Start with an Archangel

Chapter 150 Deploying troops and generals

Shangjiang City and Chongming City have restarted their confrontation at sea, and both sides are mobilizing troops to the front. Archangels and golden dragons frequently take to the sky to boost the morale of their own troops. The academics, orcs, and swamps also started mobilizing for war. The armies of the three parties gathered at the border. Just waiting for the battle on the main battlefield to begin, they would all attack from behind Shangjiang City.

Jiading City, which has been tied up with Shangjiang City, has completed the assembly of the undead troops outside the city. Without the burden of the walking corpses and the need for logistics, their actions will be more efficient than any other race. For this reason, Jiading City has to fight Both the orcs and academics in charge allocate a large number of troops to guard against the invasion of the undead, so the number of troops used to attack Shangjiang City is inevitably much smaller.

Now Songjiang has once again received good news for the Shangjiang City camp. The underground city has been freed from civil strife. Their army is about to go to the surface. Chongming City's three allies on land will be greatly restrained.

The return of Archduke Howard to the main battlefield will be a qualitative improvement in the strength of the human army. The human army will surpass the enemy forces of the same level in terms of individual strength. This is undoubtedly the most important thing for the Shangjiang City camp. The weight is equivalent to the support of another deputy city.

As the news spread, the civil service system in Shangjiang City became much more honest. The peace talks faction and even the capitulation faction began to cooperate with the military's actions. The abundant funds made the tasks issued by the frontline camp more active and offensive.

Shangjiang City has already seen victory waving to them.

After seeing the news, Daliang immediately stopped thinking about going offline. With the dungeon freed up, Shangjiang City is likely to launch an active attack. He must complete the task at hand as soon as possible and return to Shangjiang City to keep an eye on the changes in the entire battle situation.

"Julian, let Juliet come out."

"Yes, sir."

"My lovely lord, why did you take the initiative to let me come out today?" Juliet waved her swords, and the broken limbs were spread on the ground. Fear made the frog spider scream and shrink back desperately.

"Stop talking nonsense, get to work quickly, and use all your strength. I think we can open this channel today."

Juliet shook her swords: "Although I don't want to listen to your orders, my killing instinct tells me that you have given me a very challenging task. Summon your silver Pegasus and look at this Can you catch up with my shadow this time?"

Juliet flew into the air, and then shot forward after a loud explosion. Her body rotated at high speed, and the two swords turned into the blades of a meat grinder. The debris everywhere they passed, and the frog spiders and wolf spider queens in front of them had no idea what was happening, and turned into bright messages. The experience of joining a line in a column.

What a cheat!

In the blink of an eye, Juliet's back was lost in the bright light, and only the rumble of sound came from the passage in front.

Da Liang quickly mounted the Silver Pegasus and ran forward at full speed. Sure enough, he couldn't even see Juliet's shadow, and the sound got farther and farther away.

Will the game company find out and ban my account?

Another day of killing.

Sidney reported that the archangel's body had arrived in Shangjiang City and was disguised as cargo and sent to Songjiang City.

At the same time, the Black Fire Fleet has completed its overhaul, and four single-masted fishing boats have been added to the fishing ground after being built. One three-masted merchant ship and two two-masted merchant ships have been built, and they have been combined with the "Black Fire" to form the Black Fire Merchant Fleet, connecting Shangjiang City, Feichen Island, and the Black Fire Territory.

The zombie brigade and a batch of supplies stranded at the Pudong Military Port have been shipped to the Blackfire Territory.

Simon Yehui, who is in charge of Feichen Island, reported: "Joshua has stopped the crystal mine transaction, and there are now 56 silver Pegasus knights on Feichen Island."

Chongming City stopped crystal trading, indicating that the elves were preparing to launch a war.

Daliang said to Simon: "Immediately organize people to prepare to evacuate Feichen Island. Only one squadron of skeleton soldiers is left on the island. The other personnel and materials are concentrated and waiting for the Black Fire Fleet to respond."

Da Liang then ordered to Sidney: "The Black Fire Fleet will leave Pudong Military Port immediately and avoid the frontal battlefield. You will pick up Simon on Feichen Island and then return to the Black Fire Territory. Then regroup the Black Fire Fleet according to your needs and head out Stand by outside the Yangtze River, and bring all the griffins, royal griffins and silver pegasus with you. Remember, you are not allowed to intervene in the war without my order."


Then Daliang contacted Shu Xiao urgently: "Have the personnel of the adjudication force been selected?"

"Everything has been selected, and the 1,000 members are guaranteed to be the best. The College Alliance is looking for flying mounts everywhere, and they can completely change their costumes in the next two days. I heard from Xu Man that the College Alliance has secured a big sponsorship, and the Alliance The office space outside the game has been selected, and there will be an office area for our ruling. Each ruling member must sign a contract and go to work on time, which can increase the loyalty of the members and reduce the leakage rate during the operation."

Leakage is a problem faced by every game organization, because in this kind of online organization, you don't know who the members are at all. The other party may be a big talker who wants to share everything with others and has no sense of confidentiality at all; or the other party may be a spy planted by other organizations, and his every move can be clearly seen by the enemy.

Bringing online members together can solve the problem of leaks very well. With salaries and contract constraints, players will be much more cautious about confidential matters.

Of course, not every player group has the ability to support such a player army. Even the college alliance can barely support a thousand people. It is too expensive to maintain an army inside and outside the game.

"As soon as the soldiers and mounts are in place, you immediately organize the adjudication troops to start training, and they will receive combat missions at the Shangjiang frontline camp. The training team will work together to improve the offensive capabilities. After the corps goes online, we will set up the adjudication corps. There is a big battle, and whether you can win or not depends on your level."

When Shu Xiao heard about fighting, she was always very motivated. She immediately promised: "Master, don't worry. I have dug out all the teaching materials from my previous training and ensured that every member of the Judgment will be trained into a qualified bodyguard... …warrior."

"Okay, I'll leave the judgment to you. Boss Jin is not your father's comrade-in-arms. You get a set of suitable hero equipment from him, and ask him to pay the bill directly to me. Increase your offense and defense. I have a group of flying troops that you need to command, please note that these soldiers are mine... I have urgent matters here, so I will contact you later."

"Yes, Master; Thank you, Master; I understand, Master."

After finishing the conversation with Shu Xiao, Daliang followed Julian and walked forward. There were no frog spiders in front of him, only a stone wall blocking the way.

"Julian, smash it open."

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