Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1440 Intruder

The wind blew Julian's blond hair flying. She swung her sword casually, and the sword light flew through the air, cutting the portal of Yunzhong City into pieces.

In the city, Shu Xiao also led the players to drive the incoming griffins and knights out of the city wall.

The strength of a single player is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Without cooperation, tactics, and overall strength, it was not a surprise that the first wave of human attacks were repelled.

The truly difficult battle of this war is the moment when the main force of the human army arrives.

At that time, every human warrior received the greatest blessing of magic, with overall advancement on the ground and in the air, suppression by heavy long-range weapons, and large-scale magic coverage. Without equivalent war equipment, no matter how many and powerful players go up there, they will die.

The investigators sent news that the main force of the human race will arrive soon...

The final battle is about to begin.

"This dungeon is of extraordinary significance to has the value of letting him fight until he has all his wealth." Shu Xiao said on the regional channel: "Daliang and I will remember the contributions of every friend in this war." Pay it forward, and I guarantee your efforts will be rewarded.

The goal of this war remains unchanged. Before Da Liang leaves the dungeon, hold on to the last person and the last legion assembly flag. No one is allowed to approach the entrance of the heroic spirit dungeon!

Get ready to fight! "

Outside the city, knights galloped and griffins soared. In the distance... the human army is forming a neat square formation, marching towards Faith City.

At the same time, multiple portals opened in the airspace around the city, and groups of angels flew out, including several holy angels with golden wings.

A divine angel spoke in a voice that could be heard throughout the city: "I am the only Archangel, Holy Left Wing of Most High Michael, Holy Isaiah. I ask for a dialogue with your Commander..."

Shu Xiao stood out from the crowd, fluttering his angel wings and quickly flew in front of Holy Isaiah: "I am Sui Yue, the deputy lord of the Shangjiang City Judgment of the first empire in the main world, and the commander of this army.

If you have anything to say, you can tell me. "

Shangjiang City, Judgment Territory...

Holy Isaiah confirmed his guess that the other party really came for Joyce’s heroic spirit. They occupied the City of Faith and defended the city, apparently finding Joyce's heroic space.

Here she is.

Isaiah looked at the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space in the city square from the air, and then said to Shu Xiao: "This is the Heroic Spirit World, not your main world. You seizing the Faithful City guarded by Yunzhong City... is an invasion.

I order you to withdraw from the Covenant City immediately, otherwise I will eliminate you and take back the city. "

Shu Xiao replied: "We can exit the Covenant City, but the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space in the city must be guarded by us..."

"What a rude request!" Holy Isaiah became angry and shouted: "Xinyue City accepts the protection of Yunzhong City. Every stone here is sacred and inviolable, not to mention the heroic spirits that are very important to Yunzhong City. .

It seems... only war can drive you away. "

Shu Xiao smiled and said: "Then don't talk nonsense, if you want to fight, just fight..."

A human being was so arrogant in the face of the Holy Left Wing. Holy Isaiah laughed angrily and waved his hand to order the angels he brought to attack...

At this time, a mountain-like pressure suddenly came.

Holy Isaiah's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately stood respectfully.

A crack in space flashed, and a supreme angel appeared above the battlefield.

Isaiah saluted forward and said: "Dear Supreme Master Metatron... We are recovering the invaded Letter City. Such a small-scale war, I didn't expect that your arrival would be alarmed."

The supreme angel who arrived was Metatron. He scanned the battlefield and then said to Holy Isaiah: "A small-scale war? I'm very could the fight for a fifth-level human city disturb the Holy Michael?" Left wing. Why didn’t you appear on the battlefield in Furnace City instead of here?”

Holy Isaiah replied: "I am carrying out an important mission assigned by Archangel Michael. After completing the mission, I will go to the Furnace City to join the battle.

If the instructor has no other instructions, we will begin to expel the intruders. "

Metatron said: "You still haven't answered my question. It is my duty to protect Cloud City and the world of heroes. Why did you write to the city?

Forget it, I think it must be Michael who didn't let you say it.

Let me ask someone else...

Holy Julian, come here! "

Julian obeyed Metatron's call and immediately flew over. She bowed respectfully first, and then said: "Dear Master Metatron, I am sorry for our invasion, but this is the order of His Royal Highness Prince Daliang. , we must protect the entrance to the heroic space here."

Metatron showed a curious look, and he turned to Isiah and said: "Is the order Michael gave you also related to this heroic space?

What kind of important figure is this heroic spirit that can make Archangel Michael and Prince Feichen of the First Empire of the Main World fight over him? "

Isaiah did not expect that Metatron actually knew the enemy's holy angel. If he was allowed to continue asking, the assassination of Joyce would be exposed. He said: "Master Metatron, Archangel Michael's order... you have no right to interfere! Now the army to regain the Covenant City has arrived, and the attack is about to begin. The holy angel in front of you is our enemy, please You allow me to kill her."

"What a loud tone... If Lord Metatron hadn't blocked it for you... I would have thought it was you who died."

A voice approached quickly from bottom to top, and then Da Liang appeared next to Shu Xiao, flapping his black wings.

Showing an OK gesture to Shu Xiao, Daliang saluted Metatron and said: "Lord Metatron... I hope you can declare a temporary truce between the two sides, and then we can discuss a solution that is acceptable to everyone. .”

Holy Isaiah pulled out his angel sword and said loudly: "There is nothing to talk about about the invaders. Death is your destination. Attack with the whole army..."

After receiving the order to attack, the angels in Yunzhong City drew their angel swords together, and the human army that had just arrived on the ground also sounded the horn of attack.

However, Metatron's angry voice echoed throughout the sky: "Stop!"

Metatron used the power of the Supreme Angel to stop the outbreak of the war. He said angrily to Holy Isaiah: "Prince Feichen is right. If I were not here, it would be you who would die. I am also more curious, is it? What makes you so eager to capture the small city of Faith?

Isaiah... I order you to go to Hell's Furnace City immediately, and I will handle things here. "

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