Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1450 Loneliness

Ergus originally thought that... no matter what Joyce wanted to do or find in the elemental plane, she would always be able to get it easily with him protecting him.

But he didn't expect that Joyce would go directly to the Nine-Headed Golden Crow's lair when he came to the elemental plane.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow is the only level 16 hero in the elemental plane, but the strength he can exert in the elemental plane makes both the good camp and the evil camp afraid to peek into this plane. The Nine-headed Golden Crow also adheres to neutrality and never participates in plane battles.

However, being neutral and not participating in camp struggles does not mean that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has a good temper.

If you just rush into his lair and say nothing, a battle will probably be inevitable.

"Since your parents entered the Nine-Headed Golden Crow's lair and peeked at his treasures, they must have been killed. If you continue to look for the magic rainbow, you will die there too. Facing the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, I will protect myself. If it becomes a problem, there is no way to protect you." Ergus persuaded Joyce: "I need your help with something now, and I can let you go after it is done.

Daliang is looking for your heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits, and he wants to resurrect you. Resurrection of heroic spirits? It seems that you are really important to him, allowing him to have such ridiculous thoughts.

I think... instead of going to the Golden Crow's lair to die, you might as well go back to Shangjiang to complete the unfinished wedding. "

This is the first time Joyce has heard news about Daliang since leaving Shangjiang. Hearing that he was looking for his own heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits and trying to resurrect himself, Joyce couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile on his face. She stopped drawing, straightened up and asked Ergus: "What do you need me to do for you?"

Seeing that Joyce seemed to have given up on looking for the magic rainbow, Ergus breathed a sigh of relief and said: "At this moment in the Crucible City, a war is breaking out between the good camp and the evil camp. The fallen angels suffered heavy losses in the war. The defensive strength within the Furnace City has been reduced to its lowest point.

I hope you can help me free Satan sealed in the Crucible City.

Lucifer exiled Satan within the space barrier created by Angela, and your specialty is also space skills...

Rescue Satan and you will be free. "

Joyce did not expect Ergos to be so loyal to Satan, and rescuing Satan was not as simple as he said: "Lucifer knew that the most deadly thing to him in the world was Satan. The stronger Michael became, the more the evil camp turned toward him. Hell draws near.

Once Satan is released, Lucifer will be an outsider to hell, and his rule will become unstable.

No matter how fierce the fight in the Crucible City was, Lucifer would not reduce the number of troops guarding Lucifer too much. Even if I help you rescue Satan, are you capable of taking me safely out of the Crucible City amid Lucifer's counterattack?

At that time, my chance of being killed was probably no less than facing the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. "

Joyce's words caused Ergus to fall into silence.

Indeed... there are three fallen angel kings in the Crucible City, the pain magic Morgan, and the jealous demon Angela, and they will not let Satan escape from the seal.

Once the place where Satan is sealed is attacked, Lucifer can arrive immediately. Ergus and Satan, whose condition was unknown, had to escape as quickly as possible, so naturally they had no way to control Joyce.

If Joyce stays in the Crucible City, there is only one way to die.

"Maybe... Lucifer will not kill you because of Daliang." Ergos thought for a moment and said.

Joyce smiled sarcastically: "You kidnapped me from Shangjiang probably just to save Satan...Whether Lucifer will not kill me because of Liang, I don't know. But I know that since the good camp and The evil camp has broken out in the Crucible City, and saving Satan will not do any good to the evil camp.

Even if Lucifer and Satan can reach a tacit agreement not to go to war with each other, who should the evil camp listen to?

Ergos, you are the ancient lord king of hell. You have fought more wars than I have killed. You should know that rescuing Satan will destroy the entire hell.

But why are you still doing this? "

Joyce's rhetorical question left Ergus speechless.

He knew very well what the current situation in the Crucible City was like. Lucifer had spent all his wealth in hell for this war. If Satan escaped at this time...even if he did nothing, Lucifer would not dare not be on guard.

At that time, under the fierce attack of the good camp, hell will really be over.

"Yes...why did I do this? But if I don't save Satan, what can I do?"

At this time, Ergos had no momentum at all, and was so decadent... Where could one see the appearance of the Hell Lord King?

Joyce suddenly felt a little pitiful for Ergus, and she said softly: "Erges, you save Satan... you just want to have a companion, right?"

The seal of ten thousand years made Ergos endure ten thousand years of loneliness.

After escaping from prison, Ergus thought that with the power of their five Hell Lords, they could easily take back Hell and recreate the glory of Hell's army sweeping the world and spreading fear.

But the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

The five hell lord kings, Misuka and Beelzebub, lost contact one after another. Following Satan, he organized an army to counterattack the Crucible City. As a result, Satan was sealed and Angela rebelled.

Ergos was left to flee in panic.

Both the evil camp and the good camp regard Ergoth as their enemy. Although he was free, for Ergus, who was on the run, the world was just a bigger prison, and the loneliness was even more intense than in the evil prison.

At that time, he could still think about escaping and taking everything back.

And where can he escape to now? What can be regained?

The only person in this world who has the same problem as me... is probably Satan.

In the past, Ergus could still use Lucifer as not being a man enough to give himself a reason to save Satan. Now Lucifer is a very manly man in the Crucible City. The demons in the whole hell are screaming and rushing up. He still insists on saving Satan, even regardless of life and death in hell...

Ergus found that Joyce had revealed his weakest part. Taking off the glorious coat of the Lord of Hell, he was just a lucky ordinary abyss python. He climbed to the top of the world, and then fell hard from the top.

"You are right... I will only destroy hell by rescuing Satan at this time. Thank you very much for letting me see that what I have always been afraid of is loneliness and my unwillingness to accept being eliminated by the times...

You can leave. The period of traveling with you is the most relaxing period of time for me since I escaped from the evil prison. "

After figuring out the problems that had been troubling him, Ergs suddenly let go of many things. With a wave of his hand, the restraint imposed on Joyce was lifted.

Magic and power returned to Joyce.

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