Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1435 Research Direction

Holy Julian stood behind Da Liang. On the golden wings, the sacred energy fell like water drops, and dispersed and disappeared before landing. Her beautiful appearance and blond wavy hair attract the attention of everyone who sees her. She is known as the "Angel Queen" among the players.

However, her expression was as calm as water, making people dare not have any blasphemous thoughts.

After experiencing the erosion and torture of evil, her character was sublimated after she separated from evil. In her eyes...goodness and evil are no longer absolute opposites. Justice is the mercy of the strong towards the weak. And sin...who is qualified to define sin?

There is no distinction between good and evil in power, and things done by kind races may not necessarily be right.

Julian has witnessed the entire rise of Daliang, accompanied him in the evil camp, and also knows what status he has in the evil camp. But Julian didn't think Daliang was evil. He saved Shangjiang City, which was facing collapse, saved the foggy area with no future, saved the Crystal Dragon Clan, the Purple Dragon Clan, and the Poison Dragon Clan; he saved the main world.

There are also dwarves and wizard guilds...

Too many. Most importantly...he saved himself.

When Julian came to the alchemy laboratory, she couldn't help but be touched by many memories. She looked at Daliang, who was listening carefully to Minnia's explanation of the progress of the experiment, and her originally calm eyes couldn't help but reveal some tenderness.

This was the man she swore to protect with all her heart.

His will is "justice".

At this time, Minia suddenly said: The research on the crystal wall of the God Plane actually requires herself and Juliet.

"What do we need to do? I don't do anything dangerous." Juliet said before her sister.

Juliet's temperament is still so violent and flamboyant, and she will only restrain herself when there is Liang or Julian around. When Juliet is quiet, she has a bit of a girl-next-door temperament. Of course, that's just an appearance. When she greets you with a smile, she will fall out of favor faster than turning the page in a book.

When Daliang and Minia were talking about the divine plane, although Juliet was standing behind Daliang, she was thinking about how to find an opportunity to sneak out.

However, Minia actually wanted her and her sister to participate in the energy release experiment of the crystal wall of the God Plane. Juliet, who realized the danger involved, immediately became nervous.

Minia saluted Julian and Juliet, and then replied: "Master Julian has integrated the extremely good divine power, and Master Juliet has integrated the extremely evil divine power. You two have very high resistance to divine power, and a short-term divine power impact will not affect you." Would cause too much damage.

Instructor Nicole believes that with the assistance of the Artifact Angel Alliance, Masters Julian and Juliet can achieve a balance of extremely good divine power and extremely evil divine power. When the two adults understand each other, we may be able to attract each other through divine power and Repulsion, directed channeling of the extremely good divine power released by the crystal wall of the god plane..."

It seems like a pretty rigorous theory.

Daliang asked: "How to operate it specifically? Can the extremely good divine power in the crystal wall channel of the plane of God be directly drained out?"

Minia replied: "Teacher Nicole just has such a feasible method. How to implement it requires a meeting of alchemist masters to discuss. Then, while ensuring the safety of Julian and Juliet, we will conduct experimental demonstrations step by step.

As for the extremely good divine power...

The obelisk is still needed for release. If Julian and Juliet can channel their divine power, we may be able to guide the extremely good divine power into a container after it is transformed into a spread of divine energy.

This will not affect the energy balance of the Kingdom of Death and cause fatal harm to the undead.

Moreover, the obelisk tower does not need to withstand excessive energy output, nor will it cause irreparable damage. "

Minia is a vampire of the undead tribe, so she naturally does not want the undead tribe to suffer catastrophe due to the research into becoming gods in the Great Tomb. Daliang's foundation is also in the Kingdom of Death, and he also does not want the obelisk tower here to be damaged and affect the development of the undead tribe.

Therefore, when he grabbed the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death, Daliang asked Nicole's alchemy laboratory to conduct experiments to open the divine plane without damaging the obelisk.

Because of Daliang's suggestion, the Great Tomb's research direction on the God Plane stopped trying to open the crystal wall of the God Plane through violent destruction. This research direction of making the crystal wall of the god plane self-destruct due to overload output is not inherently dangerous to the obelisk tower as an "antenna". If the extremely good divine power does not need to be transformed and is transmitted directly through the obelisk, it only serves as a medium...the obelisk is safer.

Any research on the divine plane, whether it requires money or materials, Daliang will spare no effort to support it.

This time, the research actually involves Julian. It is impossible for Daliang to let Julian do such a dangerous thing based on just a theory... Divine power is not so easy to control.

Just when Daliang was about to refuse this research project, Julian said: "If the divine plane can be opened, Juliet and I are willing to dedicate our efforts."

"Sister...that is a very good divine power, and we don't have the ability to control it yet. If it affects you, you will become something else."

The extremely evil divine power possessed by Juliet will repel the extremely good divine power, and the influence of the extremely good divine power on her is much less than that of Julian, who possesses the extremely good divine power. If you don't become a god, you won't have the ability to control divine power. If the experiment goes out of control, Julian will definitely be the first to be affected by divine power.

Seeing that Juliet, who originally wanted to get rid of him, actually cared about him so much, a smile appeared on Julian's face: "I believe that I will succeed..."

"I also believe that we will succeed!" Daliang said, "But whether you participate in this research or not is up to me."

Daliang stopped Julian from continuing and said to Minia: "Master Nicole is too crazy about research and I will not believe her safety promise.

You and Black Pearl are Master Nicole's disciples and my most trusted subordinates. I ask you two to follow the entire process of formulating this research plan and evaluate the safety of the experiment.

As long as there is any risk factor in it, I will not allow this experiment to be carried out. "

Julian followed Daliang's order and said nothing more. Juliet poked her sister with her elbow and showed a teasing smile.

Miniya knew that Julian's position in Daliang's heart was irreplaceable. She promised Daliang: "Your Highness... I will notify Black Pearl, and we will seriously evaluate the dangers of this research plan."

The bright spot nodded. Nicole, Zi Ling and Zi Long Mo were not here, so there was nothing interesting to see in the laboratory. He finally said to Minia: "I won't wait here for Master Nicole and others to come out. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with outside..."

At this time, Minia hurriedly said: "The Black Fire Council has completed its separation from the territory. Should we move it to the big tomb now?"

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