army of the old Unsullied Holy See, and all platforms of the pyramid castle were also occupied by heavy catapults.

The aerial battleship is parked above the city.

Corrosion City has become an unbreakable fortress, standing in front of the Death Monarchs, allowing them to intuitively feel the huge gap between themselves and Sadness.

The old city was covered, and the new city was occupied by the Knights of the Curia of the City of Sighs. The five death monarchs returned to their respective armies and stayed on the other side of the border.

The indifferent monarch sensed that his allies were wavering in their resolve to fight against Sorrow. Although he also didn't know how to contend with such a powerful City of Sighs, he would never allow himself to surrender so easily.

"Monarchs..." The indifferent monarch once again called the other four death monarchs together. Looking at the frustrated monarchs, he said indifferently and passionately: "See if you still have any appearance of a ruler of the plane now. There is a smell here. The smell of decay, this is definitely the scene that Sadness wants to see the most.

In front of us is just an eighth-level city. We probably can’t even remember all the eighth-level cities we have.

Are you intimidated by such a small city? "

The Plague Lord is a walking corpse, with ulcers all over his body, covered with pustules, and exuding a foul odor. The Plague Monarch was ranked sixth among the original seven dead monarchs. He believed that indifference used the word "rotten" to target himself. He argued with a mouth with only half a chin left: "Indifference, this is a city that was destroyed in just one month. A built eighth-level city. And it will take us about a hundred or even a thousand years to build an eighth-level city.

We all saw the war potential that Melancholy possessed, as well as the strength of his army.

If a war breaks out here, let us use the troops we bring to fight. Who will win? The sad army has complete city defenses, and the lowest level troops are all wearing steel battle suits.

The City of Sighs has completely surpassed us. I even doubt that the heroes in my army who have converted to the ultimate faith will switch sides to the City of Sighs during the battle.

I recommend a gentle approach to negotiations with sadness..."

The indifferent monarch is a vampire. He has a sense of smell and is suffering every moment when he sits with the plague monarch. Seeing that this ugly guy dared to contradict himself at this time, he asked coldly and loudly: "Plague, you asked us to adopt a gentle attitude towards sadness, do you want sadness to ride on you as the Pope of the Immaculate Curia? On top of your head.

Lords, if we are timid, we will be sad that the purpose of building a new city of erosion will be achieved.

The stronger the City of Sighs, the more united we should be. Disharmony... will only allow sadness to break us apart.

The bottom line in our negotiations with sorrow is to recognize sorrow as the first king of the kingdom of death, who can lead us during the war. But the status of the monarchs of the Immaculate Holy See is still the same as before...equal.

As long as we insist on this condition, sorrow will surely yield.

He has the strength to surpass us, but he does not have the courage to go to war with us. When a war breaks out between the dead monarchs, it will definitely not end in a few years. The plane war is at its most critical period. If Sadness dares to fight with us, the Kingdom of Death will eventually be invaded again by the good camp.

Melancholy considers himself to be the supreme ruler of the kingdom of death, and he will never let this happen.

Monarchs! Our destiny has entered the most critical period.

If the plane of God can really be opened, I hope I can be as close to Death as Sadness, instead of standing at the feet of Sadness and looking up at Death. "

The devout belief in the God of Death gave the Death Monarchs the courage to fight against sorrow again. They all hope that they are the one closest to God. If there is a pope in the middle, then the gods will be separated by sorrow.

The irritable Plague Lord ceased his activities, and the monarchs at the meeting said nothing more, which was regarded as acquiescence that the indifferent monarch continued to represent them.

Carrying the sadness to the end...

When the indifferent monarch convened a meeting of the monarchs of the old Immaculate Holy See, the running Da Liang also returned to the kingdom of death from the world of the Endless Labyrinth.

We also saw the newly built erosion city.

The largest building in Corrosion City...the Pyramid Castle also functions as an Immaculate Church. You can directly enter the church hall through the entrance in the middle of the castle.

The original Corroded City was not qualified to build the Unsullied Church and therefore had no priests or church knights. The priests and knights of this church were all transferred from the City of Sighs. The Sad Pope also specially appointed bishops, popes and heads of knights. With these teaching staff, the church began to function.

Well-equipped church knights guard the safety of the church, and the priests chant the New Immaculate Doctrine, solemn and gloomy amidst the ragged ghost fires.

Daliang, who once again put on the robe of the monarch, stood under the statue of the God of Death with a hood on, looking extremely awesome.

Will, the leader of the Knights of the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs, stood behind Daliang, and Skeleton Pearson, the lord of the City of Sighs, prostrated in front of him.

Pearson presented an account with both hands: "Dear Master of Death, Lord Eviscerate. Following your order, I spent 10 million gold coins in one month to build Corrosion City.

Your will has created miracles here. Please allow me to name this castle Evisceration Castle and give it to the monarch.

Here is an account of all the expenses incurred in building the city, for your Majesty's inspection. "

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