Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1446 Rewards after Unification

[The plot of Unified Death Belief ends. 】

[Because you play a central role in the plot, you will obtain the lifelong achievement "Immortal King" in the Kingdom of Death, and the attitude of all undead towards you is piety. 】

"Immortal King": You gain the talent of the undead in a living body, and you master master-level spiritualism (60% chance of summoning the corpse into a second-level skeleton warrior);

All undead magic effects are increased by 20% and immune to all negative mental effects;

The attack, defense, kill, and HP of the undead army you command increase by 10%;

You can directly recruit the undead army without an owner in the wild.

Can command all Knights of the Unsullied Church and the Death Lord Army.

You have unparalleled influence over the realm of the dead, and can exercise temporary rule in place of the Melancholy Lord if necessary.

[You get one hundred thousand skeleton soldiers, fifty thousand walking corpses, thirty thousand ghosts, ten thousand vampires, five thousand corpse witches, three thousand dark knights, one hundred bone dragons, and twenty ghost dragons. 】

[You get ten high-quality crystal mines, ten high-quality mercury mines, ten high-quality gem mines, and ten high-quality sulfur mines. 】

[You obtain the special building drawing "Gathering Soul Tower", which can be built in the level 14 undead territory. It can upgrade extremely talented terrifying knights, bone dragons, and ghost dragons to level 15 creatures such as terrifying death knights and dracolichs. 】

[You have obtained the skeleton assembly technology, which can repair incomplete skeleton soldiers and have a chance to assemble special skeleton soldiers. 】

[You obtain the corpse transformation potion formula, which can transform corpses into undead monsters]

[You gain the ghost summoning technique. 】

[You get "Vampire's Fangs", which converts 10% of the damage from physical attacks into your own blood. 】

[You start an epic camp mission: the establishment of a new order...]

Gold coins are ignored.

Other inconsequential rewards... a list.

The experience pushed Daliang's hero level directly past the level 80 mark, reaching level 81.

The unified task settlement in the Kingdom of Death is more powerful than the rewards for establishing the first empire in the main world.

In fact, it’s very reasonable when you think about it.

Although the overall potential of the First Empire of the Overworld is higher than that of the Kingdom of Death, the current First Empire still has a long way to go before unifying the Overworld. Without the Five Color Flag Alliance, can the First Empire of the Overworld maintain its capital? is an unknown quantity.

The Kingdom of Death is different. This time it is a true unification of planes. The plane has the most level 16 heroes in the world, forming a force.

The establishment of the first empire in the main world affected the pattern of the world, and the Kingdom of Death has the power to change the pattern of the world.

The greater the impact on the world, the more generous the rewards will naturally be.

The Immortal King, just by hearing the name, you can tell that this is not just a random title for a king. As a lifetime achievement in the realm of death, the Immortal King has a greater impact than the Death Mentor.

After hearing the description of "achievement", basically the entire Kingdom of Death was opened by Daliang's own family. Although large-scale undead army mobilization will definitely be interfered by various death monarchs, it is definitely no problem to randomly drag the army from an undead city out for a walk.

Commanding the undead army... there is a lot of moisture in it, and it comes with a master-level spiritualism, but it is real stuff.

Spiritualism can transform corpses into skeleton soldiers. It is a standard skill for undead heroes and is also the basic skill for some undead spells. It is impossible for non-undead creatures to directly master the greeting technique, and can only use it through external force.

The Immortal King achievement allowed Daliang to obtain the ninth inherent skill without erasing the skills he had already mastered.

Now Daliang already has three master-level skills: master-level earth magic, master-level fire magic, and master-level spiritualism. Master-level holy energy can be used when equipping the Angel Alliance; master-level fallen energy can be used when equipping the Dark Blazing Sword and transforming into a Sinful Angel.

The strength was once again increased, and the Immortal King's bonus to the undead army and undead magic increased the combat effectiveness of the Black Fire Leader and Da Liang.

The "Immortal King" is worthy of Daliang's role in unifying the kingdom of death.

The remaining rewards can show Daliang's status in the heart of the Sad Pope.

Troops, resources, special buildings...everything he could think of was packed and given to Daliang.

The Spirit Gathering Tower can be said to be the most valuable among these rewards.

The terrifying knight heroes with excellent talents, bone dragons and ghost dragons can be upgraded to level 15 terrifying death knights and dracolichs through the Spirit Gathering Tower. Will, the newly promoted death knight monarch, advanced to the terrifying death knight through the Spirit Gathering Tower in the City of Sighs.

Just like the Holy Palace that promoted the 15th-level Holy Angel in Yunzhong City, the Soul Gathering Tower of the Undead has really high requirements for advanced creatures. It also means that every hero who comes out of the Soul Gathering Tower is an elite. Not inferior ultimate creatures like bone dragons and ghost dragons.

However, the Black Fire Territory will still have some time to develop before it becomes a level 14 territory, so the construction drawings for the Spirit Gathering Tower can only be put up first.

Then there are some small rewards.

The most consumed part of the undead battle is the skeleton soldiers. Skeleton assembly technology is to reassemble broken arms, broken legs, lost heads, soul fire and remaining skeleton soldiers. Since they are not original goods, the assembled skeleton soldiers have very low combat effectiveness and can only be used as cannon fodder. but

Also due to experiencing the extinguishing and resuscitation of soul fire, some skeleton soldiers will undergo some special changes. Assembling skeleton soldiers is easier to produce spell-casting heroes than ordinary skeleton soldiers.

The corpse transformation potion is used in a city cemetery to spread fear more easily than directly transforming corpses into skeleton soldiers.

The ghost summoning technique is to summon ghosts to fight for oneself. There are too many skills to overwhelm... I learned it!

"Vampire's Fang" is a top-quality accessory that can suck blood. It can be equipped on the accessory position of clothes and it will have an effect... wear it decisively.

Finally, the "epic camp plot: the establishment of a new order..." begins.

Faction-level tasks are more advanced than plane-level tasks. The so-called New Order... is definitely the concept that made the Sad Pope burst into flames.

By now, Daliang has just figured out what the words of the Sad Pope mean to the world.

Based on the time of the game world, the good camp and the evil camp have existed since the birth of the world, and they have been fighting to this day. After fighting for such a long time, no one was able to eliminate the other side. As if it was fate, good and evil were fighting one war after another. Although they knew that it was impossible to eliminate each other, no one thought about changing anything in the past, and they didn't know how to change it.

After Daliang's unintentional reminder, the Sad Monarch's imagination opened up and he proposed a brand new world structure.

Good and evil can coexist, suppress chaos with order, and establish a world led by three order planes: the world of heroes, the main world, and the kingdom of death.

When the good order, the neutral order, and the evil order unite, other chaotic planes have no possibility of union and can only passively accept the new world order.

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