Start with an Archangel

Chapter 146 Advanced Tasks (fourth update please subscribe)

The prophet did not tell Daliang directly about his mission, but asked: "I heard that Lord Baron killed Marquis Joshua, an archangel and two golden dragons on Feichen Island?"

Daliang knew that the battle was not a secret in the Shangjiang aristocratic circle. The reason why he was able to thrive in Shangjiang and was reused by Joyce was because he had the ability to kill three level 14 ultimate creatures. While other players at the bottom were still looking for ways to get in touch with Shangjiang's senior leaders, he had already used an archangel to get involved in Shangjiang's aristocratic circle.

"Yes, I did kill an archangel and two golden dragons in the battle on Feichen Island. The prophet asked if these have anything to do with this mission?"

The prophet said: "It seems that the bodies of the archangel and the two golden dragons are also in the hands of the baron. If the baron is willing to hand over the body of the archangel to me, I can point out a correct path for you."

Daliang didn't expect that this prophet actually wanted the body of the archangel, which was a bit embarrassing.

After all, the Archangel's corpse was a good thing at first glance, but I didn't know how to exploit its value yet. If I hand over the archangel's body to this inexplicable prophet, and he gives me an insignificant task, wouldn't it be worth the loss?

While Daliang was thinking about the pros and cons, the prophet did not speak to urge him, but just closed his eyes and waited for the answer. The hut fell into silence, with only the occasional slight "pop" sound from the candlelight.

At this time, the players waiting outside began to become anxious, because Da Liang spent much longer inside than other players.

The members of the Rampage Niutou are even more nervous. They have accumulated some experience in guarding the gate and collecting money here. The longer they stay in this hut, the better the tasks they receive, which also means the final task reward will be More advanced.

The players who just took the "green channel" and jumped in line, the time they stayed there has obviously exceeded the records in their statistics.

The door of the mystery house is still closed, and no one can enter until it is opened. Time passes by little by little. The members of Rampage Niutou finally couldn't bear it any longer, and they urgently contacted the guild president Seventeen Nose Rings: "Boss, a human player entered the mysterious hut and hasn't come out for 20 minutes."

Seventeen Nose Rings are working with the elites trained in the guild to paint brown pincers in the private area. They first used a caveman to hold a torch to lure the pincers out of the nest. When the group of pincers killed the caveman, they quickly used the harpy to block the pincers' escape route, and then the Evil Eye remotely Players of the Minotaur Mage profession used spells to weaken the pincers and then attacked. Players of the Minotaur Lord profession directly rushed forward with melee weapons.

The profession of Seventeen Nose Rings is Tauren Lord, which is a profession of commanding troops in close combat. After receiving information from the men guarding the mysterious cabin, he immediately stopped his companions who wanted to release the cavemen and continue to lure the pincers.

"That player really hasn't come out yet?"

"That's right, boss. That person just paid ten gold coins to jump in. It's been 23 minutes now and he still hasn't come out. By the way, he brought a crusader, and now the crusader is standing at the door of the Mysterious House. .what should we do?"

After being in there for so long, this definitely triggered a very high-level mission. The high-level missions in the Mysterious House represent high-level equipment and treasures.

Seventeen Nose Ring said: "I will take people there immediately. If the player comes out before I arrive, you must stop him and not let him escape."

"Yes, boss."

Outside the mysterious hut, the members of the Rampage Tauren Guild dispersed the players at the door, and then formed a circle around the door of the hut.

Julian was still standing there with his sword in both hands, and did not make the slightest move because these players showed hostility.

Da Liang was still considering whether to hand over the archangel's body to the prophet.

"Can I know the specific tasks and rewards I can get?"

The prophet smiled and said: "Neither the tasks nor the rewards are important. What is really important is the path I pointed out to you. This is important to you, just like the body of the archangel is important to me."

"Okay," Da Liang finally made a choice. Since he didn't know how to use the Archangel's body, he might as well exchange him for a task. "I will ask someone to get the Archangel's body. Are you going to see it?" Will the corpse give me another mission, or should you release it to me now?"

"Now... Anyway, it will take you a while to complete this task for me. When the archangel's body arrives, I will give you the reward you deserve."

While Da Liang ordered Sidney to transport the body of the archangel from the Black Fire Territory, he said to the prophet: "The body of the archangel is already on the way and will be delivered within four days. Now tell us about your mission."

"Okay, okay," the prophet said, taking out a map and spreading it on the table. This is the topographic map of Songjiang Underground City. The underground city is built according to the cave wall. On the map, a location on the left side of the city wall against the cave wall is blocked. Draw a red circle. The prophet put his turtle claw on the red circle and said: "There is a relatively hidden small hole here. After you go in and dig it with a mining shovel, a passage will appear. Eliminating all the creatures in the passage is the task I give you." "

Daliang wrote down the location on the map, curled his lips and said, "Is it that simple?"

"Whether it's simple or not, you won't know until you get through it."

"Okay, I'll take this task."

Da Liang walked out of the mysterious hut, looked up and saw that he was surrounded by the members of the rampaging Niutou.

"What's the matter? I don't owe you money, right?"

A small leader of the Rampage Niu Tau Guild said: "I'm really sorry, our boss wants to see you for something, please wait a moment."

Daliang said: "I have a mission now and don't have time. Tell your boss that I will visit you when I have the opportunity in the future."

After that, Daliang was about to leave. But those players blocked his way and said arrogantly: "In Songjiang Underground City, we, the Rampage Niutou, are the strongest guild. Even the people from the Shangjiang University Alliance were killed by us. Brother, you know who we are. Wait here for a while, don't force us to take action, we have magicians here who can change jobs and heal injuries, and I guarantee that we won't kill you and won't let you have time to drive back to the city."

"Are you looking for trouble..." An archangel's corpse was being removed. Daliang was already in a bad mood, and now he was even more unhappy when he was provoked by the other party. He summoned two silver pegasus. He rode one himself, then gave one to Julian, and said: "Kill these people and follow them quickly."

"Yes, sir."

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