Start with an Archangel

Chapter 147 Rocket Upgrade

Seventeen Nose Rings rode the harpy witch and flew towards the mysterious cabin. However, Songjiang City was too big and the harpy witch was slow. Although he had already returned to the city and headed towards the mysterious house as soon as he received the news. I rushed to the hut, but it still took me ten minutes to fly out of the city.

"Huh..." a sound.

A player riding a silver pegasus passed by him. The wind brought by that speed was so strong that it not only carried the harpy witch around in the air, but also made seventeen nose rings extremely envious.

It's beautiful and exciting. No matter what, I will get a Silver Pegasus mount in the future.


Another Silver Pegasus Knight flew past his eyes, and the Harpy Witch turned around again.

Strange, why are there so many big guys riding Silver Pegasus in Songjiang City today?

Just as the seventeen nose rings were flying and guessing what big thing happened in Songjiang City, the guild member responsible for guarding the mysterious house sent a message: "Boss, we have all been killed. It's Da Liang, and his Crusaders must be A hero, a few of our company and several soldiers, he slashed them all to death with one strike of three or two."

When Julian started killing people, Daliang's name was also learned by the other party.

Bright! He always steals the show when he appears in public, and is known as the top player in Shangjiang. And because of the battle posts in the past few days, his fame has been pushed to a higher level. In the hearts of the players in the entire Chinese region, Daliang has become the first echelon of fame along with the other five lords in the Chinese region.

But in the Shangjiang area, Daliang is as famous a player as Feishanzushi.

The symbol of Daliang is the Silver Pegasus and the Royal Griffin. The seventeen nose rings think of the two people riding the Silver Pegasus who just flew past and left, a human priest and a Crusader who can ride. Crusaders must be heroes.

If you chase, you will definitely not be able to catch up. But after Da Liang casually killed so many of his people, even if Seventeen Nose Rings asked him to let him go, the members below would not be willing. After all, in Songjiang Underground City, the Rampage Niutou Guild really had never suffered from this kind of anger.

Seventeen Nose Rings directly started scolding on the Shangjiang regional channel: "Daliang, come to Songjiang. I invite you to meet with good intentions, but if you don't give me face, forget it and kill my people. If you have the guts, don't run away. It’s a man who reported the coordinates!”

Seventeen nose rings were cursing on the regional channel, and Da Liang's message immediately rang out.

Gu Tao: "Senior brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just a few bullies were killed. The unicorn I gave you is okay..."

Xu Man: "How did you provoke the people from the Rampage Niutou Guild? Do you want support?"

"No, I've already run away. I have an important mission now and I don't have time to fight with those bull heads."

Shu Xiao: "Master, hold on, I've already led people to kill you."

"Ah...who did you bring here to kill?"

"I have sent a private message to everyone on the Judgment section. The second selection of the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force has begun. The target is Songjiang City and they will overthrow the Rampant Bullhead. The deputy commander will personally be present to give ratings. Those who perform well can advance to the third round of selection."

It's really violent enough. Since Shu Xiao has brought people here, let's fight.

"Be careful, I have other things to do."

Da Liang and Julian flew to a place where no one was paying attention and landed close to the wall. After putting away the Silver Pegasus, the two followed the map marked by the prophet to find the small hidden hole at the angle between the city wall and the cliff.

This small hole was hidden behind a large bush of underground thorn plants, and Julian used his sword to cut a passage in. When Daliang walked in, he found that the small hole was shallower than he thought, with a depth of only 3 meters.

The prophet said that there was an underground passage behind the cave. Daliang knocked on the wall of the cave and found nothing unusual.

Since the prophet said it needs to be dug, let's start digging.

Enter Archangel.

Julian stood in front of the stone wall, slashing with the big sword in his hand, and large chunks of rock peeled off, and then a dark passage appeared in front of Daliang.

"Magic Arrow."

Da Liang randomly shot a magic spell in, and in the flash of light, the red eyes opened one by one were reflected.

Watching more and more red lights light up, Da Liang was not only amazed at the number of monsters inside.

Good guy, I don’t know how far this passage is. If I fight through it all the way, how long will it take?

But the task given by the prophet is to clear the creatures in the passage. There is no other way but to kill in.

"Julian, show your wings, we will probably have to keep killing monsters in here these days."

Julian showed the light wings behind him, and the soft holy light illuminated the passage in front, and also illuminated the appearance of those underground creatures.

It is about the size of a wolfdog, with a toad body and eight spider legs. The ground, cave walls, and ceiling were crawling with such ugly creatures.

Sudden light makes them very sensitive. Their eyes are structured like infrared receivers, and they can see very clearly in pitch dark environments. But the strong light in their eyes is as dazzling and uncomfortable as when we look directly at the sun.

These creatures wanted to step forward and extinguish what was causing them discomfort, but the archangel's sacred aura and coercion forced them to keep retreating.

Julian held the big sword and walked forward step by step. The underground creatures made a "hissing" sound and wanted to pounce forward, but they did not have the courage. These creatures accumulated more and more, huddled together and finally retreated. Can be withdrawn.

The archangel's sword slashed down, the sword energy was sharp, the white light disappeared in a flash, and the monsters that were hit screamed and fell one after another.

"You gain 50 experience."

"You gain 50 experience."

"You gain 50 experience."

Julian's military level will allow her to gain most of the experience. Daliang will gain relatively less experience, but the amount is sufficient. With one strike of the sword, a string of experience will flood the screen, which is very comfortable to watch.

After the attack, Da Liang also got the name of this monster - Frog Spider.

Sure enough, they are all pigs!

Hahaha... I have spent a whole day studying the rocket upgrade guide, but what rocket guide can be so refreshing?

The width of this passage was blocked by Julian. Under the illumination of the Holy Light and the inherent pressure of the ultimate creature, the morale of these low-minded frog spiders was probably reduced to an unknown extent. They only knew how to retreat in fear, without relying on numbers at all. The courage to come forward.

Have fun, have fun, just follow along and gain experience.

He accidentally found an upgrade holy land. Julian was working tirelessly in the front, while Daliang followed slowly behind, browsing game forums, chatting with girls, and paying attention to the construction of the territory.

Through various posts on the forum, Daliang knew that a war affecting the whole world was about to begin. The flames of the war had already risen. The tasks in the frontline camps in various cities began to increase significantly, and the rewards became more abundant, stimulating players to invest in a war. Amid the battles, a feast was served on the dining table.

The number of players doing missions in Shangjiang City has also returned to their original numbers due to Daliang's continuous operations throughout the night. Players on both sides are doing their own missions, like a group of rats, wreaking havoc in the two cities.

While players were enjoying this benefit, an official announcement from the game once again pushed players' enthusiasm to a new height.

The legion system will be launched soon...

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