Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1443 Gathering in the City of Sighs

"What should a kind God look like? None of us know... But standing in front of the crystal wall of the God's plane, I can feel the terrifying power on the other side.

Don't rely on the survival of the angel race on the mercy of kind gods. Believe that they will treat the world well. It is better to believe in me. Urie... When the divine plane opens and God comes to this world, the only one who can protect it is me...

If you are willing to be loyal to me, I can release you... The evil forces are growing, and I urgently need your strength. "

Uriel thought for a long time before saying: "In order to survive, abandon the honor of the angels and be willing to be driven by the divine power; it is better to stick to what the angels insist on, stick to the nature of the angels, and face destruction with unyielding will.

Michael... I can't judge whether you are right or wrong. Your choice of self-sacrifice may be great, but sticking to my honor is the strength that supports my strong shield.

Without this honor, I will be useless.

Sorry Michael, my allegiance is to the kindness of angels, not to bowing to God. "

Seeing Uriel being so stubborn, Michael said angrily: "Your shield is simply vulnerable in the face of divine power. What's the use of retaining honor if the angel race is destroyed!" continue to be kind.

I will put you in front of the crystal wall of the divine plane and let you experience for yourself the pressure that the divine plane brings to me. If you also surrender to divine power, then you will fight for me...

If you can resist the power...

I hope you can...become the angel clan's last strong shield. "

After Michael finished speaking, without giving Uriel a chance to respond, the Blazing Wings behind her burned explosively, and a portal disappeared in a flash.

Only Michael was left alone in the hall...

She didn't know whether she was right or Uriel was right about the continuation of the angel race and the continuation of the angel spirit. But now that you have made your choice, you must go on firmly.

Destroy all those who oppose me, gather all the strength of the universe, and welcome the coming of God.

The more you know, the more distressing and difficult your decision becomes sometimes.

When Michael launched the all-dimensional unification war in order to welcome the arrival of the theocratic era, the sad Pope, who had not yet found the crystal wall of the divine plane, was ushering in another peak in his undead life.

The Eviscerate Lord once again created a miracle for him.

At the cost of 10 million gold coins, a city of sighs was able to make five dead monarchs of the old Holy See succumb. Such a value-for-money investment is probably only possible in the world with evisceration.

Plague, indifference... The five monarchs have arrived at the City of Sighs. The Desolate Lord and President Lucas also received an invitation from the Archdiocese of the City of Sighs and entered the Cathedral of the City of Sighs.

When the Eviscerate Lord arrives, all the supreme rulers of the entire Death Kingdom will gather together.

Such a grand occasion only occurred once during the last plane war, and from now long as the Sad Pope is happy, he can summon all the Death Lords together at any time.

Shortly after the City of Sighs held the flag-changing celebration of the Blue Alliance Army, another more grand celebration was held again.

Even the undead who didn't like to move and join in the fun were all awakened from their slumber. After this ceremony is over, the era of the Holy See in the Kingdom of Death ends, and the entire plane of the undead will be unified under the ultimate faith.

The Sad Pope will become the common master of the undead, and all the undead will unite together and burst out with unprecedented power.

The death lords throughout the territory of Sighs, under the orders of the Sad Pope, led their death army to gather in the wilderness outside the city of Sighs. In the sky, countless magic fireworks exploded, and the brilliant brilliance illuminated the flying bone dragons and ghost dragons, as well as the newly built aerial battleships surrounded by them.

The Plague Lord, as the default first monarch and the default second monarch of the Kingdom of Death, was indifferent. He stood on the highest tower of the Cathedral of the City of Sighs and overlooked the entire city.

This is a city completely beyond their imagination. Non-undead races can be seen everywhere on the streets, and they seem to be more active in building this city than the indigenous people here. The collapsed tombs that are common in other undead cities are almost invisible here.

Everything here is busy. On the repaired and smooth roads, skeleton carriages filled with goods were running; all functional buildings were in full working condition. Carloads of raw materials were transported in, and carloads of finished products were transported out, and then gathered in one place. Waiting for distribution in a large warehouse.

The patrolling city defense troops wore sophisticated armor; the city walls and castles were covered with various war equipment; on the training ground, human officers taught the undead heroes... how to carry out coordinated operations of various arms and heavy war weapons on the battlefield.

Compared with other places in the Kingdom of Death, this place seems to be in another dimension.

The Plague Monarch and the Indifferent Monarch have been deeply shocked by such a grand scene. The City of Sighs has been connected to the first empire of the main world, showing another appearance of the city of the undead.

Prosperity has never seemed to be the image of the city of the undead, but here it has been completely subverted.

The indifferent monarch suddenly felt his own insignificance and the absurdity of trying to prevent sorrow from becoming the Pope's intention. His once whimsical little brother finally realized all his dreams, brought vitality to the decadent undead, and left all the death monarchs far behind.

The undead army is actually not scary, but the undead army with brains is the real terror.

Within this city, indifference only feels like a deep sense of powerlessness. At the same time, he also longed for his own city and his own army, which could be like the City of Sighs and give people the pressure of a mountain-destroying tsunami.

"Plague... your choice is correct. We are not qualified to bargain with Sadness at all. However, the terms we negotiate with City of Sighs should be changed..."

The Plague Lord looked at the city with his eyes shining, and he strongly agreed with the Indifferent Lord's suggestion, and said: "Yes, it must be changed... We knew Sadness was rich, but we didn't expect him to be so rich.

Give us 100 million gold coins and let us surrender... This is too little.

Why should I add 100 million gold coins?

I think it is necessary to call everyone together for a meeting in the name of the First Lord of Death to jointly put pressure on Sadness and ask him to give more. "

The indifferent monarch did not expect the Plague Lord to give him such a response, but thinking of Plague's normal behavior, he could only mock lightly: "Plague, it's time to dig out the maggots in your brain... Don't call me when you ask Sadness for money. .

I'm going to talk to Sadness about what I can exchange for the 100 million gold coins he gave me... Maybe he can really lead the Kingdom of Death and become the leader of the evil camp. "

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