Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1439 City of Faith

Shu Xiao heard Daliang talk about Juliet's character. She seemed harmless, but sometimes she went off the rails and was cruel and easy to kill. In response to Juliet's provocation, Shu Xiao raised his eyebrows, put one hand on the angel sword at his waist, and said: "Now is not the time, if I have the chance... I really want to fight you.

The enemy's counterattack will arrive soon. If the angels in Cloud City are involved in the war, it will be left to you... No matter what enemies they encounter, they are not allowed to approach the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space. "

"Yes, Knight of Broken Moon!" Julian saluted Shu Xiao again.

But Juliet just snorted with her nose and agreed.

Under the command of Shu Xiao, the Judgment Corps and the supporting friendly forces used the existing city defenses to set up defensive positions. Scouts spread out in all directions to discover the enemy's location in advance.

A sudden war is about to break out in Xinyue City, and Daliang seizes the time he can get to complete the main line progress as quickly as possible.

The Battle of Shangjiang developed rapidly according to the speed at which Daliang completed the main mission... The dwarves of Obsidian City joined the Five-Color Flag Alliance, the Five-Color Flag Alliance Army was established in Shangjiang, and the King of the Hill was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the alliance army.

Then the war in NJ City broke out, and the war in Hang Z City broke out...

The plot of the copy extends towards the final part. The entire Shangjiang City devoted all its efforts to provide logistical support for the war, reorganize and train the army; strengthen the city's defenses; maintain order in the city, and most importantly... prepare for the ceremonies needed to establish the empire.

In the palace plot, Daliang saw the smile on Joyce's face many times. At various meetings, her confident beauty makes people intoxicated.

"Open the door for me, my knight..."

The familiar voice seemed to appear in his ears again, and Daliang, who had released the state of the Flame Commander, stood outside the door of Joyce's study.

The time and place are right... As long as the door is pushed open, it will be the final plot of this copy. Joyce and her assassin are inside, and all the answers are inside...

But Da Liang did not continue the plot. Once this door is opened, all things are irreversible. The copy of the heroic spirit will come to an end, and the heroic spirit will disappear and turn into pure light energy. Then an angel will be born in the birth pool of Yunzhong City.

You will definitely be the most beautiful angel, but I won't let that happen. You will always be King Joyce in my heart... This time I will guard this door for you until the moment I can push it open with my own hands.

When Da Liang conquered the dungeon, the counterattack from the world of heroes also came.

Since the beginning of the plane war, the cities in the world of heroes have never been attacked. The good camp holds the initiative in the war, while the evil camp only has defensive strength. As a plane sheltered by the powerful Cloud City, the world of heroes has always been safe.

This time a fifth-level city was captured, and it became very sensitive.

The human cities around Xin Yue City responded very quickly. Before Shu Xiao could arrange the city's defenses, an overwhelming group of griffons had already flown over. When the group of griffins arrived over the Xinyue City, another group of galloping knights appeared on the distant horizon.

Following the human army came a large number of heroes. They left behind all the baggage and the slow-moving army, preparing to recapture the lost city as quickly as possible.

When the griffins rushed into Faith City... the battle broke out instantly.

All the players in Covenant City don't know what the cause of this war is. They are in a dead place, with no weapons of war to rely on, and they are facing the strongest enemy in the world.

In this war, it is almost impossible for all players defending the city to survive.

But no one backed down.

No one questioned Daliang's order.

Players in the game world have already formed a perfect order. Only by abiding by the order can they adapt to the game world. If they want to disobey the order, they must have the strength not to abide by it.

At this time, in Letter City, there are professional player legions like the Judgment Legion, and there are members of the college alliance who volunteer to help. Those who have received a lot of money will naturally work hard for it. Players who have not received a lot of money must start and end since they are here.

Players who volunteered to come and ran away from the battle, and the Judgment Corps would definitely not pursue anything after the battle, but after the war, they would assess the contribution of each participant. Yingshi Virtual Bank has joined forces with all registered financial institutions in the Chinese gaming area to develop a player credit score system. Each player's credit rating is public and can be queried by everyone.

As a direct branch of Yingshi Virtual Bank, a "bad review" from the Judgment Corps will definitely be a big blow to an individual's credit. "Creditability" affects the amount and interest rate of a player's bank loan. At the same time, taking risks in the game world is full of dangers. NPCs are cunning and treacherous. No one will entrust their safety to an unreliable person.

In short...whether it was for money or to judge the legion's credit rating, all the players in the Covenant City worked hard.

After griffins from all directions rushed into the city, all players with flying mounts took off together...

It's like going back to the early days of the game. At that time, players did not have war equipment or alchemy equipment. The war was to rush forward with passion, either falling on the way to the charge or falling into the enemy's pile.

The group of griffins that arrived in a hurry to join the battle also had no decent tactics. They either followed the nearby heroes to fight, or they dived directly towards the place where the enemy was most numerous.

Fighting spreads across the sky, the sun is blocked and shadows cover the entire city. Magic and combat skills jumped, the griffins that died in battle fell to the ground, and the dead players flashed with white light.

Smoke and dust billowed outside the city, and a group of knights broke open the damaged city gate and rushed in.

The battle becomes more intense, with dead players reaching the war again via legionary rally flags, blocking the knight's advance on every street.

Julian, Juliet and the angels were in higher airspace, and they were not involved in the battle in Covenant City at this time. The fighting situation below is far from enough to require them to participate in the battle. They have more important enemies...

A portal in Cloud City has been opened in the airspace of Xianye City. The rectangular light door with a height of 20 meters exudes a sacred atmosphere. But no angel has come out yet, so I don’t know what Yunzhong City is waiting for.

Julian held the Angel Alliance tightly, and she was a little nervous about fighting Yunzhong City.

Juliet had already drawn both swords. She looked at the heavily protected entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space and said to Julian: "Sister, do you think Daliang can resurrect Joyce? There seems to be no precedent for a Heroic Spirit to be resurrected."

"As long as His Highness wants to do something, he will be able to do it, just like he saved me..." Julian shook the Angel Alliance to shake off the nervousness, and said to Juliet: "I am His Highness's guardian Angel, you are also his guardian angel. No matter who His Highness chooses, I will bless him, and you should bless him too."

Prayer magic was sprinkled from the sky to the entire Covenant City, and all those who fought for the Great Light were blessed by the Angel Alliance.

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