Start with an Archangel

Chapter 148 News from the Legion

Player guilds are something that must exist in almost all large-scale online games, such as World of Heroes, a game with a large map and a global scale. Joining a good guild is the first thing a player should do if he wants to play the game smoothly, otherwise he will find that he will be really bullied in the game.

As more and more resources are discovered, disputes between guilds are also increasing. Without legal constraints, most of these disputes will start and end with battles.

But after all, the guild is not a full-time combat group. Most of its members communicate through one line, and the response speed in contacting and handling matters is very slow.

For example, for the University Alliance, the contact information is One Belt Four. Orders are issued from above and then passed down level by level. Often, because a certain person is not online, hundreds or even thousands of people below him cannot receive the order.

The alliance will also post some big things on the guild forum, and it will take about two to three days to let most members know. In the event of an emergency, cumbersome contact methods will greatly slow down the alliance's response.

The ruling quick reaction force was created on an emergency basis because there were not enough manpower to be summoned when battles often occurred.

However, the method of mobilizing command, which basically relies on shouting on the public channel, will not only be invisible to the members because the channel is blocked, but also the opponent will know the deployment of one's own forces.

In short, the battles played by players now are very ugly, there is no efficient command, and the leakage of secrets is also very serious.

A legion is a professional organization that is more prone to fighting than a guild. When a player sets up a legion, they will get a basic legion command system. Legions with technical conditions can divide and fill in their own command systems in more detail, so that the commander of a legion can directly and quickly issue orders to the lowest members.

Da Liang was still carefully reading the game's official introduction to the legion, while thinking about the impact that the appearance of the legion would have on him.

At this time, Xu Man's message came through: "Did you see that? After this game event, the legion system will be officially launched. This game may be about to change."

"Yeah..." Daliang was also quite emotional about the appearance of the legion: "Two days ago, the group of players who set fire to the gravel camp were ambushed by us because their actions were completely under our control. But after the legion appeared, This kind of leakage will be greatly reduced, and players' wars will become more complicated in the future, and the entire game will usher in a chaotic world."

"You are right. The emergence of the legion will make players' battles more professional in the future. The establishment of the Judgment Quick Response Force has allowed the College Alliance to take a step ahead of other player organizations. You must speed up the selection and training of the Judgment Force. , we will immediately register and establish the Judgment Legion as soon as the legion goes online. I will arrange for people from the technical department to develop the legion command system first and complete the connection with our data platform. After the Judgment Legion is established, it can be directly added to form combat effectiveness."

"I know, I will urge Shu Xiao to get the Judgment Army into training as soon as possible." Da Liang could also realize how much convenience the Judgment Army would bring to him once it was established, but he was still a little worried and asked: "The flames have been furious recently. What are the actions? I heard that in recent times, many wealthy people of his have dominated the Shangjiang branch network?"

"The Propaganda Department and the Technical Department of the University Alliance are all my people. The people in Lieyan Kuangteng look down on the things made by our students. They spend a lot of money to use the platform provided by Flying Sand and Stone. Basically, Lieyan Kuangteng started from the University Alliance. A small group was separated from the Central Government. It does not have a big impact on the overall decision-making, but it is also very troublesome when it becomes chaotic. After the legion goes online, they will definitely form a legion. By then, our conflicts with them will probably be resolved by force. way to solve it.”

Several contacts made Daliang know that Lieyan Kuangpeng was a rich young man who was stupid and rich. He was arrogant and very timid, and was not someone who would do big things. And Shi Fei helped this guy repeatedly, probably because he thought Raging Flame was easier to control and could use him as a springboard to join the player group in Shangjiang City.

As for Shi Fei's purpose, he may simply want Brother Green, or he may be interested in Shangjiang's unique position, which allows him to extend his tentacles to East Asia and the Pacific.

In short, Daliang believed that there would be a large-scale conflict between himself and Shi Fei. Shi Fei had also known for a long time that the legion system would be launched in the game. When his dominant club would be directly converted into a legion, his Dragon Star Territory would have a powerful player force.

Regardless of whether Lie Yan Teng formed his own legion or led others to merge into the dominant legion, under a command system, his position in Shangjiang City became a first move for Shi Fei. Therefore, in Da Liang's heart, if he wanted to let go and have a vigorous battle with Shi Fei, Raging Flames must be removed in advance.

Daliang said to Xu Man: "We must have a battle with the raging legion. The university alliance cannot keep walking with so many heads. Like the current war, the university alliance is divided into two parts. After the legion is established, the foreign enemies will be more powerful. If this continues If the internal friction continues, the college alliance is likely to split. Therefore, I suggest that we fight the raging war this morning. The earlier and faster we fight, the smaller the losses to the alliance will be. Drive out these misfits as soon as possible and complete the task. Aren’t you going to be the governor of the university alliance’s power concentration? I will fully support you..."

Xu Man was very happy to have Daliang personally promise his full support. The more contact Xu Man had with Joyce, the admiral of the Pudong Fleet, the more Xu Man felt that Daliang was a baron with great abilities. Many details that he and Joyce had disputes about could basically be approved after Daliang discussed them.

It can be said that Daliang's mission with Joyce is very advanced, and he has been turned into a confidant and confidant by this powerful naval admiral. It can also be inferred from this that the troops in Daliang's hands are far more powerful than what he showed.

This is a strong support.

Lieyan Kuangteng is now the common enemy of the two people. Daliang said that he would use force to eradicate him. Xu Man has no reason not to support him: "Wait until this war is over. As long as Shangjiang City can win, support Lieyan Kuangteng in Chongming City." His strength and credibility will be hit. When the time comes, I will use the public opinion offensive to win his people over to our side. When the time is right, we will unify the university alliance by force."

"Let's do it this way. After the legion comes online, we will set up a ruling legion to deal with the matter immediately and resolve it quickly."

Daliang and Xu Man discussed the details of dealing with the Raging Flames. Finally, Xu Man said to Daliang: "The people from the Archangel's video promotion department have already made it, and the effect is very good. I will send it to you. If there is no need to modify it, If so, I will directly upload it as a promotional video for the ruling and the university alliance."

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