Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1442 Peaceful Solution

Metatron didn't know how to continue this topic, he could only say: "I will help you find out whether Holy Isaiah is the murderer of King Joyce.

But how do you deal with the City of Faith?

The cities in the world of heroic spirits cannot be allowed to be occupied by you like this. "

Da Liang did not force Metatron too much on the matter of Holy Isiah. This matter most likely involved Michael, which was beyond Metatron's ability. Even Holy Isaiah could not leave this important holy left wing to Shangjiang City.

In the end, strength will speak for itself in this matter.

Regarding Covenant City, Da Liang said to Metatron readily: "I can confirm... the heroic spirit in Covenant City is King Joyce, but we don't want King Joyce's heroic spirit to become an angel. We are thinking A way to resurrect her.

Therefore, we can return Covenant City to the World of Heroes, and we are willing to bear all the losses to the World of Heroes in this war. After all, it was indeed our fault in the first place.

But I must control the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space. No one can approach her until we find a way to resurrect King Joyce.

This is what Yunzhong City owes us. "

Daliang's words were very firm, but he didn't want to stalemate his relationship with Metatron because of this incident. After all, he was the one who would suffer in a fight in the world of heroes.

Hearing that Da Liang wanted to resurrect Joyce's heroic spirit, Metatron frowned and said, "Resurrection of the heroic spirit? This has never happened before.

The soul, memory, and body are all separated. There is no magic or prop in this world that can reshape them together.

And human life is so short. Even if you could resurrect King Joyce, she would only live a few more decades, and she would eventually be reborn as an angel. "

Without understanding the law, human life will eventually come to an end. In the eyes of angels, resurrection means nothing.

And Daliang said: "With the long life of an angel, I don't know how much humans cherish time. Because cherish... every moment is a beautiful memory for us.

Joyce King was about to have the best moment of her life, and I wasn't going to let it stop.

It is my responsibility to resurrect her, and it is also my responsibility to accompany her through this life.

For this responsibility, I will do whatever it takes! "

Metatron looked at Da Liang, not finding any retreat in his eyes. Finally, he sighed and said: "Just do it as you said... The City of Letters will be handed back to us, and the entrance to the Heroic Spirit Space will be handed over to you until King Joyce is resurrected or transformed into an angel.”

"Thank you very much Lord Metatron."

Daliang left Yunzhong City, and the crisis in Xingyue City was peacefully resolved.

The players who escaped the disaster began to retreat from the Covenant City in an orderly manner after receiving the order. The Judgment Legion left a combat group to continue blocking the entrance to the Heroic Spirit dungeon. The human army of the Heroic Spirit World took over the city again.

But Daliang, whom everyone was looking forward to, did not return to Xinyuecheng.

During the days when he was busy conquering the Heroic Spirit dungeon, the New Unsullied Holy See and the Old Unsullied Holy See in the Kingdom of Death had completed all negotiations. The five Death Monarchs who were about to accept the ultimate faith had arrived at the City of Sighs, waiting for the Sad Pope to receive the punishment for them. seal up.

The Desolate Lord and President Lucas have also arrived at the City of Sighs. When the Eviscerate Lord arrives, the plot of this historic moment in the Kingdom of Death can begin.

At this time, Holy Isiah also arrived in Furnace City and met Michael in the Super Cross Sky Fortress.

Holy Isaiah told Michael everything that happened in Covenant City, including Metatron driving him away from the world of heroes.

Michael sat high on the throne, and she didn't expect that Daliang would find Joyce's heroic spirit earlier than Isaiah. You must know that Isaiah has the right to command all human cities in the entire heroic world, but it is still a step too late.

Moreover, Holy Isaiah led his army to attack Xinyue City, which will definitely make Daliang suspect that he is the murderer of Joyce, and then connect the incident with himself.

I'm afraid... Metatron will also guess something.

Michael's voice was still tepid: "Metatron handled it very correctly... The Battle of Shangjiang is over, and the 16th-level heroes of the Five Color Flag Alliance are staring at the war between us and the evil camp.

If Joyce's heroic spirit is really that important to them, your rash attack on the City of Letters is likely to trigger a full-scale invasion of the main world, and you will also die in the first wave of conflicts.

At this time, Metatron is needed to stabilize the big light. "

Holy Isaiah said: "But...if Da Liang is allowed to follow Joyce's heroic spirit space to pursue it, he will probably find that I killed Joyce."

"Da Liang is a very shrewd guy, I guess he has already doubted you." Michael smoothed the hair blocking his eyes, and then said: "He also doubted me... But what can he do? Convince Metat Long catch me?

Even if I catch you... Metatron won't allow it. No matter how he is at odds with me, he is still an angel.

During this period... don't stay too far away from me to prevent sneak attacks from Shangjiang City. You can help me teach those fallen angels a lesson in Furnace City and understand the law as soon as possible.

There are still many wars to be fought in the future. "

"Yes, Archangel!"

Holy Isaiah turned around and walked out of the hall, and immediately led the left wing guard angels into the war in the Crucible City.

The hall was empty again. Michael stroked the armrest of the seat and said to himself: "Even if Metatron knows something, he still has to stand for the interests of Cloud City in the end. He considers the interests of the angels. In the future, he knows when to compromise. This is why I feel confident letting him guard Yunzhong City...

Metatron is conservative but not pedantic. He knows how to maintain my authority and how important I am to the order of this world.

And you... are trying to incite the Angel Race to question me at this time, which will push Yunzhong City to destruction and the world into chaos.

Uriel, your recklessness has caused me to lose a supreme angel in this important war, and my enemies are constantly getting stronger.

Although Isaiah is still very immature, he will not think too much about my orders like you do. I hope he can understand the law as soon as possible so that I can have one more supreme angel at my disposal. "

Uriel's voice appeared directly in Michael's ears: "If Metatron saw the real you like me, he would never continue to protect you. If you don't have the ability to control divine power but try to possess it, you will only Controlled by divine power.

The goodness you know has deviated from the essence of goodness, and the extreme goodness you insist on will only push the originally kind race into evil.

A good God shouldn’t be like this! "

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