Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1445 Unification of the Kingdom of Death

At the beginning of this meeting, the Sad Pope still had great doubts about the Kingdom of Death dominating the evil camp. But at this moment... he firmly believes that the kingdom of death will replace hell and reestablish the order of the entire plane with Yunzhong City and the main world. This is the oracle given to him by the God of Death through Daliang.

Only by breaking the confrontation between good and evil can we end the fate of plane wars that break out every hundreds or thousands of years. Just like what they did in the Kingdom of Death, they used more advanced beliefs to smash the self-contained system of the Kingdom of Death, so that the undead would no longer die in silence, but integrate into the world.

Lead the world.

The Sad Pope's ideological breakthrough allowed the strength that would have been corrected by the system to grow to a higher level. The death monarchs who were originally dissatisfied with him lowered their heads together under the majesty of the sky.

As Sadness's valet, the die-hard terrifying death knight Will, after feeling Sadness's heroic ambition, was also infected and broke through the upper limit of power that had been suppressed. He understood the rules and became a newly promoted 16th level. hero.

The strength of the Kingdom of Death has increased tremendously, and ten level 16 heroes gathered in the City of Sighs.

The celebration began at the command of the Sad Pope.

The terrifying knight heroes wearing brand new black metal full-body armor, riding ghost dragons also wearing dragon armor, landed on the square outside the cathedral temple. A heavily armored ghost dragon was lying on the ground next to each other. The terrifying knights drew their sabers, straightened their bodies and faced the road leading directly from the temple to the cathedral door.

Outside the church door, the senior vampire hero blew the trombone.

The priests in all the churches chanted the New Immaculate Doctrine together.

The trumpets and chants echoed, and all the death lords and bishops who participated in the ceremony, led by several death monarchs, entered the gate along the gray-white carpet and walked towards the temple.

Green will-o'-the-wisps illuminated the temple. The Death Monarch, Death Lord, and Bishops stood in the main hall in front of the Death God's altar according to their respective identities and statuses.

Below the statue of Death is the Sad Pope.

The sad Pope who had an epiphany became more calm. He was wearing a crown, a divine robe, and a scepter in his hand. The soul fire in his eyes was shining with dazzling light.

Watching the rulers of the kingdom of death gather in front of him under the call of ultimate faith. Feeling the vitality emanating from the City of Sighs and the heavy responsibility shouldered by him.

The Sad Pope said to his subjects: "Believers of the God of Death, the Kingdom of Death has been waiting for this day for countless years. At this moment when the world is about to face a crisis of destruction, after the undead have experienced division and confusion, we finally Standing here, it became a clenched fist.

Not long ago, the God of Death conveyed an oracle to me through the Master of Death, the Eviscerate Lord.

Then I realized...we've been letting death down. In his eyes, the undead should be a whole and should bear greater responsibilities. Death should be the most important part of this world, but we are accustomed to silence and sleep, hiding in our respective corners, watching the world go to destruction step by step.

However, without living beings, the dead will eventually disappear.

Today... fate chose the undead, and the undead chose me. Guided by ultimate faith, we want the world to see the power of death.

Save this world from collapse. "

Although the Sad Pope did not say it explicitly, the Kingdom of Death will replace Hell to lead the evil camp. However, the Death Monarchs who had already known this information had personally heard from the Sad Pope that this was not a lie made by the Eviscerate Monarch to deceive the Death Monarchs of the old Holy See.

Thinking of the recent explosion of the Sad Pope's strength and Will's sudden promotion, it seems that the God of Death, who has never been in contact with the Kingdom of Death, really conveys his oracle.

The monarchs saluted the Sad Pope and recited their oaths under the statue of Death, willing to submit to the leadership of the City of Sighs and the Pope.

All the undead heroes in the temple felt the power gathered here, chanted the doctrines with the monarchs, and experienced the oracle sent down by the God of Death.

While the war in the Crucible City was at a stalemate, the Kingdom of Death, which had gone through confusion of beliefs, color wars, and divided monarchs... was unified.

In the temple, the Sad Pope reset the expanded Immaculate Holy See and ennobled nine dead monarchs.

The first monarch: the plague monarch.

The second monarch: the indifferent monarch.

The third monarch: the death knell monarch.

The fourth monarch: the gravedigger monarch.

The fifth monarch: mourning the monarch.

The Sixth Monarch: The Eviscerating Monarch.

The seventh monarch: the desolate monarch.

The Eighth Monarch: The Monarch of Disaster (Lucas).

The ninth monarch: Death Knight Monarch (Will).

The Eviscerate Monarch is the Death Mentor of the Unsullied Holy See, and is posthumously named the "Immortal King". He has the right to supervise all Immortal believers and has the right to direct all affairs in the kingdom of death.

The Disaster Monarch is responsible for the research on the divine plane. All Death Monarchs must provide unconditional support to the supplies and heroes that the Disaster Monarch requires... unless there are special circumstances.

The Death Knight monarch continued to serve as the Pope's bodyguard, and formed the Holy See Knights of the Kingdom of Death on the basis of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs. Each death monarch must select an elite undead army of no less than 50,000 to join the Holy See Knights. The City of Sighs will help each monarch arm an army with the same equipment as the Holy See Knights based on the quantity and quality of the troops sent by the Death Monarch.

After the ceremony, all the death monarchs immediately returned to their respective territories and withdrew all troops still stationed in the main world. Carry out war mobilization and restore production capacity in all mining areas. The First Empire of the main world will appoint the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to establish commercial relations with the territories of various monarchs, and all undead are not allowed to hinder the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's business activities in the kingdom of death. Any commercial disputes cannot be handled privately. Business representatives from Sigh City and Shangjiang City must be invited for joint ruling.

All Holy See Knights, Church Knights, and Lords' armies are at the highest state of combat readiness, making a defensive invasion into the Dreamland, establishing a strategic buffer zone within enemy territory, and waiting for further war instructions from the City of Sighs.

The undead army that was already outside Sigh City was on standby, preparing to receive military supplies aided by the First Empire of the main world. All mid-level and upper-level commanders registered at the Cathedral of Sigh City, and then there were military advisors sent from Shangjiang City to teach them how to use war weapons on the battlefield.

The Sad Pope did not waste too much time in the ceremony. Since he decided to lead the Kingdom of Death to become the founder of world order, every minute was precious to him.

The Realm of Death is preparing for full-scale intervention in the Crucible War.

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