Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1436 Parliament Building

After the Blackfire Territory was upgraded to a level 12 territory, the core meeting hall of the city was upgraded to a parliament.

Below the council is the evil prison where the Hell Lord King Ergus has been imprisoned for thousands of years. It is also the source of the Blackfire Territory's mutated undead army. Its importance can be said to be the true heart of the Blackfire Territory.

And Yunzhong City knows the location of the Black Fire Leader.

The relationship between the first empire of the main world and Yunzhong City became sour. The Battle of Shangjiang wiped out the elves and orcs allied forces, and secretly supported the evil camp's operations in the Crucible City.

It can be said that Daliang gave Michael a hard blow.

Now, the Black Fire Territory, which is isolated overseas, is already under the surveillance of the angels of Cloud City.

Although Michael still doesn’t know what kind of relationship the Black Fire Territory has with the Kingdom of Death, when the Black Fire Territory is promoted to the 13th and 14th level Undead Territory, Michael will definitely be able to associate many pieces of information together and guess the truth. It is very likely that he is the Eviscerate Monarch who is also from the human race.

When the time comes, the angry Michael may not attack the Black Fire Territory homeland.

The terrain is easy to attack and difficult to defend, so the Black Fire Leader can rely on Shangjiang's military power to block the players' approach, but it will never be able to stop the attack of Yunzhong City. Therefore, it is urgent to transfer the Blackfire Council and the evil prison.

After hearing from Minia that the Black Fire Territory Council had completely separated from the territorial reef, Da Liang immediately led his subordinates through the busy plane teleportation array and returned to the Black Fire Territory mainland from the Boneyard Tomb.

The dark sky hid the entire Black Fire Territory reef area in the black mist, and a powerful undead fleet patrolled this sea area non-stop. The Shangjiang Fleet clearly marked this place as a military restricted area. Any ship that breaks into this place without permission will be "sinked directly without warning" once discovered.

The kill order of the Shangjiang Navy, the undead garrison fleet, the dark sky, and extremely complex and dangerous waterways prevent players from peeking here.

But a large number of cargo ships come and go from here every day, which also arouses the curiosity of players.

Players' exploration of this sea area has never stopped, and the methods of invasion are also unconstrained. It seems to be only a matter of time before the Black Fire Leader is exposed to the player's sight.

However, according to Daliang's status and strength in the game world, he no longer cares whether the Black Fire Comprehension will be discovered by players. On the contrary, there is some expectation, what the players will look like when they finally get a glimpse of the Black Fire Leader after going through many hardships.

Perhaps "Dinner with the Blackfire Lord" can be used as the last Easter egg of this adventure game.

Daliang, who was in the Black Fire Territory, was thinking mischievously.

The special geographical environment makes the Black Fire Territory a city where both water and water coexist. Due to the scarcity of materials, most of the resources needed for urban development rely on ocean transportation.

Countless barges shuttled on the waterways between the city buildings, and countless skeleton laborers worked on the construction sites. The Blackfire Territory continued to develop rapidly.

The city of the undead, shrouded in the aura of death, is busier than the human city.

Looking at this veritable player's first territory, I'm afraid no one would have thought that Daliang would feel more at a loss when he acquired this barren territory.

Da Liang unfolded his fallen angel wings and flew over the parliament building.

The Assembly Hall, which was originally buried deep in a tomb under the sea, is now a parliament building protruding from the water. The building is shaped like a spire, and the portion exposed above the water is about thirty-five meters high. The building is black and gray, the windows resemble the eye sockets on a skull, and the black fire skull and crossbones flag floats on the flagpole on the pointed roof.

The underwater part of the parliament building is buried deep in the reef of the base. Now after quarrying, the base of the parliament building has been separated from the reef. Dozens of specially-built giant ships surrounded the parliament building, tied with ropes to levitate it in the sea.

The next step is to teleport the parliament building through the plane teleportation array into the Boneyard Tomb. Use this ultimate defense prepared by Da Liang for the God War to protect the core of the Black Fire Territory.

"Assemble the Angel Legion, the Dragon Legion...all the air units in the Black Fire Territory and the Great Tomb that have no mission, all come here. The air battleships 'Prince' and 'Assault' sail towards the Black Fire Territory at full speed.

If the Black Pearl comes out of the crystal wall passage on the divine plane, let her come here.

We need to move the Blackfire Council building as soon as possible...

Order the housekeeper Mike to prepare to receive it. After the parliament building enters the big tomb, there is space for the ancient tree of wisdom to be transferred into Frost City. "

As Daliang's order was issued, the troops under the Black Fire Territory everywhere immediately took action.

Fifty-four archangels and angels; forty-seven giant dragons; seventy-nine giant frost dragons; three shadow dragon demons; crystal dragon Qianli; holy angel Julian; hell angel Juliet; doom unicorn Swift Wind; four Destruction Knight.

There are also fallen angels, demons, and heroes who can fly...

"Prince", "Assault" and "Black Pearl"

Countless griffins, pegasus, vampire sword guards...

The night has sealed off the space of the Black Fire Territory, and the territory's magic tower blocks outsiders from peeking into the place in any way.

In a short period of time, Daliang summoned an army that would impress any force.

And Da Liang also transformed into the Flame Commander, leading this powerful aerial cluster to gather in the sky above the Black Fire Territory Parliament Building.

Three aerial warships dropped ropes and fixed them on the base of the parliament building. They were arranged in three directions to stabilize the center of gravity of the parliament building. Other aerial units also dropped ropes and fixed them at various locations in the parliament building to pull the entire building structure up.

The plane teleportation array was built on a reclaimed island, several hundred meters away from the parliament building. Daliang will lead his air force to pull the parliament building into the air, and then move it to the position of the plane teleportation array.

The overall relocation of the parliament building created a grand scene over the Black Fire Territory.

"The first step is to pull the parliament building out of the water. The 'Prince', 'Assault' and 'Black Pearl' keep the balance of the building. Now...start!"

Da Liang pulled a rope in a flame-commanding posture. In the airspace around him were angels and dragons. They gathered directly above the parliament building, and after the order was given, they flew upward together.

Surrounded by a group of griffins, a group of Pegasus and large bat-like vampire sword guards. Although their individual strength is not as good as the ultimate creatures, the lift released by the group is stronger than the ultimate creatures.

The parliament building was pulled up slowly from the water, and the surface ships that originally towed the building together cut the ropes tied to the base of the building.

After the initial shaking, the three air and space warships worked together to stabilize the center of gravity of the parliament building.

After the building stabilizes, all air units ramp up again. The speed of ascent increases and the main body of the building soon leaves the water, followed by the base formed by the reef.

Since part of the parliament building is underground and there is an evil prison below, the entire underground part of the building is as long as the above-ground part. Therefore, when the parliament building is completely out of the water, it looks like a long column with two spire bases connected together.

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