Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1441 Accusation

No matter how high the status of Holy Isaiah is, he is only Michael's holy left wing. When his orders conflict with the angel mentor Metat, the angels and human troops naturally do not dare to continue attacking the Covenant City.

The advancing army stopped moving, and Holy Isiah did not have the ability to recapture the Covenant City on his own. He could only watch as his mission fell short at the last step.

Isaiah summoned the all-dimensional portal and left the world of heroes to the Crucible City to report to Michael what happened here.

Metatron secretly breathed a sigh of relief after Holy Isiah left.

There are definitely not many heroic spirits that can make Michael pay attention, and there is only one heroic spirit that makes the prince of the first empire of the main world not hesitate to go to war with Yunzhong City.

King Joyce was assassinated and died, and her heroic spirit is in the world of heroic spirits. Look at the attitude shown by Daliang at this time... King Joyce's heroic spirit is here.

Metatron could guess that the identity of the arbitration angel in the first empire of the main world might be related to Julian. At the same time, he also sensed the breath of the artifact on the sword in Julian's hand.

He knew that if he did not stop Holy Isiah's attack, it would definitely trigger a war between the First Empire of the Main World and Yunzhong City, and Isiah might die in this conflict.

Isaiah is an angel who is expected to be promoted to level 16. He is the future of Cloud City. Metatron certainly does not want him to die here.

A war came to an end because of Metatron's arrival, and the most surprising thing... was the players who were waiting to watch this war.

Although I don’t know what Daliang, Shu Xiao, Holy Isaiah, and the supreme angel Metatron said. But Da Liang occupied the city of the World of Heroes, and Metatron not only stopped the attack of Holy Isaiah, but also drove him away...

This is ability!

It is also enough to trigger a lot of speculation among players.

Everyone knows that Daliang plays very high-end games, but Daliang still refreshes the upper limit of players' high-end knowledge again and again.

Can he already have an equal conversation with a hero of Metatron's level?

After Holy Isiah left, Metatron opened a portal to Cloud City beside him, and then said to Daliang: "Your Highness... It is undisputed that you led the army to invade the Faithful City in the World of Heroes. Although I believe you must have your own reasons, you must give me a reasonable explanation.

War is not the only way to solve problems. I invite you to come with me to Yunzhong City to discuss how to resolve the conflict that occurred in Covenant City. "

Daliang asked Shu Xiao to restrain the players in Xianyue City not to provoke the angels in Yunzhong City and the human army outside the city, and asked Julian to help guard the entrance to the Heroic Spirit dungeon.

Then he followed Metatron and flew into the portal.

In Cloud City, due to the intensification of the war in Furnace City, the number of angels has decreased a lot. Some human heroes accepted the call of Yunzhong City and led the royal griffons to help defend the outer sky of Yunzhong City.

Metatron took Da Liang to the garden where they met last time. The flowers in the flower garden were colorful and exciting.

"Are you looking for the heroic spirit of King Joyce..." Metatron has the responsibility to protect Cloud City and the world of heroic spirits. He must solve the occupation of the City of Faith as soon as possible, so Metatron is straight to the point with Da Liang. State your own inferences.

Da Liang stood on the steps and looked out at the angels and royal griffons flying in the air. After a while, he said: "Lord Metatron, the assassination of King Joyce is a top priority for the First Empire of the main world and the Five-Color Flag Alliance. The murderer must be punished... no matter he is What identity!"

Metatron heard Daliang's unkind tone.

King Joyce can be said to be the highest-ranking hero who died in this plane war. If not for this accident, she would have been the ruler of the main world. There are various signs that the assassin who assassinated King Joyce was most likely from the good camp.

Metatron thought of Holy Isiah's eagerness to counterattack the City of Faith, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. But he still strongly defended: "Holy Isiah may also be looking for the heroic spirit of King Joyce, but this doesn't mean anything. The death of a hero will become a heroic spirit, and the end of the heroic spirit will give birth to an angel. Whenever a powerful hero passes away When the time comes, Yunzhong City will search for this hero's spirit as soon as possible and add a powerful angel to Yunzhong City.

If there is the heroic spirit of King Joyce in Faith City, perhaps His Highness the Prince can find the truth about the assassination in that heroic spirit space. "

The truth of the assassination is inside that door, but Da Liang cannot push it open. He said to Metatron: "Who is the assassin who assassinated King Joyce? I will find out...

Lord Metatron, I can tell you one thing. There were traces of the holy flame at the scene of the assassination... which indicated that the assassin was an angel.

It’s hard to imagine that an angel would do such a despicable thing as assassination. Perhaps... there was a powerful angel like Julian and Stark who was contaminated by some kind of power, so he did such a thing that was extremely unbecoming of an angel’s honor. Behavior.

It is indeed very suspicious that Holy Isaiah, as the holy left wing of Michael, is no longer needed in the furnace battlefield, but is quietly looking for the heroic spirit of King Joyce without your knowledge.

As for his strength... Is he very good at using the Holy Flame? "

Daliang had no intention of letting go of Holy Isaiah because of Metatron's protection. He put a big hat on Isaiah's head and waited for Metatron's response.

Metatron had seen with his own eyes Julian, Stark...these archangels who guarded the prison of evil, what they looked like after they were contaminated by evil. Sometimes they have difficulty controlling their behavior, showing bloodlust and irritability.

Assassination... Angels do that too during war. But angels generally would not choose such an extreme method, especially since the relationship between Yunzhong City and Shangjiang City at that time was far from the level that required the assassination of the leader of a major force.

This is too risky!

Failure may result in the loss of an important angel.

If they succeed, they will have to face the situation where the relationship with the Five Color Flag Alliance will deteriorate after the incident is revealed.

And...if it was really King Joyce who was assassinated by Holy could he have the courage without Michael's instruction!

Metatron did not expect that the assassination of King Joyce would eventually involve Cloud City, and the other end of the clue was the Archangel Michael.

Thinking of Michael's attitude towards plane wars and his behavior over the years, this assassination... might really have been instigated by her.

What on earth is she doing?

Does she have to wipe out all the non-good camp forces in this world before she is willing to give up?

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