Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1430 Friends

Most of the aged undead have considerable wisdom, but they are just too lazy to think.

In the past, no one cared about this border free territory. The city owner Pearson just muddle along without any pressure. If he had money, he would build something. If he didn't have money, he would just waste time. But when the crisis came, the skeleton lord's wisdom was stimulated.

He could understand the situation in the Kingdom of Death, guess the purpose of the monarchs holding a meeting here, and naturally also knew the purpose of the Eviscerate Monarch in spending 10 million gold coins to build this new erosion city.

It’s definitely not a gift!

Money and cities are not so easy to come by.

This is a game between the dead monarchs... Ten million gold and a new city in the Sighing Territory have turned the original Free Territory into the territory of the Sad Pope.

As the master of New Corrosion City, Pearson went from being uncared for to being in the eye of the storm. Accidentally, the monarchs start a war... As the first battlefield, New Corrosion City will be destroyed, and he will also be annihilated.

If you want to survive in this storm that can break out at any time, you have to hold on tight.

The Eviscerated Monarch...the Tutor of Death, the second-in-command of the New Unsullied Holy See, and the Sad Pope's confidant Captain Will all respect him, this is definitely a thick thigh!

If I don’t hug you now, I won’t wait until later.

Lord Pearson gave the most important building in his city to Daliang, hoping that the monarch would help him at the most critical moment.

But Daliang didn't expect that this little lord from a remote village was so shrewd... and knew how to bribe. However, with the ability to spend all 10 million in a month and build a decent city, this skeleton hero still has a lot of potential.

Don’t take things that are given to you for free. It is estimated that half of the construction cost of 10 million gold was spent on this pyramid integrating offense and defense.

Daliang passed the transfer of ownership of the Eviscerated Pyramid Castle and took a casual look at the accounts.

Then he said to Lord Pearson: "This time the monarchs hold a meeting in Corrosion City, it is an opportunity for you. If Corrosion City can guarantee the smooth progress of the meeting, I think His Majesty the Pope will continue to support the construction of Corrosion City, so that this place Become a majestic city of great significance to the Realm of Death.

The tombs where monarchs, bishops and their entourage live must be kept clean and their little habits must be satisfied as much as possible. If you can't decide, go to Commander Will. If Commander Will can't decide...just come to me.

The venue must be decorated grandly and with a sense of ceremony. It is necessary to highlight the control of the main position, but not to make other positions feel that there is too much class difference.

Provide the freshest blood for the indifferent monarch, and provide...disinfectant for the plague monarch.


The reward for the bribe came quickly, and Lord Pearson carefully wrote down all the details that Daliang said. As long as he does these things beautifully and waits for his rise to prominence, that's it.

Pearson left with satisfaction, his chin tapping the roof of his mouth with joy, making a note similar to Allegro.

The rhythm became more and more distant, and after the sound disappeared, Da Liang said to Will: "Inform the monarchs on the border to enter the new city of erosion, and the meeting will be held in three days.

In the Eviscerate Castle, all Unsullied priests must chant the New Unsullied Doctrine continuously until the meeting is over.

The Knights of the Curia prepare for battle...if negotiations break down, the Old Curia attacks. You must defend the Corrosion City and wait for reinforcements from the City of Sighs, Eternal Night City, Mist City, and the Wizards Guild. "

Will is not afraid of fighting, but he just doesn’t want to see the sad pope’s mood unfulfilled. He asked with some worry: "Sovereign, do you think this war will break out?"

Daliang said: "Before the meeting is over, anything can happen. We prepare for the worst... If we start a war, we will break all the illusions of the old church monarchs in Erode City and prevent them from seeing the hope of victory from the beginning of the war. .”

No matter what prejudice Will had against Daliang, he was deeply impressed by Daliang's strategic vision and methods he had shown every time. Putting aside personal factors, the change of flag of the cyan coalition facilitated by Daliang brought the Sad Pope to a new height, and Will's status also rose accordingly.

Will has been at the peak of the 15th level for who knows how many years, and there is only one final barrier between him and a new level. He had a premonition... that when the Sad Pope unified the Kingdom of Death, he would achieve a breakthrough.

"Yes... the monarch! I will order the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs to enter the highest state of combat readiness and be ready to respond to the outbreak of war at any time. But I firmly believe that... you will not let the worst result happen.

Thank you for everything you have done for the Kingdom of Death and for the City of Sighs.

I swear by my faith in Death that I will obey any of your orders from this moment until my death, so long as they are not contrary to those of His Majesty the Pope. "

Advanced thugs add 1.

unexpected result……

If Daliang has any regrets in the Kingdom of Death, it is that his relationship with Will has turned from friendly to rigid...

Will possesses all the qualities of an undead, including commitment, firmness, and loyalty... He is a rare friend. He treated Daliang with sincerity, but Daliang cheated him for the sake of the Angel Alliance, which was indeed a bit unethical.

Daliang has always wanted to improve his relationship with Will, but Daliang is very eloquent when it comes to those who are playing tricks on them, but he doesn't know how to speak to the upright Will.

The two of them have always maintained a relationship as colleagues.

What Will said to Daliang means that their relationship has greatly improved, and Will is gradually letting go of his grudge. Gaining a friend makes Daliang even happier than gaining a thug.

Daliang stretched out his right hand to Will: "Will... I swear on my name. From now until my death, as long as you are not my enemy, I will never deceive you again."

Under the statue of the God of Death, Daliang and Will held hands together.

Three days later, a secret meeting of the monarchs of the Kingdom of Death was held in the Eviscerated Pyramid Castle of Erosion City.

Mayor Pearson placed a round table at the venue to show that every position was equal, but he only raised the main seat a little, making both the seat and the tabletop about ten centimeters higher. Skulls are hung on the wall, and are placed at equal intervals elsewhere. On the wall behind the main seat, the density of the skulls suddenly becomes denser, creating a sense of constriction on both sides toward the middle.

On the top of the round table, the emblems representing their respective cities are drawn according to the status of the monarchs, so it is clear who should sit where.

A terrifying knight in black armor stood in the corner like a statue, and the ghost's low whine added a unique background music to the venue.

After a while, the five death monarchs of the old religion walked in one after another, and then sat in their respective positions. The distance between each position was about three meters.

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