Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1431 Monarch Level Meeting

On the main seat, the Pope's chair was empty. According to convention, people with higher status arrive later...

The five death monarchs of the old religion just sat like this. The distance between the seats did not allow them to whisper to each other. The venue was silent, and even the ghosts stopped making the goosebump-inducing sounds.

There was a wine glass on the table in front of the indifferent monarch, which contained bright red plasma. After being blended with high-quality red wine, the aroma of the wine suppressed the fishy smell of blood and made the taste more mellow. The indifferent monarch slowly tasted the blood wine, and then looked at the plague monarch. The green plague-like gas emitted from his body was compressed around his body, and the stench was not as strong as before.

The indifferent monarch cast a look of contempt upon the plague monarch. This Plague Lord is hateful and has a bad temper. In fact, he is as timid as a mouse. He has always been weak when dealing with the strong and strong when facing the weak. Sigh City sent someone to give him a bottle of "disinfectant", and he actually smeared it on his body. There is absolutely no dignity as a dead monarch. Looking at the cowering and immobile look, there is no trace of the toughness that he had argued with him a few days ago. He is definitely the most unreliable of these death monarchs.

If we don't take the initiative at the beginning of the negotiation, I guess Plague will take the initiative to join us.

Looking at the other death monarchs, they also have their own concerns. The Kingdom of Death has never been a united plane. If it were not for the war, the Death Lords would not meet once for hundreds or thousands of years. The indifferent monarch had already sensed that the venue had been carefully arranged. It seemed like an equal meeting, but the focus had shifted to the City of Sighs.

The indifferent monarch feels the need to hit these monarchs who don't know what they think before the sorrow comes.

"Plague Monarch..." The indifferent monarch said to the Plague Monarch: "Sorrow knows us very well. He prepared delicious blood wine for me, but put 'disinfectant' on you. I think in the eyes of sadness, you He's just a weak guy who can be bullied casually.

If sadness really became our Pope, imagine what he would do to you?

He will treat you like a dog...

Give up the things you are thinking about now. Only by supporting me... will you have the dignity that a monarch should have. "

The Plague Lord was so stimulated by the indifferent monarch that he was just about to say something when a group of Holy See Knights from the City of Sighs walked in from the door. Finally, Will, the leader of the Holy See Knights from the City of Sighs, was guarding a man wearing a monarch's divine robe with a The hooded man walked up to the conference table.

They are really human, and the Death Lords can smell the breath of human life.

Thinking about the rumors coming from the New Unsullied Holy See, the monarchs have also guessed the identity of this human being... The proposer and spreader of the ultimate belief, his status in the New Unsullied Holy See is second only to the Sad Pope, the mentor of death... Eviscerate the Monarch.

What is he here to do?

Under the puzzled gazes of the dead monarchs of the old church, the Eviscerated Lord walked to his seat in the City of Sighs and sat down, with Will standing behind him.

"I'm sorry... Monarchs, I'm late due to some delays." Da Liang did not lift his hood to reveal his appearance. He first nodded to the Plague Lord and then said: "Plague Lord, I sent Lord Pearson I don't mean to look down upon you by giving you the 'disinfectant'. As you can see, I am a human race. Your law-level plague virus may not have much effect on the undead, but for me... it is. fatal.

I think you don’t want me to be killed by your plague as long as this meeting is open. "

Da Liang's humor made the Plague Lord grin.

Applying "disinfectant" was indeed an insult to the Plague Lord, and was then ridiculed by the Indifferent Lord. Just now, the Plague Lord really had the idea of ​​​​getting angry, and wanted to break out at the venue to show the majesty of his monarch.

But Daliang gave an explanation and flattered the Plague Lord a little. The Plague Lord immediately had a very good impression of the Eviscerate Lord.

Plague does no harm to the undead. Even if the plague monarch's plague skill reaches the law level, it can't even kill a skeleton soldier. This also resulted in the fact that although the Plague Lord became a level 16 hero earlier than most Death Lords, his status continued to decline. If it weren't for Sadness being too young, the position of the seventh monarch would definitely belong to the Plague Lord.

However, plague is not very effective in the kingdom of death, but in foreign wars it is an existence that creatures are afraid of avoiding.

Wherever the plague monarch passes, no humans or animals remain. This makes the plague monarch the first priority for the good camp to deal with once it appears on the battlefield. Sometimes Michael will personally drive the plague back to the kingdom of death. Because the Plague Lord was timid and fearful, when he saw several powerful level 16 heroes from the good camp rushing towards him, he turned around and ran away, so that he had no good performance in the plane war.

Now Daliang, as the Death Lord, acknowledges the power of the Plague Lord, and even says that his plague can poison him to death. Of course... Plague also knew that this was impossible, but this recognition made the Plague Lord, who had always been despised, feel extremely comfortable.

"Hahaha..." The Plague Lord smiled even more ugly: "The plague I spread can turn a city into a dead city in one day, and then I can use spiritualism to gain tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers. .

As long as I let go of my hands and feet, I can turn all living creatures in the world into undead.

Lord Eviscerate... You can rest assured that I have applied all those "disinfectants". As long as I don't release the plague, the poisonous gas emitted will not hurt you. Hahaha……"

The Plague Lord laughed heartily, and the Indifferent Lord's face became even colder. He said to Will: "Where is the sadness? Our five death monarchs invited him to come to Corrosion City to meet, not to talk to a human."

Will, standing behind Da Liang, saluted the indifferent monarch and said: "Indifferent monarch...His Majesty the Pope not only wants to organize an army to attack our mortal enemy...Dreamland, but also sends an army of the undead to hell to participate in the Crucible City War. Really He is too busy to get away. The Eviscerated Monarch is the Death Mentor personally appointed by His Majesty the Pope. He is His Majesty’s most trusted monarch and is qualified to represent His Majesty.

This time the Eviscerating Lord came to Corrosion City to hold talks with the monarchs, it was the commission of His Majesty the Pope. The Eviscerate Monarch has all the rights to make decisions on behalf of His Majesty the Pope.

In fact, it was the Eviscerate Monarch who arrived on the aerospace battleship Faith a month ago. This new erosion city was also built under the orders of the Eviscerate Monarch.

His Majesty the Pope gave the 10 million gold coins to Erode City without asking a single word.

I think this is enough to prove His Majesty the Pope’s attitude..."

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