Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1444 This hole is a bit too big

When the cold monarch asked to see Pope Sadness, Sadness was meeting Da Liang who had just returned from the world of heroes.

"Will told me that you said at the meeting of the Lords of Corrosion City: The Kingdom of Death will lead the evil camp.

Do you really have such thoughts, or...are you just trying to deceive those monarchs? "

The Kingdom of Death leads the evil camp and is a greater temptation to the Sad Pope than the Lords of Death. He thought he had reached the peak of the undead, but he didn't expect Evisceration to find himself a higher mountain.

But this mountain is not easy to climb.

Hell will definitely not be willing to give up his position as the leader of the evil camp. Moreover, even if Hell is willing to give in, does the Kingdom of Death have the ability to lead the evil camp against Yunzhong City and the good camp?

At least fighting alone, Sadness knew that he was definitely no match for Michael. Group fights... The Lord of Death, who has always been in charge of his own affairs and has not seen each other for thousands of years, is not the opponent of the supreme angels who all live in Yunzhong City and often cooperate.

Not to mention... both Cloud City and the Furnace have the ability to open all-dimensional teleportation arrays, and can deploy troops across planes on a large scale regardless of distance.

With this alone, the Kingdom of Death does not have the ability to replace Hell and confront Yunzhong City.

There is also research on the God Plane... The City of Sighs has not yet found the door to the God Plane, and the angels and fallen angels have obviously tried to open the door again.

The Kingdom of Death is too far behind, and if you try to get ahead, you will die miserably.

But now is indeed the best time for the kingdom of death to replace hell.

The Sad Pope needs to seek Daliang's opinion. Since he proposed this goal, he must have his reasons.

There were only Sadness, Da Liang and Will standing by in the room.

Daliang drank red wine and seriously considered the feasibility of his idea.

"Your Majesty the Pope, at the beginning... I proposed that the Kingdom of Death should lead the evil camp in place of Hell, and I did have the idea of ​​​​deceiving the death monarchs of the old Holy See.

But I think if we follow this goal, we may not be unable to succeed. Just like we thought that the Old Immaculate Holy See was an insurmountable mountain, we did not expect that this mountain would be so unbearable in the face of ultimate faith. "

Daliang's words gave Sadness a little confidence, but he still asked worriedly: "There is a big strength gap between us and Yunzhong City. No hero in the Kingdom of Death is Michael's opponent. Yunzhong City has full-dimensional teleportation Door, we don’t have the ability to fight against it...

As for the research on the divine plane, City of Sighs is also far behind. "

Da Liang shook his wine glass and replied: "The Kingdom of Death has more level 16 heroes than Yunzhong City. Now we will gather under your command, and together we can soon compete with the Supreme Angels.

Also, what kind of power can be unleashed from the Kingdom of Death after its unification... I don't know, and I guess your Majesty doesn't know either.

Perhaps we can solve the problem of full-dimensional teleportation by concentrating all the necromancers and supplies in the main city.

There is also the God Plane... Angels and fallen angels have been studying the God Plane for so long, but they have not opened the door. This means that opening the God Plane has little to do with strength, and more about luck.

What will happen in the future is unknown. Why can't we set our goals higher and move towards them? Just like when we have nothing...

Move towards your goal. "

After Daliang finished speaking, the Sad Pope fell into thinking.

After a moment, the Sad Pope laughed: "Yes... when I was the seventh-ranked Death Lord, guarding a dilapidated city, I never thought I would become the ruler of the Kingdom of Death.

When we decided here to spread our ultimate faith throughout the kingdom of death, we never thought that this day would come and catch us so unprepared.

I was so happy that I couldn't help but be even more greedy.

But this greed... why can't we have it?

Even if this goal cannot be achieved in the end, we must give it a try.

Eviscerate, I need your help, as well as the help of the first empire of the main world and the Five Color Flag Alliance. If you don't trust the evil camp led by Hell, then the evil camp led by me must be your most solid ally. "

Daliang smiled and said: "Your Majesty... you have always been our most solid ally. Shangjiang City and Sighing City helped each other when they were weakest, and joined hands to become the core of their respective planes. In the future, we will become the core of this world.

Together with Yunzhong City, we will establish a stable order in this world.

Let’s welcome God’s arrival together. "

The soul fire shining in the sad eye sockets said: "The world of heroes is the plane of order, the main world is the plane of order, and the kingdom of death is the plane of order. The order we establish together will definitely bring the most stable balance to the world.

Fallen angels cannot change the chaos promoted by Hell, which is the root of strife in this world.

Good and evil can actually coexist. On the other side of life is death, so there are undead; on the other side of death is rebirth, so there are angels.

This is the true face of the world, but the undead have been confused and have not found their position in the world.

Eviscerate... You are the greatest wise man in this world, the guide given by the God of Death to the undead. Your arrival in the foggy area was the guidance given to me by the God of Death. You lifted the fog that shrouded the world and allowed the undead to see their responsibilities clearly.

Let the world return to order and connect life and death.

Let the good be monitored by evil, and the evil be warned by good..."

After the Sad Pope finished speaking these words, he fell into a long period of realization. Da Liang, who was so close at hand, could feel that his strength was exploding layer by layer.

The entire City of Sighs was shrouded in mighty pressure.

The indifferent monarch who had just walked outside the door turned pale with shock from the power overflowing from the door, and knelt down outside the door.

The Plague Lord, who summoned the Death Lord to discuss the price increase, was so frightened that his tongue fell out.

All the undead souls in the entire City of Sighs were lying on the ground in the direction of the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, fearing not to raise their heads.

Daliang was equally shocked as he watched the red wine in the wine glass on the table ripple without any vibration.

What on earth did brother say!

Why did the old lich Melancholy explode so much after a long speech... This was a blowout of several law-level powers! I know that if you unify the kingdom of death, your strength will definitely be improved by the system, but... this... this is too fucking cheating.

And Will on the side, why are you following the rules and understanding the rules? Is it necessary to be so excited?

It’s broken, it’s broken, it’s broken!

The Kingdom of Death is really going to rise after being fooled by me.

Da Liang covered his face, not daring to look at what he had caused. The hole he dug was a bit too big.

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