Start with an Archangel

Chapter 145 Prophet

Daliang and Julian followed the transport team into the Songjiang Underground City, a human military camp set up specifically for the capture of black elves outside the city, and successfully gained access to the military camp.

Because Justice Howard led the coalition of humans and underground tribes to attack the last camp of the black elves, the military camp seemed much empty. The supplies brought by the transport team have obviously improved the morale of the human soldiers here. Staying underground for a long time has a great impact on those creatures that are accustomed to sunlight.

After the transport team stopped, Daliang took Julian directly out of the military camp. On the way, he studied a complete set of dungeon rocket upgrade strategies, and now the first place he wants to go is a mysterious cabin discovered by players.

This mysterious cabin is located on a gravel beach with an underground stream flowing through it. According to the guide, there is an underground creature who calls himself a prophet living in the hut.

His temper is very weird. Each player can only talk to him once, but not all players who come to him can get his response. However, as long as you are lucky enough to receive a task from him, the rewards after completion will be very generous. , some players have obtained +4 top-notch hero equipment from him.

It is precisely because of this that this mysterious cabin has become a place that every player who arrives in the dungeon must go first. Not only players from Shangjiang District, but also a large number of players from all over the country come here to try their luck every day.

With the detailed location on the map, Daliang found it easily.

A long queue has formed outside the Mystery House, and every place where top-quality equipment can be found is the most popular place in the game.

Daliang stood at the end of the team and walked forward. After only standing for a while, he noticed something strange in front of him.

Standing at the door of the mysterious house were about a dozen dungeon tauren players. The harpies and evil eyes standing beside them showed their considerable military power. These players stand on the side of the hut and collect property from every player who enters the mysterious hut.

There are several other players standing on both sides of the team to maintain the order of the queued players.

From the bright position, it is not clear how much players have to pay to enter the hut, but from the flash of gold during the transaction, it can be judged that the cost of entering the hut is in gold.

The players in Songjiang Dungeon are really good at making money. They can probably collect several thousand gold coins by staying in this mysterious house for a day.

Da Liang looked around and saw that in this short period of time, there were five new players lined up behind him, and the one behind him happened to be a dungeon bullhead player.

And this dungeon player is looking at Julian standing next to Daliang with envy. Now he has a crusader wearing full armor beside him, which is definitely a sign of high-level play.

"Hey, brother," Daliang said in conversation, "Which guild is it that collects the entrance fee here?"

The Niutou player then looked at Daliang, but because Daliang was wearing the hood of a sacrificial robe, he did not see Daliang's appearance clearly. To Daliang's question, he proudly replied: "All the members of their Songjiang City Rampage Niutou Guild They are all players in Songjiang Dungeon. Their president is "Seventeen Nose Rings". He has a Minotaur King and three Minotaurs under his command. He is the strongest player in Songjiang City. This mysterious house is located in Shangjiang University Alliance. I came here to rob it several times, but they beat me away."

The original local guild in Songjiang City, a local snake. Moreover, the player named Seventeen Nose Rings actually has the Minotaur King in his hand, and he is indeed powerful. The main purpose of Xu Man's establishment of the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force should be to deal with this kind of competition for financial resources. The income of hundreds or thousands of gold a day makes even my brother jealous.

Daliang then asked: "How much does it cost to enter the mystery house?"

"Players in the Shangjiang area are given two gold coins, and players outside Shangjiang are given five gold coins. After all, players who can teleport across regions are rich people, and they have no connections in the local area. They will definitely kill each other. But like me This way, local dungeon players don’t charge money.”

The money collected is really justified and irrefutable.

Just when Daliang wanted to ask for more information about the dungeon, a player from the Rampage Niutou Guild came to Daliang: "Brother with the Crusaders, do you want to jump in line? For ten gold coins, I will take you directly to the green channel. .”

Is there such an operation? It’s so humane!

After handing over ten gold coins, Daliang really didn't have time to queue up here. Then he walked to the front of the team under the leadership of the Rampant Tauren Guild player.

Entering the mystery house, the light dimmed again.

A candle was the only light source in this small room. Behind a square table sat an underground creature with a hard shell on its back, resembling a turtle.

He stared at Da Liang with big mung bean eyes, and then pointed to a chair opposite him: "Hello, sir from Shangjiang City, please sit down."

I haven't said anything yet, but this "prophet" took the initiative to speak, which is obviously contrary to the description in the guide.

It is clearly written in the guide that the player should ask, and then say nothing to see how the prophet feels. Now it's actually the other way around, and the other party revealed his aristocratic identity with just one word. You must know that Daliang didn't even lift his sacrificial hood.

Liang sat down opposite the prophet in question and said, "What should I call you?"

"Hehehe, names are very far away to me. You can just call me prophet."

Another awesome guy. A prophet is just an NPC with the authority to read advanced data. He has the ability to tell me what I ate this morning. If it is correct, I will immediately bow down and worship him.

But, even if you know this, you still have to cooperate with the play.

"Hello, Prophet. Now I am just an adventurer. The purpose of my coming here is to take over some more advanced tasks from you. I think I still have some strength. You can give me the tasks with the best rewards here. That’s it for me.”

"Hahaha," the prophet laughed with a big mouth, "Having an archangel is not enough to complete my most advanced task, but I now have a task that is more suitable for you. To be precise, it is suitable for the task you are currently undertaking. .”

Daliang thought about the mission he had undertaken. Wasn't it Joyce who wanted him to see what secrets there were in the underground city? I can find clues to this mission just by walking around. Is it because I am too angry? Or is Joyce's ghost still lingering, and this old turtle is actually Joyce's spy, and he slaps him when he sees him hanging around here?

"The prophet is really powerful. Not only can he see that I have an archangel, he can also learn about my responsibilities. What tasks do you want to give me now?"

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