Start with an Archangel

Chapter 149 News of Victory

A professional is a professional.

As soon as Da Liang opened the video, in the solemn background sound, what came into view was the upright military posture of tens of thousands of people. After giving a close-up of Shu Xiao and her royal griffon for a few seconds, the camera flew over the military formation at a low altitude, and the momentum of the powerful army jumped out.

Then the camera turned to the side, and the players of the arson team who were gathering were in sharp contrast with the neat military formation beside them. The formation was sparse and scattered, and those players who were lagging behind were running in a hurry from a distance.

There was chaos all together, and judgment was made between superiors and superiors.

Amid the excessive background music, the foreshadowing shots slowly used close shots, long shots, renderings and close-ups to record the entire look of the pre-selection team.

As the music began to rise, the camera also lifted up, and a white light source suddenly exploded from the dark sky. The sacred light pushed the black away as if it were substantial, and an archangel stopped in the halo. center.

The archangel began to swoop down, the music became more exciting, and the entire video was pushed to a climax.


Near the gravel camp south of Shangjiang City, an archangel participated in an attack on players. This news has already spread throughout the Internet.

For a time, various players took the videos and photos they took by storm all over the world.

Especially since this archangel did not cover his appearance with a hood, his beautiful face and unique temperament immediately won Julian countless fans. The subsequent battle fully demonstrated the archangel's dominance on the battlefield. She crashed into the battlefield like a cannonball, and the Pegasus knight who tried to stop her looked so helpless and weak.

What followed was a one-sided massacre. Although the photographer was at the scene and the picture was shaking very badly, every time he captured the figure of the archangel whizzing by, as well as the players who were attacked and raised high, they were all moved. Every player who watched it enjoyed it.

Every video uploaded will immediately receive hundreds of thousands or millions of clicks. People are keen on every video about this battle, but the more they watch it, the more they feel itchy. After all, the Archangel appeared too suddenly, and the shooting No one can perfectly present the heroic appearance of the Archangel.

Two days after the conflict at the Gravel Camp, a complete video of that battle was quietly uploaded in the China District Shangjiang University Alliance Judgment Quick Response Force section.

After Da Liang uploaded the video, he didn't care what kind of trend it would cause. Instead, he quit the forum and prepared to continue enjoying the pleasure of overwhelming the experience.

But... where is my archangel?

At this time, there was a dark passage in front of Da Liang, with only the fluorescent moss everywhere in the underground city emitting a faint green light. However, Julian, who was killing people in front, disappeared, and the frog spiders blocking the way also disappeared, leaving only the corpses of frog spiders on the ground and a passage extending forward for an unknown distance.

Seeing the rapid increase in experience on the screen, which was so fast that people couldn't see the values ​​​​on it, Daliang knew that Juliet had been released.

This troublemaker must be closely watched, especially after her murderous nature is aroused, and she must not be allowed to move too far away.

Daliang summoned a Silver Pegasus and rode on it. The narrow passage could not allow the Silver Pegasus to fly, so let's ride it as a horse.

The Silver Pegasus started running along the passage, and all along the path were the broken corpses of frog spiders.

The speed increased to the maximum, and the stone walls on both sides swept back quickly, and a small number of corpses of other underground creatures began to appear along the way. The names of these underground creatures were wolf spider queens. They were obviously larger than frog spiders, with spear-like claws and A pair of jaws gives them a stronger attack power than frog spiders.

The wolf spider queens and frog spiders that fill the entire passage are obviously a big surprise for the adventurers who walk in.

Without a sizable army and huge sacrifices, don't even think about opening this passage.

But they were unlucky enough to meet Julian and Juliet.

Julian has already stood on the threshold of level 15 creatures. Wannian used her breath to resist the breath of death in the cemetery of the undead, making her holy breath extremely solid. This breath has a strong effect on evil creatures. The driving effect, coupled with the pressure of the archangel, made these underground creatures with low intelligence have no resistance at all and allowed themselves to be slaughtered.

Perhaps those stronger wolf spider queens had the courage to attack Julian, but they met Juliet instead, and tragedy inevitably happened.

Daliang rode the silver Pegasus and ran forward in the passage, but in addition to seeing dead bodies on the ground, the only thing left was the system prompt sound when he was upgrading, and of course some exploded equipment.

It is impossible for such a stupid creature to break out hero equipment, and those soldiers ordnance... anything below blue, Da Liang is too lazy to pick it up.

As for Juliet... still not even a shadow could be seen.

Killed too quickly.

In this way, Da Liang ran in the passage for an hour, and finally saw Julian who was killing monsters in front of him.

Sigh...I feel humiliated by Juliet.

The person who cleared the monster was replaced by Julian, and the speed of the march slowed down again. Da Liang also saw clearly the appearance of the Wolf Spider Queen.

This underground monster is already the size of a calf. Although it is also afraid of the archangel's holy light, it dares to step forward and fight for its life.

Fortunately, those frog spiders were still suppressed and did not dare to move. As the BOSS, the Wolf Spider Queen could only fight the Archangel alone.

The strength of the Wolf Spider Queen should be equivalent to that of a level 12 creature, but as a wild monster, its HP is much higher than that of a level 12 creature. Their feet can be hooked into stone crevices and can climb 360 degrees. They are extremely fast. Players with insufficient strength or poor professional matching will easily be killed when encountering them.

Julian relied on his fighting skills to dodge the attack from the Wolf Spider Queen, and then slashed at it with one sword after another, quickly killing it at his feet.

Julian turned around and glanced at Da Liang who had arrived: "Juliet's killing speed is indeed surprising, but it's a pity that she can only come out for an hour a day, otherwise we would be able to open this passage much faster."

"Her lawn mower, your bulldozer, in a large-scale war, she is definitely not as good as yours in a frontal attack on the front line. Keep killing, we don't know how long this passage is."

After two days of non-stop upgrading in the channel, Daliang's level was raised to level 18. After killing an unknown number of frog spiders and wolf spiders, Da Liang felt a little nauseous just seeing these two monsters, and the narrow passage environment also made Da Liang feel very uncomfortable.

But the other end of the passage is still far away.

Do you want to take a break after going offline? Go out for a walk and enjoy the scorching sun outside? Ask the girl to come out and have an ice drink together?

Just when Da Liang was about to go offline, the regional channel flashed. Archduke Howard had achieved a decisive victory over the Black Elves. The Black Elves' main camp had been captured, and their remaining troops had all left the Songjiang area and retreated deep underground. .

The underground city army following the Archduke has blocked the passage for the black elves to enter. The battle in Songjiang is over. Archduke Howard is leading the human army back to Songjiang.

Songjiang City has already begun to prepare for celebrations. After the arrival of Archduke Howard and his army, celebrations will begin to welcome the triumph of the human race and the underground city alliance.

The Lord of Songjiang City, Marquis Steve, announced that after the celebration, he would personally lead the army from the underground city to Shangjiang to support the King of East China Sea in putting down the rebellion that had already occurred.

The underground city armies distributed throughout Songjiang began to gather.

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