Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1451 Traveling Together

Joyce closed her eyes and felt the renewed strength. When she opened her eyes again, Ergus had opened the portal from the elemental plane to the main world.

"Are you really going to let me go?" Joyce looked at the portal, a little unbelievable that things would take such a turning point. Ergus deliberately caught him and let him go as soon as he said so.

Ergos, who was standing by the portal, had no intention of going back on his words. He said: "As you said, rescuing Satan now will destroy hell. I don't know how long this war will last. Whether there is a chance to rescue him is also unknown.

I can't kill you, and I can't keep you with me.

So I had to let you go. "

Joyce asked again: "Didn't your original idea be to use me from Daliang in exchange for Beelzebub and Misuka, as well as the things in Daliang's hands that can ban you?

Let me go, Daliang won't give it to you. "

Ergos said: "Beelzebub and Misuka are two high-level demons. They are probably more unwilling to be abandoned by hell than I am. I am not sure what they will do after they are released, so they are still locked up. good.

After all, Satan's time is over.

As for the things in Daliang's hands... I owe him that, so just leave it in his hands. From what I know of him, he knows how to use it. "

Through this time sailing with Ergos, Joyce had some idea of ​​the character of the Dreadlord.

Ergus does not have much cunningness of the hell race, which may be related to his origin. In terms of credibility, he is much higher than other hell demons.

The Abyss Serpent gave him a stoic and calm character. Getting along with other hell lord kings allowed him to clearly position himself. Joyce remembered that Daliang once said to him that from the information revealed by Angela, Ergos's strength in hell should be second only to Satan, and may be on par with Lucifer. After all, he carries extremely evil divine power, so It is a higher level of power.

However, Ergus never seemed to show his true power publicly. He would never challenge the second-ranked Beelzebub, which gave Satan a sense of crisis.

As for the challenges faced by the fourth-ranked Lord King Misuka, they all won easily.

In Ergus's seemingly violent body, there is a wise heart hidden.

Joyce did not feel the conspiracy in Ergus's words. Instead, he could feel that he had seen through some things and let go of some baggage.

"Thank you again for rescuing me from Isaiah's assassination in Shangjiang Palace. No matter what your purpose is, I will definitely remember your life-saving grace.

If I can live to see you again, I will definitely repay you well.

Now I have one thing to ask for your help. If you pass by Shangjiang City, please tell Daliang...just say that I am still alive. "

Ergus was a little confused about Joyce's words: "Why don't you go back to Shangjiang City? I no longer restrict your freedom, and I have returned your power to you. No matter where you are in the main world, they will use Send you to Shangjiang City as quickly as possible."

Joyce took a deep breath, as if she had made a lot of determination: "Now that I have come here, it would be a shame not to find the magic rainbow. I have an extremely strong feeling here that my destiny is at the other end of the Rainbow Bridge. .”

"But the other end is probably death. Although you have a very high status in the main world, even Michael would not dare to assassinate you for the second time easily, but the elemental plane has its own rules, and your identity It will not have any impact on the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

Life or death, it all depends on his mood. "

A confident smile appeared on Joyce's face: "I believe that when I return to Shangjiang City from the elemental plane, no one will be able to imprison my power again.

Don't let anyone use me to threaten...the people who swore to protect me.

Goodbye Ergus... I hope you can find a new companion soon...

Don't forget to tell Da Liang my news. "

Ergus did not expect that Joyce would have the courage to break into the Golden Crow's lair alone and face the Nine-Headed Golden Crow that even he did not dare to provoke easily. He waved his hand to close the plane portal and said to Joyce: "What did you tell Daliang? Tell him that after you entered the Golden Crow's lair, your life or death was unknown? This is not an easy task to complete.

Joyce, the Golden Crow lair is not what you imagined. I once accompanied Satan there. It was an open independent plane, and the danger was not just the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. You wouldn't survive a day there without a guide.

I decided to make a perfect ending to my journey. I will accompany you to the Golden Crow's lair. Maybe we can find what you are looking for without disturbing the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. "

Ergus decided to accompany him across the Rainbow Bridge, which somewhat surprised Joyce. Since the Golden Crow's lair is so dangerous, and Ergus considers himself no match for the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, there is really no need for him to take such a risk.

"Why are you helping me?"

Ergus spread his hands: "Anyway, I have nowhere to go... Although I can't defeat the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, he can't do anything to me. At most, he can lock me up. The elemental plane adheres to neutrality, and he will never do it. Hand me over to other planes.

It's just stealing something from him, not invading his elemental plane. After being locked up for a long time, they naturally released me.

As for you...whether it's life or death, I can give Daliang a clear answer. "

Although Ergus had a tough talk, Joyce could still feel that he was actually concerned about his safety. Perhaps Ergus subconsciously regards himself as a trustworthy companion, but he is not willing to admit it yet.

Joyce did not refuse Ergos. If the Golden Crow's lair was really as huge and dangerous as he said, with a 16th-level Hell Lord King accompanying him, the chances of successfully obtaining the air magic book would definitely be high.

"Thank you, Ergus."

Ergus said in a light tone: "I only went to the Golden Crow's lair once, and it was a portal opened by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. Therefore, you still need to find the magic rainbow yourself. If you can't find it... everything is empty talk.

I am not qualified to let the Nine-Headed Golden Crow open the portal for me. "

Joyce looked down at the various lines on the chart, drew a red line on it, and said, "I will definitely find the magic rainbow."

While Joyce was searching for the magic rainbow on the ocean of elements, Da Liang was searching for the answer he wanted in the endless maze, torch tower after torch tower.

All the Flame Commanders in the Flame Temple at the top of the Torch Tower were surprised by the body of the Flame Commander Da Liang, and were curious about his ability to leave the Torch Tower he was guarding, but none of the Flame Commanders could provide clues to Da Liang.

Until Da Liang walked into a strange flame temple.

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