Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1437 Target Joyce

The parliament building of the Black Fire Territory was dragged along by the heavyweight air units led by Da Liang, and moved along the sky above the city on the sea towards the reclaimed island.

In the center of the island is the level 12 plane teleportation array.

At this time, the plane teleportation array is emitting a halo with a diameter of 200 meters upward during the joint spellcasting of the Magic Mage Strategic Magician Group. The array is operating at full power to ensure that this extremely large building can pass smoothly. .

In the energy supply array surrounding the teleportation array, skeleton laborers poured rare resources into the energy converter.

The entire transfer process was carefully planned and carried out in an orderly manner from the beginning.

The pointed parliament building was transported directly above the plane teleportation array, and then began to slowly descend with the cooperation of air units. The magic mages chanted spells that could increase the energy of the space, and the light overflowing from the magic circle became stronger.

When the base of the building touched the plane teleportation array, on the other side of the teleportation array, the ancient space wisdom tree planted in Pegasus City simultaneously opened another teleportation door to relay the transmission from the parliament building.

The portal opened over Frost City, and the parliament building of the Black Fire Territory was sent into this sealed cave bit by bit.

In the center of Frost City, the site where the Parliament Building will be placed has been prepared for reception, and a hole has been dug that can lower the base of the building.

The pit has been arranged with alchemical magic. After falling in, the base of the Parliament Building will not come into contact with the cave wall, but will be suspended inside under the action of magic, so that the alchemists can enchant the Parliament Building later. deal with.

With the experience of landing in the Evernight Cathedral, Daliang also placed a circle of magic mages around the pit to assist in the landing. Turbulent airflow erupts upward from the pit, buffering the potential energy of the building's fall.

As it descended, the entire parliament building appeared in the sky above Frost City, and then the air units dragging the building also arrived together and continued to lower the building.

Falling meter by meter, be extremely careful.

Until the entire base was accurately submerged into the pit, the surrounding magic mages immediately released their solidification skills, connecting the parliament building to the solid stone on the ground.

At this point, the project of transferring the heart of the Black Fire Territory has been successfully concluded.

According to Daliang's vision, the parliament building of the Black Fire Territory will be transformed into an aerial fortress. This is a larger project than building an aerial battleship, but with the experience of building the "Prince" and the alchemy technology of Nicole's Alchemy Laboratory, there should be no problem in making the air fortress fly.

As long as it can fly, the rest can be slowly researched and developed.

Da Liang was not in a hurry. Anyway, an air fortress must have a fleet of air and space battleships for protection. After the fleet is completed, the technology required for the air fortress has been accumulated.

Now... just continue to search for Joyce's heroic spirit, and then wait for the war in the Crucible City to end.

Holy Isaiah is also looking for Joyce’s heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits.

No matter how fierce the fighting in the Crucible City was, Holy Isaiah did not receive an order from Michael to transfer him back to join the battle. It seemed that he had been forgotten in this mission, or that Michael really thought highly of Joyce. Heroic Spirit, I hope she can bring another angel to Yunzhong City who has the ability to be promoted to a level 16 hero.

"Holy Lord Isaiah..." A human city lord interrupted Isaiah's thinking.

Holy Isaiah stopped above a granite castle, and the bright sunshine shone on him, letting his sacred light shine on the main human city. Clean roads, neat buildings, tall city walls, and mighty troops all show the power of this city.

But in the world of heroes, no matter how powerful the human city is, they dare not show any disrespect to Yunzhong City.

The city lord and his important ministers stood on the top platform of the castle and reported to Holy Isaiah the tasks recently assigned to them by Yunzhong City.

"Sir... after Yunzhong City ordered all human cities in our world of heroic spirits to search for the heroic spirits of Joyce, the former city lord of Shangjiang in the main world, we sent heroes to the heroic spirit spaces in their respective cities.

It has now been confirmed that most of the heroic spirit space has nothing to do with Joyce's heroic spirit, but...

Several heroic spaces have been blocked by some adventurers. We have warned these adventurers, but they still haven't left.

Since their actions did not violate city laws, we did not use force for the time being. Sir, do you need us to suppress them? "

Holy Isaiah knows that some adventurers (players), in order to monopolize some special heroic spaces, will choose to send personnel to block them to prevent other adventurers from entering the adventure. But there are very few adventurers who dare to stand in the way of the city's direct heroes, especially those who risk war with the city's army in order to seize the heroic space... very few.

Having the ability to block urban heroes from entering the Heroic Spirit Space in the city, these adventurers can be said to be very powerful.

Holy Isaiah suddenly realized that...the other party might also be looking for Joyce's heroic spirit. He said to the city lord who was standing respectfully on the castle below: "You have done a very good job in this matter. Those who dare to block the heroic spirit space and block Others who venture into the Heroic Spirit Space... must be resolutely suppressed.

Give me the information you want as quickly as possible, and when I find Joyce's spirit, Yunzhong City will give you the rewards you deserve. "

The incident of the Judgment Legion blocking the entrance to the Heroic Spirit instance triggered the intervention of the city where the instance was located. The city defense army drove away the members of the Judgment Legion who were blocking the entrance to the dungeon, while the legion players who were ordered not to retreat refused to take a step back.

The scene was at a stalemate for a while, and the situation worsened.

Warnings and threats have recently turned into violent suppression.

No matter how strong the Judgment Legion is on the player level, it is still no match for the system city, especially when the battle is still taking place inside the city.

It was at this time that Daliang ended his journey to the kingdom of death and re-entered the world of heroic spirits.

Shu Xiao commanded the Judgment Legion and tried his best to resist the attacks from various cities, but the strength gap between the two sides was too great, and most of the entrances to the heroic spirit copies were lost. The remaining heroic spirit copy entrances that are still under control are unknown when they will be lost.

Daliang, who returned to the world of heroic spirits, immediately began to conquer the dungeon after getting the entrance to the dungeon of heroic spirits and was snatched away by the armies of each city.

Players seizing the resources of the Heroic Spirit Dungeon are a reasonable use of city regulations. They prevent others from entering the Heroic Spirit Dungeon by setting up obstacles or directly blocking them. If players block a copy of the Heroic Spirit for too long, some cities may take necessary actions or even evict them by force.

But so many unrelated cities simultaneously launched an attack on the Judgment Corps that blocked the copy of the Heroic Spirit... Only Cloud City could organize such a large-scale unified action.

Their target must be Joyce.

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